Ch 147: Black Wolf Gang

"I didn't expect this. You. You are not human, you are a monster!"

In the Formation God Tower, Gu Tianhao took a deep breath and spoke in a shaking voice. 

Ye Xiao could be seen standing in front of him with a smile on his face. He was truly very happy, for he has already become a Level 6 Formation Master in just three months.

It has been three months since he issued a challenge, and in these three months, he went far ahead than promised. His challenge was to become a Level 5 Formation Master from Level 3 in three months. Surprisingly, he actually became a Level 6 Formation Master.

How did he do it?

There was a simple reason; the Comprehension Herbs.

These herbs could boost a person's comprehensive ability for a certain period of time.

During these three months, Ye Xiao not only used his Eyes of Insight to gain insight, but he also used a few Comprehensive Herbs to obtain more than a satisfactory result.