
The next day, Gilbert set out to the next village with a few servant boys in the manor to secure meat to be eaten in winter. Papa had finally gotten out of the bed which he had been bedridden into for a couple of months now. And it was all thanks to Mr. Wrathe, who stood beside him with a polite smile on his lips. 

When the group had already left, Albert pulled Talia to his side when everyone went inside the manor. His face was still pale, but he could now walk by himself with the help of a wooden cane he was holding in his hand. 

Due to increasing troubling matters she had to take care of before winter arrived, Talia barely saw her father. Hence, when he grabbed her wrist to stop her from marching forward with the others, a sweet smile was already on her lips as she looked at him. 

"I am ashamed." Albert suddenly told her.