Chapter 1: Fallen

It all started at the end...

My story ended five years ago; I caught the villains, I completed my journey, I became the best, and I brought peace to the world. However... Let me just be perfectly clear, what happened after was not my fault.

"Can you believe Cheodain was flattened, our continent's capital city at that?" asked one of the two women who stood with their backs facing me in the grocery store line. She was referring to whatever had appeared on the news last night.

"I think those so-called 'heroes' allowed the city to reach this state before intervening so they could rebuild the capital and have it all to themselves. After all, the only building left standing was their base," the other woman spoke, leaving her counterpart visibly shocked. "That can't be; their base was many times sturdier than the other buildings in the city because 'Cryptic' built it, and you should be thankful to those 'heroes.' They prioritized the lives of the citizens over the buildings; remember no one died in the incident, not to mention your son lives in the area?" woman #2 defended.

"Of course, no one died. That's only because they have consciences, and if they had done their jobs right, my son's house would still be standing, and he wouldn't be living-"

"Next!" the cashier called, cutting her off.

"They're making their base larger and relocating the citizens to better protect us next time a bunch of villains feel the need to attack the agency," woman #2 spoke as she cashed her items in a tone mixed with exhaustion and finality.

"Okay, whatever, but they wouldn't have to be doing all this if the Number 1 didn't run off. I bet she's off on some island having fun," the first woman commented, her voice full of malice. In response, I took a shaky breath.

'The fuck does she know—people who live in places like this should never speak down on anyone else.' The 'town' of Mene-bon was more of a glorified outpost, seeing that there were no roads and barely any buildings. People had to walk on dirt trails with tents lining both sides, housing various merchants and salesmen selling all sorts of things. Mene-Bon is the smallest territory within Erthos and the farthest away from the capital, a hotspot for the unawakened. It has no guilds, and the city's "leaders" refuse support from the hero agency. Therefore, many parts are underdeveloped and ridden with petty crimes.

"It's been five years since anyone's seen her; she might be dead. There was no reason to keep hoping she'll just magically show up and solve all our problems," the second woman stated dryly before leaving the store.

After cashing out, I left the store and made my way back to my apartment. The streets were uneven, rugged, and trodden, with puddles of water that could be seen all across them, telltale signs of the rain that fell earlier this morning, long replaced by the glimmering sun. I felt it before but now I'm sure, I'm being watched, more like stalked. It didn't take me long to pinpoint the location of my stalkers.

"'Go get some fresh air,' he said. 'The convenience store in the alley isn't far from the house, what's the worst that could happen,' he said." Thinking back on it now, I really should have known better, but guess what? I went to the convenience store, bought an orange juice, and the second that I stepped out of the convenience store, I got trapped in a pocket dimension.

[Ability: Pocket Dimension.]

A small personal space, complete with its own environment or world in which the owner has absolute control over its aspects.

I must have let my aura slip inside the store. Even if I did, it must have only been for a split second. The people leading this sad excuse for a search party are no doubt exceptional. This will be fun.

1, 2, 3... 32 of them. Five B-class, twenty-four A-class, and two S-class heroes.

"Fallen!" I gave no reaction to the large male screaming my name; I should've known it was him. For a brief moment, I considered ignoring the man altogether, but that would be no fun. I'll just kill them all. "...the chairman is requesting your presence."

The man infront of me, Standing at about 5'11", has rare white hair and voilet eyes. Which tells me exactly who he is.

"Goodness, don't tell me you brought all these people here just to tell me that, Zero?"

"Well, we wouldn't want to underestimate the rank one, now would we," one of the A-class heroes answered in a low tone. He's the new super rookie, I believe; he's been all over the TV, but for the life of me, I could not recall his name.

The only ones in the group recognized were the two S-Class heroes: Cryptic and Zero.

[Zero; Class: S; Rank #11; Name: Mason; Affinity: Alteration; Ability: Spatial Control]

[Cryptic; Class: S; Rank #5; Name: Faye; Affinity: Psychokinesis; Abilities: Cyberkinesis]

"I'd appreciate it if you didn't call me that; I am no longer the number one hero, love. I gave up that title a very long time ago," I corrected.

"That changes nothing; you haven't stepped down, and you haven't been replaced. But you don't have to worry about it; next year this time, I'll be the one with that title." The moment the super rookie said that, I squinted; it was a barely noticeable glitch. Thinking back to the last time I heard those words and the dopamine rush I felt after I pulled the guy's tongue from his throat.

Taking one step and appearing in front of the male, I swung my hand; my nails made a clean, fierce stab, piercing the boy's neck. He stared at me, wide-eyed, as tears streamed down his face, and he choked weakly on his blood before taking his last breath.

"I hate annoying men." A deafening silence befell the dimension. All the color drained from the heroes' faces as they held their breath. They might've been heroes, but most of them have never killed anything. Mostly because it's against the rules of the hero association. Like kids, they would stay far, far away and cover their ears as the S-class heroes did all the association's dirty work.

Surprise flared on Zero's face. "Stay on your toes; that woman was announced the number 1 hero when she was only 17."

"The Director told us to bring you back using any means necessary," Cryptic spoke for the first time in an unusually monotonous voice as she stepped closer to where I stood. It was the first time I was actually looking at her since I arrived in the pocket dimension.

"If the old man wanted me back, he would have come and dragged me back himself, but feel free to try."

"I don't want to use force if I don't have to," Cryptic stated, "but if you're not going to come back quietly, then I'll have no choice."

In response to her threat, I gave an amused snort, "You? Force me? With what power?" Cryptic stared at me with dead eyes for a few seconds before taking a step towards me again preparing to use her powers.

Faye Lauren Whyte, also known as Cryptic, is a 19-year-old S-Class hero, Standing at a petite 5'3, Her hair is a deep shade of midnight black, often styled in childish ways that would make you think she's manic. Her eyes give her away though, they are an intense shade of emerald green, sharp and piercing.

"... I didn't... Èlucidé listen... please come back..." Zero interpreted softly trying to calm the situation.

"We don't have time for this," one of the B-class heroes said, stepping forward to try and grab me but before he could his head flew off his body.

'You should've killed them all and left already.' At that moment, in her mind, an impatient female voice rang out with a teasing tone. Although the voice sounded heavenly, there was a terrifying evilness to it. However, Èlucidé had been long acquainted with her familiar's voice.

"Look, i'm going to leave to portal to headquarters open. Follow through if you want." The hero Zero sighed then lifted his index and middle fingers, dragging them vertically the air in front of her. It rippled, and the very fabric of reality began to tear, revealing nothing but darkness inside. Stepping through, Zero vanished from sight. Èlucidé chuckled to herself and followed mason in with to Cryptic and the other heroes following after him.