Merging Prom

"Ah, you are beyond saving. Because he will kill you as he said. But if you can master it before you meet, that will be your solution!"

[You better]

Noah had entertained the idea of escaping but he found that everyone is Rank 0 in the ship. No his dismay, he was in the command ship, where the king was and his elite forces.

Even a cleaner is Rank 0 which shattered noah reality and it powers.

[Kings Landings is behind anything you knew]

"I want to use training room!" He asked his caretaker, he was also the scribe. The man laughed and took him to the chamber. It was 10 time better than Lord Chmaber Training in Bank City.

Noah sat and began with meditation, he indeed needed to master Sword Prom and Body Prom before he should delve into any skill as it might hinder him.

As it will take 10 days before they reached a land, from then they will traverse on it to reached Sessame city, he most achieve master in that time.