His Services (2)

"...I didn't call you here." 

"I know." Lyssander rounded the desk that separated the two of them to stand beside her. And before she could stop him, he held out his hand and asked, "Where does it hurt?" 

Talia stared at him for a second before saying, "It isn't that painful, but my job as the temporary ruler of the manor is giving me a headache." 

She fought the urge to send him away and let him do his job as a doctor. Since it was the maid, Janice, who made such a decision to send the doctor to her instead of looking for some medicinal herbs or pill to ease her pain, she might as well take this chance to see how great Lyssander's skill in healing people. 

"Would you mind sitting on that couch over there?" asked Lyssander as his finger pointed at the only couch in the room. 

Talia didn't think much of it and agreed. She thought that being in the right position would help him heal her better.