6. Deaths


It had been a couple of days since Derek bumped into that girl and I saw the other one that I couldn't stop thinking about since that day. She was a beautiful girl, with light brown hair and blue eyes, tall and thin lips. From the moment I see her, I no longer give the slightest intention to the discussion both Derek and the girl were having.

I don't know what's wrong with me with that girl. Her voice is the sweetest I've ever heard in my life. The girl had it all, but of course, the asshole of Derek has to open his mouth to say stupid things that seem to bother her and ends up leaving the cafeteria and I can't help but go check on her and make sure she's okay, because she really looked upset. As soon as I got there and talked to her, I could tell she didn't like me being there and she quickly becomes defensive, which makes me wonder what is wrong with her that reacts that way.

At this moment, I was in the car with Derek going to the office since reports of shots being heard in different areas of the city had begun to appear, so we assume the war had started. Some rumours say the Titano wants to take revenge on the Russians for something they did to someone in his family, it's said his daughters, but as far as we know, he has no daughters, he had a son who died, but nothing else. I was so deep in my thoughts that I forgot Derek was in the car with me.

"You were shocked the other day by the girl, huh." he said, and in his voice, I could hear the smile he had "What are you talking about?" I asked without taking my eyes off the road. "I've seen you looking at Megan's sister." I rolled my eyes, because sometimes Derek could be insufferable. "Which you annoyed with what you said."

"I didn't say anything bad, just the truth. Shit, they still have bad temper." He said, and even though I didn't understand why they were like this, I knew something had happened to them. Every minute I saw them, they were tense "They don't have a bad mood, it only occurs to you to throw the coffee on one sister and bother another with the bullshit you say."

"I didn't say anything but the truth. All the boys wanted them in high school and the moment someone dared to touch them, they would beat them up." It is true they were beautiful, especially Megan's sister, but that did not give anyone the right to devour them with our eyes, clearly that was something that bothered them, even now. "And you didn't think maybe they have a reason for that?" I said looking away from the road for a couple of seconds.

"What reason are they going to have? They have all the money in the world and they are their father's babies basically. Everyone knows that." He said, but just because they had a millionaire father didn't mean it brought them happiness and I knew that better than anyone "Money doesn't make happiness, Derek, I can assure you."

"Sometimes I forget that you're a rich kid too, but it's not the same." I frowned because I had no idea what he was talking about, not everyone who is born with money wanted it precisely "And why do you say that?" I asked out of curiosity, in the end he could know them better than me.

"Because they continue with their parents and live with them, while you earn your living with your work." For me, the fact they lived with their parents had nothing to do with it, and I understand even less how he knew that about them. "And who tells you that they don't work?" I asked "I doubt it. Look, explain to me what person in the world needs bodyguards with them at all hours in a high school where nothing happens."

Even though it was strange, my best friend from when I was little also had bodyguards around him at all times, but that was because his father worked in the government. "They will have their reasons."

"Yes, their father has lots and lots of money, those are the reasons. I understand they have them at the university." I don't understand less and less how he knew so much about the sisters. "And how do you know?"

"Well, because the classmates I went to high school with are at the same university as them. They don't hang out with anyone. It's just the two of them." Something told me what he was saying was not so true. He had told me not long ago that he didn't keep in touch with any of his high school classmates, but I decided not to ask him at this time.

"It gives me the feeling something happened to them, at least to the girl who was with whom you spilled the coffee on her." I said, because she was the one who was more tense of the two. "Her name is Alexandra. And can you explain to me what could have happened to fourteen-year-old and nineteen-year-old girls to have bodyguards?" he asked, which to me was a stupid question considering the crimes we see every day.

"Doesn't this job teach you enough to know how the world is? I don't even know how you're a DEA agent saying these things, Derek." I knew he had rolled my eyes, I didn't even need to see it, but the truth is it seemed stupid to me. "Because unlike you, I like to think the world is a beautiful place to live and nothing happens."

