Ch 250: Ye Xiao & Queen (?????)

The Chaos Tree is a colossal tree that birthed Chaos.

Several legends revolve around the Tree of Chaos in Chaos. According to one of them, the Tree of Chaos boasts a total of 108 branches, harmonizing with the Rules of Chaos.

The Tree of Chaos's location is not known to anyone.

Some legends posit that the Tree of Chaos hides within Chaos, concealed from the eyes of all creatures. Meanwhile, others claim it resides beyond Chaos, quietly safeguarding the Chaos from external threats.

The majority of people choose to accept the second legend, contending that Chaos originates from the Tree of Chaos. They argue that it is implausible for the Tree of Chaos to be situated inside Chaos.

How could a mother exist within the body of her child?

It is simply impossible.

However, unbeknownst to everyone, they were wrong. Both legends regarding the Tree of Chaos's location are incorrect.