Ch 115: Event Of The Past

Ye Xiao stored a large amount of Fiery Crystals in his spatial ring and started thinking about what his next step should be.

Should he look for the treasure which could boost one's comprehension or should he first swallow to witness the events of history?

In the end, Ye Xiao decided to first witness the events of history. Although it is slightly risky, he still decided to take the risk.

Surprisingly, the moment he swallowed the red crystal, his consciousness become blurry, and when the haze in front of his eyes disappeared, he witnessed a shocking scene.

In the center of a canyon, he saw hundreds of Chaos Beasts and humans fighting frantically. From time to time, Heavenly Demons also appeared and participated in the battle. However, whenever a Heavenly Demon appeared, both humans and Chaos Beasts would first choose to kill the Heavenly Demon before continuing their battle.