Ch 67: Primordial Chaos Grand Mysteries (2)

"What is this place?"

After Ye Xiao calmed down, he asked.

Yu Tian explained, "You should already know that there are seven Forbidden Grounds in Chaos. These seven Forbidden Grounds are being controlled by seven overlord forces of Chaos. Aside from these seven Forbidden Grounds, there are two unique Forbidden Grounds and one Sacred Forbidden Ground."

"The Sacred Forbidden Ground is one of its kind. There is only one in the entire Chaos, and it is being controlled by the most powerful race called Spiritas Race."

"The two unique Forbidden Grounds are the Land of Nine Hells and Land of No Return. The Land of Nine Hells is a land where Abyssals reside. As for Land of Nine Hell, this entire Land is a death zone. And I am currently trapped in this Land of No Return, the second unique forbidden ground."