I denied because it was the stupidest thing. It may be there are good parts in the world, but it wasn't all good and it seemed stupid to me he thought the world was wonderful "Well, get that fantasy out of your head, because it's the opposite. It is a cruel place where people kill each other."

"I think you have a depressed outlook on life." He said as I parked the car "Because it is what it is. We better think of something that will help us avoid what is coming." I said focusing on work, in the end there would soon be a war in the streets if we didn't manage to avoid it before "It will be better."

As soon as we get to the office, we see there is a lot of commotion, which makes us look at each other, because we don't understand what all the commotion is about.

"What's going on?" I asked a colleague near us "The Russians have started shooting at a restaurant and there are many dead people." He said, making me look at the screen we had a few meters away "How do they shoot at a restaurant?" Derek asked.

"Yes, but not just any restaurant, but Francesco D'Angelo's." He said, and apparently that had to tell me something, but I have no idea what "And who is that supposed to be?" I asked and practically everyone turned in my direction, most of them looking offended.

"An Italian tycoon who owns a famous chain of restaurants. Apparently, the man tried to get them to get out of there and save their customers. He ended up dead like half the clientele." Said another coworker " Shit, this is getting out of hand." I started to turn to collect my things again "Let's go there and see what information we can get."

We took our bulletproof vests and went to the restaurant where the shooting took place. Upon arrival, several ambulances and forensics are seen. This time they've gone too far, these people weren't to blame for the shitty revenge they were carrying out against the Italian mafia, we had to stop these guys as soon as possible.

"How many people have died?" Derek asked walking into the restaurant. "More than half a restaurant, and with them the owner." We approached where the owner was, who had been shot in the shoulder and near the heart. I suppose he had drowned in his own blood, which was a horrible way to die. "What the fuck happened here?"

"From what the survivors say, a couple of black cars went by and started shooting left and right, then they went inside and started shooting everyone. Apparently, the owner tried to prevent this from happening, but they killed him on the way." Said the coroner "Poor man. We must start calling all the families of these people."

"That's what the police officers are doing right now." I denied it and started looking at the scene to see if we had any clues, which would be the most unlikely, but maybe we would have some prints on the bullets and it would help us confirm if the Russian mafia had reached Italy or not.

"Perfect, we better get to work to end this shit." Derek said, looking at the other part of the restaurant. "Is it true this is a settling of scores between the Italians and the Russians?" the coroner asked, but even though we didn't have the slightest idea, that's what it was pointing to. "It seems so."

"You have to end this before it gets worse." I nodded and kept looking for evidence among all the damage they had done. "That's what we're trying to do."

I was hoping to end this war before it got any worse, because apparently this war between the Italian and Russian mafia was going to be bloody. We had to find the reason for them and maybe it would help us find the reason they were going to start the war in the first place.


Since we arrived in New York I could see Alexandra very thoughtful and talking on the phone almost all the time since we arrived. I know Ale hadn't had a good time at Disneyland, everyone who got too close to us made her alert and ready to hit if necessary, and both me and Mom noticed that, but we didn't say anything to bother her anymore.

At this moment we were in the suite, Alison and Analissa watching TV and Ale in her room. Dad had made sure we all had our rooms and extra bodyguards so nothing would happen to us, but I don't know what Alexandra had done to convince dad to change them, something told me she was up to something, but I don't have a clue what she's going to do.

On the other hand, I have had a bad feeling in my body all day, as if something bad was going to happen to us, and along with what Ale was up to, made me become paranoid, so I decided to go to her room. to ask her directly, even though I know full well she won't tell me anything, but I hope I can discover something tells me what she's going to do. I left my room and went to Ale's, opened the door slowly and leaned against the frame.

"I don't know why I get the feeling tonight you won't stay in the room." I said trying to read my sister's reactions, but that was practically impossible coming from her "And what exactly does tell you Megan?" she asked sitting on the edge of the bed.

"I don't know, maybe you could change the bodyguards dad gave us with ones you trust and will do everything you tell them to?" It was rare for Ale to did, she had never done it. It may be New York is affecting her more than she expected, but I don't think it is, she seemed calmer than she was in Orlando.

