Lord Caesar Grey (1)

The ride to the manor was bumpy and long, but gradually it became smooth as they passed several buildings and houses that had better environments. Unlike how it was in the area where the inn was situated, the road up to the manor was in perfect condition.

The carriage horses suddenly pulled into a stop in front of a steel gate beside it. Behind the gates was a huge manor that looked like a castle where there was another path that led to a fountain and to the front door of the manor.

The gates were pulled open by two guards with a muscular build. Then, the carriage continued to roll forward towards where the front door was and where there were a few servants and maids were already waiting for them.

"Young master Lucas, Young miss Lotte. We welcome you to the manor." All the servants and the maids simultaneously bowed at the two, completely ignoring the presence of the three other young ladies that stood behind them.

A man that didn't look much older suddenly clasped his hand on Lucas' shoulder and said, "It has been quite a while since we've seen each other, Lucas. You should have told me sooner of your arrival."

Lucas showed a smile on his lips and replied, "I wasn't trying to hide from you. I was only afraid I would be forced into another round of ballrooms. My feet have already suffered enough."

The slightly older man laughed, not commenting on how his cousin was displeased by just the thought of being pushed into several ballrooms by their many aunts and uncles. Then, his gaze finally wandered to the other ladies that came with his cousins.

"And who, if I may ask, are these lovely ladies you have brought with you?" asked Lucas' cousin.

Lotte stepped aside to let her cousin get a proper view of her friends and she happily said, "These are my friends back at home." She then started to point at them in turn, "May I present Miss Dankworth, Miss Taylor, and Miss Ashbourne. This is Lord Caesar Grey."

Lord Grey bowed to each of them in turn, slowly and elegantly which the ladies returned with a curtsy. "I am charmed to meet everyone."

"As do we," said the young ladies with a flattering blush.

"It is already so late. We must hurry inside before we all freeze up on this cold night." Lord Grey waved his hand and all the servants moved to receive his order. "Have our guests settled in their rooms. Make sure they are well served in your service."

"Yes, My lord."

The head butler bowed deeply as he signalled the other servants with his eyes.

"My lady, please follow me to your room," said a maid.

Talia looked at the maid and said her thanks before following her. She didn't say anything when Lotte and Lucas stayed behind with their cousin, unlike Isabelle who showed a very eager and heated gaze in their direction. Even the silent Penny seemed to eye Lord Grey.

"Why didn't Lotte tell us that she knew someone as great as Lord Grey?" Isabelle said with a sour look on her face.

Penny nodded slightly as she added, "Lotte didn't even ask us to stay behind with them. I'm sure they are already heading somewhere in the manor without us."

Talia didn't speak as she followed the maid in front of her. But she noticed the disdainful looks that had crossed the three maids that had guided them to their rooms. It was expected. In their eyes, they were nothing but country bumpkins that were given a chance to stay at the lavish manor of their lordship. Even if their families had some titles in their names, it was probably still too inferior from their employer.

The maids led them to their rooms on the second floor after ascending the staircase. Since they weren't given a shared room, Talia has all the room for herself, she surprisingly liked it for the peace of her mind. Being in the same room with Penny or Isabelle would have been disastrous for her.

The maid that tagged along with her in the room placed her small suitcase on the carpeted floor next to the bed. "I will be returning to my station downstairs. If you have something you wish for me to do, please ring that bell on top of the table next to your bed and I will be with you here."

Talia stopped looking around the room to turn to the maid.

"Thank you…" Talia trailed while staring at the maid.

"Matilda, My Lady," the maid supplied her name.

"I don't need anything for now. You can retire, Matilda," said Talia with a sweet voice before turning her gaze back at the room before her.

The maid raised her head to look at the young lady before her and was slightly surprised. From her toe to her head, the lady didn't act like the other young ladies, who were slightly rude with their words and couldn't keep their eyes to themselves. Rather, she had a peculiar air that didn't seem to match her status.

They had been prepared and alerted of the identities of Young Miss Lotte's friends. So, Matilda naturally knew that Miss Ashbourne was not of any noble descent. Instead she was adopted into the Ashbourne family, and amongst the other ladies, she was the only one who could be suspected of being a lowborn.

And yet, she couldn't shake the strange feeling that was starting to rise from within her. Perhaps, Miss Ashbourne just learned from the best etiquette teacher? Matilda didn't keep thinking about this as she turned to leave the room.

Once the door was closed shut, Talia stopped looking around and went to sit on the bed. After a day of walking a small part of the city, it tired her so much that her legs were starting to protest at her in pain.

Since they weren't invited downstairs with his lordship and Lotte and her brother, Talia decided to sleep. She blew the fire on a candle that was on the side of the bed and leaned her head on the pillow. Her body was laid on top of the soft bed as she looked at the ceiling.

She was glad that nothing had happened to them and the scream was nothing but just someone making a ruckus next to the inn. Tomorrow, the day will be clearer and she will be moving around the city to sightsee again.

And as beautiful as her plan for tomorrow was, Talia couldn't help but think about the man she had met a few months ago before she completely drifted off to her sleep.