Ch 176: Bone Powder

"You guys block his left and right sides. Don't let him escape." Bo Zhan said seriously.

"Leader, this Winged Tiger is not easy to deal with. If it wants to escape, we might not be able to stop it." Bo Yuan said.

The speed of this Winged Tiger was very fast. If it wants to escape, even a Major Saint might not be able to catch up to them.

"What do you have in mind?" Bo Zhan frowned.

"Leader, the last time we met the Winged Tiger, it ran away. Ever since that time, I always have some 'special' bone powder on me that could anger the Winged Tiger and make it attack us instead of running away." Bo Yuan said with a cold smile.

"You have 'that' bone powder on you? Then hurry up and take it out." Bo Zhan said in surprise.

"Leader, isn't it a waste to take the bone powder out like this? We can set up a bait and surround it in the middle. At that time, even if it wants to escape, it probably won't be able to." Bo Yuan narrowed his eyes and said.