Let me feel you for the last time

Following Regina's unsuccessful attempt to persuade Clara, she stormed into the house and made her way directly to Alexander's room.

Before he could kick them out of the house, she had to persuade him. Benson, however, prevented her from encroaching on his room when she arrived.

"Know your place, Benson. Did you forget whom you are stopping?" Regina shouted at the butler, but he refused to let her pass him.

Benson was very obedient to his master's orders, and Alexander had warned them quite sternly that he did not want any disturbance.

Regina was unable to see her father, no matter how much she wanted to.

"I apologize, Miss Young, but Master would rather not see anyone. He strictly forbade anyone to disturb him at this hour," Benson graciously declined, which infuriated Regina even more. She stormed off to her room, glaring murderously at the butler.