Ch 113: Absolute Darkness Emperor Sutra

The remnant soul of the Demon Emperor told Ye Xiao many things related to Nine Abyss, Abyssals, and Abyssal Energy. His understanding of the Nine Abyss was derived from the book left behind by the person of Spiritas Race.

Before the remnant soul disappeared, Demon Emperor gave Ye Xiao the cultivation technique he had created with his understanding of Dark Force. This cultivation technique is also the most suitable technique when it comes to Dark Attributes. After all, it was derived using the Dark Force as the core and Dark Source Crystal as a reference.

The most terrifying attribute of this cultivation technique was that it could grow the more Dark Energy Ye Xiao absorb inside his body by circulating the cultivation technique. At the same time, this cultivation technique could absorb all kinds of dark-attributed energy such as Darkness, Baleful Energy, Blood Energy, Fiendish Energy, Demonic Energy, Abyssal Energy, Corrosive Energy, and more.