Ch 273: Elder Mo & Ren Yunfeng

"Cough! Cough!"

A cough suddenly sounded in the air. The cough was not loud, but it was faint. Everyone present felt as if their souls had been struck by a heavy hammer.

In an instant, the geniuses no longer looked down on Ling Tianhao. They all looked toward the source of the sound and saw that in a corner, the space was torn apart like a curtain.

The next moment, a thin old man with a yellowish face and a bent back walked out of the crack. He looked like a candle in the wind, as if he could be extinguished by a gust of wind.

However, this old man, who seemed to have already stepped out of the coffin, made Ling Tianhao frown. He could feel the aura of death from this old man. It was as if he was facing a terrifying ancient beast. He was ten times, or even a hundred times stronger than Elder Ye Nantian. It was unknown whether he could even survive in this old man's hands.

A person who has surpassed the Chaos Sovereign Realm.