Ch 344: Another Rule Source Crystal In Hand

Ye Xiao continued to gaze at the treasures, while Fang Yun continued explaining about them.

Transitioning from one spacious hall to another inside the treasury, Ye Xiao had to admit that this treasury lived up to its name; it was filled with all kinds of treasures.

Upon entering the fifth spacious hall, Ye Xiao finally found what he had come for. In fact, if not for the remaining Lotus of Chaos, he might not have found it at all. The Rule Source Crystal was sealed inside a strange wooden box, preventing even a hint of its aura from leaking out. Even Ye Xiao's attempt to use his Divine Sense to penetrate the box was unsuccessful, as it was sealed with layers upon layers of Divine Inscriptions.

Seeing Ye Xiao focused on the strange little box, Fang Yun spoke, "This is a kind of Mystery Box my father found when he was still just an ordinary Chaos Overlord Saint Realm beast."