
Talia didn't know what to expect or think at this point. When she saw that man two days ago standing next to the mother she had grown to like, all her senses had started screaming at her. 

Donning a petulant air, she kept herself locked inside her room, not wanting to meet the 'guest' that had entered their doors. A strong desire to flee was all that was in her mind. It was a strange thing to feel, but she had no way to comprehend what was happening either. 

She obviously had seen Mr. Wrathe inside her dreamland, disillusioning herself that he was a product of her imagination of what her mate would look like if he had revealed his appearance to her. But never had she expected for the real person to appear before her. 

Secretly, she pulled in a maid inside her room during those two days of confining herself. She had asked the maid how did Mr. Wrathe arrived in their humble manor and what other detail she could find out about the man.