How do you know her?

"I don't believe it." Adrian shook his head in shock as he saw the two red lines. 

How can a random kit give them a result just like that?

"I think we should consult the doctor," Adrian said, quickly dashing out of the washroom to call Clara's doctor.

Clara, on the other hand, remained silent and fixed her gaze on the pregnancy kit. It was the third kit they used and the results were the same.

"I don't think it would lie thrice," Clara muttered to herself only to get snapped out by Adrian's storming foot.

"It's ringing?" he said looking at Clara.

"Hello, doctor-" Clara kept staring at Adrian's lips while everything he said turned mute.

Her thoughts strayed to the three results they saw, and something inside her confirmed that she was indeed pregnant and that the call had not been a hoax.