That's a secret

Cassandra nodded, taking Emily's words to heart.

"I haven't been a good mother, nor I could keep up my marriage, which is why I happened to do things that I shouldn't. Despite having such a great family to support me, I expected more and started neglecting the good in my life. However, having realized my mistakes, I want to be the wonderful mother Vincent always imagined."

Emily smiled as she saw Cassandra's determination dripping through her words.

"You will be a good mother, Cassandra," she said with an encouraging tone.


Derek had just entered the eatery when he noticed Drake near the coffee maker.

"So you are planning to bring Nathalie home to introduce her to the family?" he inquired, grabbing Drake's interest. Drake then depressed the button and faced Derek.

Drake leaned against the island and said, "Yes, but she seems a little nervous."