Ch 137: A Few More Mysteries

From the moment Ye Xiao had seen that group of people, a hint of disgust appeared in his heart that originated from his Heavenly Demon Bloodline.

And even though he had killed them all, that disgusting feeling was still there.

Why is that?

Ye Xiao has no idea. But he wanted to know. Thus he slowly walked toward one of the dead people.

As he closed the distance, the feeling of disgust was constantly increasing in his heart. And when he completely arrived in front of the corpse, he was shocked to discover that his bloodline had started going on a rampage. His eyes turned scarlet and if not for his incredibly firm will, he would have already transformed into a Heavenly Demon.

"Why is this happening?"

Ye Xiao frowned and placed his hand on the corpse.

As soon as he placed his hand, his mind buzzed a little and then a memory that seems to be coming from the very bloodline appeared in his mind.