I don't know what to do

Sitting inside a restaurant, Cassandra waited for someone while she continued to look at the time every now and then.

As she turned to look at the time once more, she heard a voice and looked up to see her son walking to the table.

"I hope the wait was not too long for you." Vincent asked, his expression pitying her, and sat down across from her.

"Well, it has only been ten minutes, but that is alright. I will wait as long as my son wants to," she remarked with a smile.

Vincent, unaccustomed to Cassandra's kind words, returned the smile with awkwardness.

"Anyway, why did you ask me to meet here? You could have gone directly to the Emerson Mansion," Cassandra remarked, perplexed as to Vincent's initial decision to meet her outside, especially early in the morning.

"Given that you expressed a desire to know me better, I thought it would be a good idea to start with taking Cassandra out for breakfast," he said seriously.