Knows everything

A deafening silence filled the room, with Abby expectantly waiting for some reaction from James.

But a minute went by with him saying nothing.

Abby felt her heart sink, thinking that perhaps James was going to break up with her because he could not handle the truth. Why, after all, would he live with someone incapable of bearing him a child?

Abby did not want any of her fears to come true, but she could not make James stay in this marriage if living alone was her destiny.

"It's okay if you want to end this marriage. I will never blame you for anything. You can leave me and find someone capable of giving you a family. A lonely life is what a barren woman like me deserves." Abby carefully released her hands from his hold and stood to walk away.

"Is this all you have to say?" Abby stopped walking after hearing James's words and turned to look at him painfully.