Sights to See in the Capital

Albert Ashbourned's condition grew better in the days that passed. It was already the second week after Talia used her power to steal away his pain. Everything has finally gone to how it was before. Aside from Lily, who had to follow her husband, Tom, to the piece of land that they received from her parents to farm, Talia's other friends were still the same and they didn't forget to include her on their outings.

The Ashbourne family hasn't been doing well nowadays. Every week, a maid or a male servant would be leaving the front entrance with their severance payment. Their family could no longer afford to keep the many servants and maids in the manor. Albert was unfit to go outside due to his strange condition. His wife and Gilbert forbid him from going out for fear that the affliction would attack him again.

Even though Albert wished and desired to go outside so he could keep the family from starving and having their entire estate stolen from the hands of their debtors, he could only weakly watch on as all the precious items and treasures that he had inherited from his uncle was sold for a cheaper price just to put warm food on their table.

Talia once offered to work to help the family's funds from being completely gone. However, Krestel and Albert stopped her and told her that she was now a member of the Ashbourne family. A lady who came from a noble family shouldn't suggest working for another. It wasn't that it was a shameful thing for her to do, but because she had done so much for them that they didn't want to ask anything else from her anymore.

Thus, the couple had sent Talia with the other girls to stay in the capital city, Roake. Thanks to Lotte, who had covered all the needed expenses, she was able to come with them and enjoy the vibrant colors of the city as well as the joy that seemed to be influencing everyone around the city.

Without their strict parents nagging them, the girls were happy to go along with the events that were taking place in the city.

As the night grew darker, Lotte's brother, who had acted as their chaperone and guard, looked at the four girls and sighed, "As much as I desire to look around the city with all of you. There will be dangers in the night and I don't want to be held accountable for any mishaps that might occur if you stay outside. So all of you ladies will have to return to the inn that had been rented out for you to stay."

"And what about you, Lucas?" Lotte stared at him in frustration. "Are you staying out tonight?"

"You've grown clever, my dear little sister." Lucas laughed and rubbed her hair before he severely said, "I am going with my friends tonight. We already have our plans arranged for us. And before any of you ask, I cannot bring any or even one of you with me."

Isabelle pouted, "But we want you to stay a bit longer with us."

Lucas glanced at the girl who just spoke and saw her blushing when she met his eyes. He coughed and said, "We will continue our little journey outside tomorrow. Tonight, stay inside your rooms and do not open it unless it is me."

The girls could only agree with him. They were only allowed to go to the capital because Lucas, a Royal Knight, was there to guard their safety. If he hadn't agreed to take them after much persuasion on Lotte's part, they wouldn't be able to witness the brilliant and beautiful city that was hidden away from them from the little town they lived in.

Since there was nothing else to do, Talia turned around to follow the other girls into the inn, but before she could enter the door, she heard Lucas speaking behind her.

"Talia." He called her. And when she looked at him with her eyebrow raised, he said, "Take care of my sister."

"We will take care of her." She stared back at him.

"As if the other girls really cared about my sister." Lucas shook his head. "You're the only one who really cares about everyone. I know my words might sound a bit rude to say this about my sister's friends, but I know they only stand beside my sister because of our family."

Talia was surprised that he confided in her. She hadn't done anything to receive this honor for him to trust her so. However, seeing how sincere and serious he was while speaking of his sister's safety.

So, she nodded and replied, "I will look after her. Now, go before your friends leave you."

Lucas gazed at the silver-haired girl in front of him. He was tempted to brush his fingers in her hair and see what it feels like when he does that. However, he couldn't look at his sister's friend in that way.

Amongst the many friends his sister had in their town, only Talia hadn't shown any interest in him nor the wealthy background of their Roshan family that was a distant relative of the royal family in the Kingdom of Clythia. Previously, he had doubted her only because she suddenly arrived in the town and became a member of the Ashbourne family. Then, she became friends with his sister, Lotte.

Lucas was subtle when he started to look out for Talia, trying to gauge any of her actions that may harm his sister like her other friends, Penny and Isabelle, the lot who has nothing better to do but to speak ill and gossip other's private matters. But contrary to his expectations and to his disappointment, Talia never showed any interest in the gossip around their town nor did she show any clues of admiring him like how Isabella had been staring at him in pining.

When Talia entered the inn, the boisterous laughter of the other inn-goers and customers filled her ears. She smiled a greeting at the inn owner before moving her way to find her room.

After almost a month of peace and normal days, she hadn't been thinking of that night. She went back to her usual routine. And honestly, Talia wanted for her life to stay that way forever.

Talia proceeds to march into her room and just when she inserted the key to her room, a shrill scream broke the peaceful night. The sound had come from the other side of the corridor, where Lotte and Penny's room was located.

Abandoning her room to run to the other direction where the scream had sounded, Talia prayed that nothing had happened to the girls.

"Lotte! Penny!" Talia screamed their names on top of her lungs. As she passed by Isabella's room which was closer to the stairs and located in the middle of the corridor, the person herself also emerged from the room and they almost bumped with each other.

"What happened?" Isabelle questioned with panic lacing through her voice.

Talia shook her head. "I don't know. Let's go and see."

Isabelle hesitated for a bit, but when she saw Talia striding forward, she could only force herself to come along.

"Lotte! Penny!" Talia continued to call out their names. The scream from earlier had already disappeared, but she persisted on making sure that everybody was alright.

Fortunately, Penny and Lotte were fine. They weren't the ones who had screamed earlier and also heard it, but were too scared to come out. They only went out of their rooms when they heard Talia and Isabelle shouting outside their doors.

"Where could that shout come from?" Penny nervously bit her lips as she glanced around the second floor. "There couldn't be an accident, right?"

Talia shook her head, "I'm not too sure myself."

They had just arrived at the capital. It was their first time in such an unfamiliar place. It was even more rare for Talia to come outside due to her identity. Hence, she was not sure whether the scream was a part of the city's entertainment or was there really an accident?