"That has nothing to do with it." She got up to go look out the window while I went in and sat where she had been sitting a couple of seconds ago. "Of course, it has to do with it. You never changed the bodyguards dad sends us," I said, crossing my arms. "What are you doing here, Megan?"

"I have a bad feeling, Ale." That made her turn, letting me see something like concern, but I don't know why "What are you talking about?" she crossed her arms and leaned against the wall looking in my direction "I don't know, it's like something bad happened or is going to happen."

Alexandra sighed and sat next to me, putting her hand on my shoulders and pulling me closer to her, making me feel a little better. "Nothing is going to happen to us. The bodyguards are here to protect you all. I'd rather know what kind of people I have around me than Dad's," she said, and when she said the thing about protecting us, I knew she was up to something.

"So, you're going to tell me where you're going to get dressed like that? It reminds me of the clothes you wear when you train." I said pulling away from her, "I'm not going anywhere, Megan." She got up again and looked out the window. I don't know what she was up to, but something didn't give me a good feeling "You don't even believe that."

"Look Megan, I don't have time right now for your paranoia." She said going to the closet "It's not paranoid Ale. I know you and something tells me you're up to something" I said, standing up and crossing my arms. "It seems to me you are. Now stay here and take care of Alison."

"Where you're going? Weren't you going to go out?" I asked starting to get annoyed, because I hated when she kept things from me, it's not something we used to do and I didn't like it when she did it "I have to fix some business and go to one of dad's restaurants." She said picking up his backpack and putting it on her shoulder, "And if we go to the restaurant for dinner?" I asked trying to figure out how dangerous what I was going to do could be. "No way we're going out tonight, Megan."

"So, we're going to stay locked up in the hotel for the rest of the week?" I asked, because despite the fact this city terrified me, I wasn't going to stay locked up in the hotel all week "No, but I'm not going to take Alison out of the hotel at night, I remind you the Russians are looking for her"

I knew this was what worried her more than anything, and also, she would most likely not let Alison out of her sight for a single second, that's why I knew she was up to something when she left right now "But we won't let it happen to her." nothing." I said trying to calm Ale down about it.

"And that's why we won't go out at night in fucking New York." She said closing the topic "Just the opposite, to what you are going to do." Ale rolled her eyes while I crossed my arms in front of her trying somehow to prevent her from going out that door "I already told you I'm going to fix something and I'll be right back. I won't take that long. She said taking a deep breath and not getting angry. "And couldn't you postpone it for another day?"

Ale tended to be stubborn and always did what she wanted. I know no matter what I told her, she was going to go wherever she was going "No, I can't. Now I really have to go. See you later."

She left the room and left, but not before saying goodbye to Alison and Analissa. A couple of minutes later, I told my mom I was going out for a while and she told me to be careful. If Alexandra thought I was going to stay put, she was sorely mistaken. I wasn't going to sit idly by, because something told me she wasn't going to go to the restaurant as she said. I was about to leave the suite when one of Ale's bodyguards stopped me.

"Where do you think you're going, miss?" asked one of the bodyguards "To take a walk." I tried to turn around to go to the elevator, but one of them puts his hand on my shoulder "I'm sorry, but that can't happen." I turned slowly letting him see I was getting angry and it would be better if he took his hand off my shoulder before he ran out of hand directly "And why is that?"

"Miss D'Angelo's orders." He simply said "Don't you know who I am?" They both looked at each other, but it didn't take them long to focus their gaze on me again "Sure, Miss D'Angelo's sister, but she insisted no one enter or leave the suite, especially you."

If before I had the feeling Ale was going to do something she shouldn't, now I knew for sure she was going to do it, but what can't occur to me, and unless she tells me "You can't stop me from doing it." I crossed my arms. "I'm sorry, but I'm only following orders from Miss D'angelo."

