Ch 58: Destroying The Future Path

"What? What is going on? Why can't I move?"

Ye Xiao was frieghtend. From the fierce aura Yu Rong was emitting and the way she acted just now, coupled with his own gut feeling, Ye Xiao knew he was in danger. He has no idea why Yu Rong wants to harm him, but he knew if he does not escape now, he would be thoroughly destroyed.

However, how could he escape when being locked down by a monster like Yu Rong? He could not even imagine the extent of her strength.

All he could do is helplessly see Yu Rong pointing her finger at his glabella.



The moment her finger touched the space between Ye Xiao's brows, two sounds rang out. When the first sound rang out, Ye Xiao felt a terrifying energy invading his newly evolved Chaos Divine Sea. And when the next sound rang out, the Chaos Divine Sea exploded.
