"..." This represent normal talking

'...' This represent inner talking or thinking

[...] This represent how a weapon or a sacred gear will be talking. Ex.: Draig and Albion. This also represent the way the sword Apollyon.


● Yahweh P.O.V.

They stay in silence after the talk about Anastasia's original world been attacked and possibly destroyed, they finally reached Heaven. It is a big realm whith seven levels from the First Heaven to the Seventh Heaven. Yahweh starts explaining to her how he plans to use each level.

- "We reach to our destination, let me introduce you to my home and how I plan to distribute the space here. Starting here we have the First Heaven, also known the first floor of Heaven, where the low-level Angels will generally reside. It also serves as the front lines of Heaven's defenses because there is the task to protect the gates." I say pointing to the vast white area of pure holy land.

- "So this is the front gate of heaven, I must say this is impressive and beautiful, but you still need to fill this place with the angels as you said." She says while enjoying the view.

- "Well, one step at time, with small steps this can become the paradise. Let's not stay here for to much time and go to the next part of heaven." I say.

They proceed to climb to next level that diferent of the first area is now filled with darkness.

- "Here is the Second Heaven, a place filled with darkness where the Angels will observe the stars and where they will confine Angels who sin in the future." I describe the new dark zone to her.

- "So its basically a prison inside heavens, got it, can we move to the next area?" She bluntly says this. So I just take the lead and we keep moving.

They reached another floor of the realm and this time was a very vast area that contains a beautiful giant tree, this tree exudes vital energy capable of healing or calming someone in a matter of seconds.

- "The Third Heaven is the home of the souls of the dead who have been taken to Heaven. It's so vast that it's almost immeasurable and it is the ideal Heaven for worshippers.It is also connected to Purgatory, so it can be used as a backdoor to enter Heaven. It is also the place where the Tree of Life is located."

- "So this is the place that the humans will receive their eternal rest. Now I understand why I do not need to die to enter heaven, only one of the floors is for the deads. Nice area, also this tree is incredible, it is emanating so much energy that makes sense the fact this place is suposed to keep the dead calm and happy for eternity." She says with a serius face.

- "This place indeed is extremely calming, but just wait to see the next floor and you will be surprised by the beauty." I say while walking to next floor. 'I bet she will be surprised by the garden.'

After some hours in the previous vast area, they decide to keep going in the tour and reach the most beautiful garden she has ever seen.

- "The Fourth Heaven, also known as the Garden of Eden.This is the place where the Tree of Wisdom resides." I inform her.

- "Wow, I love this garden, it's so beautiful it makes me want to stay here to cultivate it. This tree is strange, the previous one gave the aura of life, but this one gives the aura of knowledge."

- "The tree is the Tree of Wisdom it gives a forbidden fruit that makes the person who eat receive a lot of knowledge. I plan to create some humans in the future and let them live in this area, but I will need to make sure to let them known to not eat nothing from that tree." I say with a serius expresion "Well let's keep going"

- 'Why not let the future human race eat this fruit if they will receive more wisdom? Well it is his own realm so I will not interfere.' Anastasia thinks while follow the God of the Bible.

After leaving the garden, they find a new place with many tecnologic things just like a research area.

- "The Fifth Heaven is now filled with research institutes where the new itens and inventions can be created. This is the second place where I spend the most time working, after all to create new things I need to create the prototype here and then add it to the system in seventh heaven" I just inform her.

- "Basicaly the laboratory of heaven, got it. Keep moving up" She yell the last part very animated.

- 'It looks like she is not interest in the research area or just think is boring.' I think after seing her reaction.

They walk until finding themselves in front of a giant gate that contain a powerful magic barrier to limit the entrance of weak beings, and only after crossing the gate they see the sixth region.

- "The Sixth Heaven, known as "Zebel". The current core of Heaven where the Seraphs will reside. It is protected by a large gate that only a God-class being could break through."

- 'I can break through this gate' she has a thoughtful face as she looks around "What exactly is a seraph?"

- "They are guardian angels of the throne of heaven located in the next region. They are the ones responsible for protecting and maintaining the system in case of my absence or my death. I will create ten seraphim and they will all have twelve wings, which means they will be the strongest among the race of angels. And amoung those ten, there will be four great seraph and six normal seraphs. While the big four will be responsible for leading the seraphim and protecting the system, the other six normal ones will be responsible for each level of heaven and will support the main task of maintaining the system." I explain with a face full of happiness when talking about my creation.

- "So the only place remaining is your throne, right?"

- "Correct, lets go there to show you the place." I say to her.

● Anastasia P.O.V.

Reaching the top level we see the big throne and the powerful system that keeps the entire heaven working.

- "Finally the Seventh Heaven, home to my current project named Sacred Gear System, and God's System. The Sacred Gear System is a project that will give humans the ability to defend themselves from the supernatural world, but it still needs more research to create artifacts that contain souls. As for the God System, this will serve to regulate the angels and those who are believers of my religion. It also has a defense system that teleports trespassers away." Yahweh explain.

- 'Very interesting, this area is very guarded by multiple levels of complex barrier seals. I know those seals won't be able to teleport me, but they are amazing. Maybe I should discuss with him about magic and seals later, we might even learn something new from each other.' I think after give a quick look around the area.

- [You probably will teach the guy how to work with souls, after all you talking with me right now. I doubt this guy can teach someone obsessed with magic like you, anything new about the damn magic, you even surpassed his current work project. Don't forget I am a fucking sword with ego and a individual soul capable to form my own personality.] The voice inside my head speaks again.

- 'Apollyon, do not read my mind without consent, and I know you have a personality, actually a real annoying personality. So no, my friend, I didn't forget that we will talk later.' I think with calm voice.

- [WHAT THE HELL DID YOU SAY ABOUT MY PERSONALITY WOMAN.] The sword inside my mind, also known as Apollyon, scream in my head annoying me again. So I decide to ignore him and talk with the only physical being in the area.

- "Why exactly did you bring me here mr. God of the bible? I admit the seven floor of heaven are amazing, but you must have a reason to bring me here." I ask him with a bussiness voice.

- "Two reason, the first one is because I don't know you at all so I need to see if you are dangerous or not, if not I can even make a new normal friend because you are not a member of any faction. The second reason is also related to the fact of you not belonging to any mythology, I would like to invite you to stay in heaven and be my assistent or secretary, this way I get a friend that can help me with work and you get a home with a company to talk. How about, like the idea?" Yahweh say been without even care if I am thinking that he is trying to take advantage of my power, he just says with a very innocent face without malice.

- "Alright, I will stay here for the time, let's see if this cohabitation will work. Take care of me, I will do my best to support your work buddy." I say with a smile and offer my hand to do a handshake.