Ch 318: Zhao Family: A Strange Family

The sky gradually darkened.

In the dark night, the stars dotted the sky with light.

Although it was already close to midnight, the outside was still brightly lit. Although it was much colder compared to the daytime, one could still occasionally see a few pedestrians passing by.

On the road, the vendors had already gradually closed their stalls. Only after midnight did the number of people on the road finally decrease.

At the same time, Ye Xiao also opened the door to his room and directly walked out of the inn. After looking around, he headed directly to the center of the city, which was near the northeast.

The Zhao Family of Red Moon City was one of the eight great families of Red Moon City, so the area they occupied was naturally bustling with activity.

When Ye Xiao arrived at the Zhao Family residence, he discovered that it was still brightly lit.