"Fuck Miss D'angelo. I want to go out." I said preparing myself to do whatever it takes to get out of this hotel and find out where my sister was going "I'm not going to allow it, so I recommend you go into the suite and rest until your sister returns."

The bodyguard gave me a slight push and put me inside the suite, closing the door in my face. Angry, I go to my room without paying attention to the look my niece and my mother are giving me at this moment, and think of a plan to get out of here, because apparently Ale didn't want me to get out of here. I was more than clear I was going to follow her, she's too smart not to have noticed, but she wasn't going to let me win easily.

I wandered around the room for a couple of minutes, until I see some emergency stairs in the hotel across the street, so I suppose ours must have them too. I go to the window and see there are some, but there is also a bodyguard in them, so I walk around a couple more thinking about what I can do to follow Ale wherever she goes. When I come up with a plan, I slowly open the window, climb out of it, slowly approach him and punch him in the neck, leaving him unconscious for a few minutes.

I quickly go downstairs and, in the distance, I can see Ale with people around her. I get a little closer so I can hear what she's planning and when I'm close enough, I hide and pay attention.

"Miss, it's going to be hard not to hit the girls. If it is as you say, there will be a lot of people there and as soon as they hear shooting it will become chaos." Said one of the boys who were with her, and from here I could see that Ale's anger had increased "That doesn't matter to me, if someone shoots a single girl, the one who will end up dead will be themselves." she said, putting on her bulletproof vest and inserting the magazine into her gun.

"Why do you want to go in there? That place is frequented by Russians." Another man asked, which makes me frown without fully understanding where this was going. "Are you going to tell me you're afraid of the Russians?" Ale asked, securing a pistol to her thigh and a submachine gun to her back. "No, but…" "Then you shut up and you're going to do the bloody job because if you don't, you'll end up three meters underground like half the bastards will be there."

And at that moment everything clicked in my head. Ale was planning to assault the place where we had been kidnapped years ago and for many years. I don't know what she's trying to do. Get into the lion's den? I wasn't going to let her go in there, not having a daughter waiting for her. The people around her were getting into different cars and it is at that moment I come out of hiding and go to my sister.

"So that's what you're planning? Go in there and put yourself in the crosshairs of the Russians? I said angry that my sister was going to risk her life and put us more in the crosshairs of the Russians "What the fuck are you doing here Megan?" Asked Alexandra annoyed to see me, but she better than anyone had to know that some bodyguards were going to stop me "Did you really expect some bodyguards to stop me? Better why don't you answer my question? Why the fuck do you want to go to the Russian club?"

"I don't have to explain myself to you Megan. Better go back to the room." She said turning around, but I grabbed her arm and turned her around, "There's no way I'm letting you go there by yourself." I said "I'm not going alone." I sighed for a second so as not to explode at this very moment here, I didn't want to have to hit a bit of good sense on that hard head of my sister "You're going with some guys who have doubts about going in there, and rightly so, because it's the strength of the Russians. Have you gone mad?"

"Think what you want, but I can't let those girls be in there like we were. Don't you understand?" she said and I understood her, but I wasn't going to allow her to risk her life either, not when she had a daughter, in which case I would go alone to save those girls "I understand, but you shouldn't go. My god Ale, you have a daughter."

"Nothing will happen to me. I know what I'm doing." She said, and I'm pretty sure she knew, but it was still a high risk anyway. From what I had heard, since we managed to escape, they had increased security, and if those men weren't sure they could enter the club, Ale didn't have everyone with her. "I'm not so sure about that, so I'm going with you."

"Come on, you don't even have a vest." I turn to look for one when I see a guy around my age putting the clip in his gun "Hey you, come here for a sec." The boy stares at us, but slowly approaches us looking at us without understanding anything.

"Give me your vest and gun." I said stretching out my hand "I can't do that…" he said. I could see he had no idea what to do, but what I have more than clear is I was not going to let my sister go alone "You're going to do it if you don't want me to shoot you between the eyebrows."

He started taking off his vest and all the weapons he had on him and he slowly passed them to me while I put them on. Once I was done getting all over myself, I turned to my sister who was practically glaring at me.

