Ch 268: Queen Or Not? (1)

Ye Xiao looked at his surroundings. All he could see here was tall bamboo everywhere. However, there was something off about these bamboos.

"Aren't they have too much vitality for bamboo?"

Other than too much vitality, Ye Xiao also noticed purple sparks flashing on these bamboos from time to time. Whenever these sparks flashed, they seemed to carry a special rule. However, because they stayed only for a mere moment, Ye Xiao could not tell what kind of rule it was. But he was sure that this rule was very special.

He started walking forward while carefully observing the bamboo forest.

A while later, Ye Xiao's steps froze. A dazed expression could be seen on his face as he kept looking ahead.

Not far from him, an extremely beautiful girl could be seen looking at him with a smile.