"Now go to the emergency stairs on the top floor and make sure no one enters that room. You better pay attention, not like the one who was there, because if something happens to the girl or the woman, you'll both end up dead, understood?"

He nodded and with that, the boy headed off in the direction I myself had appeared in a while ago and I started walking towards the car nearby and got inside. A few seconds later, Ale enters and starts driving.

"How long have you been thinking about doing this?" I asked, looking out the windshield. "Since dad told us we were going on a trip." She said as if nothing had happened, and despite the fact that we had found out a little less than a day before we left, she told me she had not slept much the last night and was something she always wanted to do.

"I don't understand how you didn't tell me before." I sighed and closed my eyes for a few seconds. "You can't stand the idea of being here and you want me to get you into the club? I wouldn't even do it dead, it's about how uncomfortable you are here. I didn't want you more uncomfortable"

Even though she was right I couldn't stand being here, that didn't mean I wasn't going to help her. I wanted to save the girls in there myself. If we destroyed the club, they had one less club to carry out these atrocities. "And what happens if the Russians are there?"

"I wish they were there, but dad sent us here to keep us away from them who are in Italy right now." Even though it was most likely, there was always a small chance either of them was here, and I didn't want to risk that. "He wanted us away from them, what I don't understand is why." I asked "Because he doesn't want us to get in trouble or anything like that."

I rolled my eyes because it was stupid, all we wanted was to end ourselves with the guys from our nightmares, and that right shouldn't be taken from us by anyone, not even dad "But that's our problem, not his."

"I know, but as he said at the time, he doesn't want us to get into the world of mafias, which is very risky. It's stupid to think a mafia can be worse than what we've already been through." I nodded, I couldn't imagine things worse than being locked up for twelve years and being raped and brutally beaten.

"I'm with you on that. Now better tell me what we are going to do in there, because I suppose you have a plan, right? I knew she had rolled her eyes, I didn't need to see her. Clearly Ale always had a plan before doing anything. "May I know what the plan is then?"

On the way to that club, Ale was telling me everything we had to do, and I must admit it was a good plan, but the bad feeling I had a while ago increased and I have no idea what the hell that means.

"If you don't want to be here, I would understand if you left, Megan. I don't want you to go through this again." She said "I'm not going to leave, it shouldn't be easy for you either and you're going to get those girls out anyway, so don't ask me to leave, because I'm not going to."

Ale just shrugged her shoulders, as if this was nothing to her, when it was probably much worse than it seemed to me, I just hoped that this would help her somehow with her nightmares at least.

"I'm just saying, now please don't get separated because I'm sure we'll run into people we know." That was the best thing could happen to either of us, at least we could kill the guys who had hurt us. "Don't worry, I'll be fine and happy to kill them. Something good will come out of this, after all, less perverts in the world and less people looking for us."

We got out of the car and went to the trunk to get the weapons. If we had learned something in these years, it was to handle a weapon and to fight hand-to-hand, we were not going to let anyone lay a hand on us, much less Alison, she was our life and neither I nor Ale would let her not enjoy her childhood That was more than clear to us.

Once we reviewed the plan, we entered the club, and despite the fact that Alexandra wanted to enter first of all, I didn't let her. I wasn't going to let her desire to get those girls out of here make her do something stupid and hurt herself. I wasn't going to let my niece lose her mother so soon.

As soon as we enter, the only thing that can be heard are shots and shouts from everyone and between me and Ale, we started shooting those guys who raped us years ago and laughed at us. Not that I felt better about killing them, but I did feel better knowing my niece was in a less dangerous world with those filthy slimes on the loose.

"Ale, it is better we separate in the rooms." She turned with a scowl, but it was the best strategy we could have at this moment. The sooner we got to the rooms, the less chance these guys had of raping the girls. "No way, Megan."

"Think about it, we can avoid what they are doing to those poor girls." I'm sure she knew it was the best plan, but that didn't mean she liked it, and even if she thought I did, it was quite the opposite. "I don't like that plan."

I took her hand and made her look at me "Ale, I'll be fine. I'll be across the hall." She closed her eyes for a moment and sighed giving me a small shake of the head "Anything you see strange and let me know"

I nodded and after that, I started going into rooms and shooting the guys who were with the girls. I know from their faces that they didn't want those guys around, and even though I felt like throwing up, I held it in and killed those guys.

Room by room, they became less perverts in the world, but when I entered the last room and approached the girl to reassure her everything is alright and she's safe, someone shot me from behind causing me to fall on the bed, but I hear how Ale appears in no time, killed that guy and rushes to my side.

"MEGAN!!!! No, no, no…" I could hear her panic, and even though she used to stay calm at all times, right now she was panicking. "Shit, this hurts so fucking much."

I heard her sigh in relief and I know she was thinking the worst, she always has since I've known her, and that's basically since we've been cooped up here for years, and the worst thing is that right now her phone was ringing insistently and it seems like I wasn't even listening to it.

"Shit, you just gave me the scare of my life." She said turning me around so she could see my face "I'm sorry, now please answer the bloody phone it's going to explode with the insistence of whoever is calling." From the look on her face, I knew she hadn't even realized it was ringing. She takes it out of her pocket while I sit on the bed. When she looks at who's calling, I see her face change to one of almost panic, which makes me pay more attention.

"Alison, is everything alright?" The concern grows in both of them, because Alison didn't call unless it was something important, she wasn't a big fan of cell phones for the time we lived in, but Alexandra had insisted she carry one with her and call her whenever she needed to aid. I gestured for her to put on speakerphone and the girl who was with us went out of there with the others I must assume.

"Honey, tell me what's wrong, are you alright?" Ale said as calmly as she could " I do, but Grandma won't stop crying." We both looked at each other for a few seconds wondering what the hell was happening that our mother was crying. "How can't she stop crying? What's happening?"

We both started to get up to get out of there and go to the hotel and find out what the fuck was happening now "I don't know, she doesn't talk either, and the aunt isn't home and I don't know what to do to make her feel better. Could you come home?"

We could both hear the tears in Alison's voice, causing Alexandra to shoo everyone out of her way, right now what mattered most to her was getting to the hotel and reassuring her daughter. "I'm going right now, honey." She said " Bye, mommy."

She hung up the phone and a few seconds later we left the club. I was worried about what was happening to mom. I had never seen her cry, she was a happy woman since she welcomed us, and this does not fit her person. I just hope no one came into the suite and no one dared to lay a hand on either of them, because then they would know us.

"Hey, take the girls to the hotel." She said without turning around, "Where are you going?" someone asked, but we didn't stop to look at who it was "Don't miss anything, I'll cover the expenses." She opened the trunk and we put the biggest weapons in it while we carried the pistols ourselves.

"Are you sure?" Ale turned with her look full of anger, which made the man take a step back "Do what I tell you, and I'm warning you, if someone touches one of these girls, they will end up underground, understood?"

They all nodded and we got into the car. It didn't take long to get there, and it's a miracle we didn't hit something, because we were going double or triple the speed allowed on the highway, but it's clear to me now Alexandra is good behind the wheel.

As soon as we arrived, we quickly got out of the car and went up to the suite, but before the elevator reached our floor, I realized Alexandra had blood stains on her jacket and some on her pants.

"Ale, Ale... you can't go in like this." I said grabbing her arm to prevent her from walking into the room and scaring them more than it looked like they were "What the fuck is wrong with you now Megan?" She turned around looking at me angrily "I don't think you want to scare your daughter with the blood you're carrying."

She looked to herself and that's when she realized the blood on her. It didn't take long for her to pick up the phone and called someone. I don't understand anything she's saying at the speed she's talking, now I just hope the person has understood something, otherwise he's going to face an angry Alexandra, and it's not nice when she gets angry. When we get to our apartment, the bodyguard I hit a while ago is there with a bunch of clothes.

"Turn around, and if I see any of you look at us, you will have a bullet between your eyebrows." They did as they were told and we quickly changed, putting our clothes in the backpack which the one we were wearing now had brought them. It didn't take long for her to enter and I followed her. We head to the room where they were before we left and I see that both my mother and Alison are crying. We approach them and Ale hugs mi niece while I kneel in front of our mother.

"Mom, why are you crying?" She didn't answer which makes us worry more. I don't know what the fuck happened to make both Analissa and Alison cry, and from Alexandra's face she has no idea either.

"Princess, why are you crying?" she asked picking up Alison in her arms and running her hand over her back to calm her down "Grandma doesn't stop...and...and I don't know what to do." Ale began to move around the room to calm her down "Don't worry, we're already here. But are you alright?" She pulled Alison away from herself to get a good look at her and make sure she was true. "Yes."

"Then why don't you put on your pyjamas and I'll pick you up in a bit for dinner." Her daughter nodded and went to her room to do as her mother had told her. As soon as Alison entered her room and closed the door, Alexandra turns to focus on Mom who was still crying but not speaking.

"Mom, what's going on? Did something happen while we weren't here?" We did not receive any response, and if I was already worried, now I am more. Ale takes the phone from her hand and starts to look at whatever is on the screen while I think about what the hell could have happened for mom to be like this.

"Mom, we need you to tell us so we can help you. Are you feeling bad? What's going on?" I asked squatting in front of her and for her to look at me "Megan..." Ale said and I didn't look away from mom "What?"

"We have to go back to Italy." She said "Dad will kill us if we come back. Besides, he said he would come as soon as he finished with the restaurants." I said without paying too much attention to what my sister was saying, "That's the problem."

As soon as I hear that, I look up at her, because I was not understanding anything "What the hell are you talking about?" She turned the mobile screen while my mother cried harder, and that couldn't be true…. Dad couldn't be dead… this couldn't be happening to us.

"This doesn't have to be true... Dad can't be dead..." At that moment Alexandra's phone starts to ring, and she doesn't take long to answer and I ask her to put it on speakerphone, because I want to find out what the hell is going on. This can't be true.

"Good evening, Alexandra D'angelo?" said the man on the other end of the line "It's me, who is it?" Ale asked starting to walk from one side to the other " Good afternoon, I'm Hugo Caprio, I'm sorry to interrupt your vacation with your family." I could see Ale was getting to the point of anger and stress, which was not the best thing for anyone at the moment.

"Who the hell is it?" she asked frustrated. " DEA agent." Our eyes meet for a few seconds, wondering why the DEA agent is the one calling us to tell us that my father had died. "Why are you calling?"

Even though we knew why he was calling, we refused to believe what we had read, it couldn't be possible "I'm sorry to break this news to you over the phone, but this afternoon your father was in the restaurant and they started shooting at it. Your father tried to get the customers to safety and they ended up killing him."

Mom started crying again and I tried to comfort her somehow. Ale's anger was palpable throughout the room. " Who?" she asked quietly, which was not good "We think a Russian mob. We are doing everything we can to find the culprits behind this and put them behind bars for their crimes…"

She didn't even let her continue talking anymore, she hung up and left the mobile on the table looking at nothing. This couldn't be. The fucking Russians had killed dad... I couldn't help but cry, because even though we weren't Francesco and Analissa's biological daughters, they had taken care of us all these years and showed us all their love when we didn't even let them get close at first. to us.

Alexandra came up to us, hugged us both and we were crying there until I managed to calm down a bit.

"Can you stay with mom while I go get some tranquilizers?" she said in a whisper. I nodded and she got up, but not before looking at me "Are you going to be okay?" she asked, and even though she didn't have to focus on me right now, she was doing it which I appreciated. "Yeah, don't worry."

She nodded and left the living room and went to her room to get the tranquilizers, I don't know why she has them with her, but I would ask her about it another time. The most important thing right now was for mom to calm down and kill those fucking Russians.