After pranking Odin and Thor, she goes to a nearby waterfall where she found a little girl. The child had silver-white hair and aqua color eyes.

The little kid was struggling to perform barrier magic and stop the flow of water, Ana quickly realized that she was creating unnecessary runes for the magic.

"Hello young lady, you know you're doing the runes incorrectly, right?" Ana teleports behind the young woman and whisper in her ear.

"W-What... who are you?" The little girl takes a defensive stance.

Anastasia reacts promptly by applying a sealing spell that restricts the young woman's movements. It only allows your target's head to move.

"Calm down little girl. I am not an intruder, I have come as Odin's guest to help Thor retrieve Mjolnir."

"Wow, so you're a hero. If you were invited by Lord Odin and helped Lord Thor to retrieve his hammer, then you are a good person."

"My dear, you should be more alert after all I could just be lying about being your ally to let your guard down."

"No need to pretend. You're at a much higher level than me, I can't even use rune magic properly. I'm a failure as valkyrie Uwaaaaaaaaaaaa" The young valkyrie starts crying uncontrollably and so Anastasia hugs her to comfort her.

"It's okay kid, you're working hard and that's what matters."

"But I can't really learn the combat techniques of the other valkyries and I'm only good at theoretical magical knowledge when I put it into practice I always fail."

"How about I teach you some rune magic? You are apparently learning this modality of magic and coincidentally I know how to use it." Ana smiles.

"I-If it's not too much trouble I'd love for you to be my teacher." The little valkyrie said.

"So what's your name? I am Anastasia, the goddess of magic and former queen of fairies."

"My name is Göndul, I am also the youngest valkyrie and I am the one most interested in the field of runes." The young lady speaks.

"Your name is pretty long and so is mine. How about I call you Gön and you call me Ana?"

"Okay, miss Ana."

"Let's begin your hands-on training Gön."

Anastasia begins to train young Gön to apply all the theoretical knowledge that the girl has accumulated. Ana realizes that her new student actually has a great theoretical background, but is extremely clumsy which leads to her consecutive failures to perform relatively simple spells with the runes.

"Gön, honestly you are a great mage you just need to train more and stabilize your mistakes caused by your inattention and carelessness actions."

"Alright teacher Ana, I will do my best."

After a few days of teaching Göndul how to fortify and stabilize magical runes, Anastasia decided to leave and go back to her usual assistant job.

"Gön, If you need any advice on magic or anything like that you can contact me by asking that perverted old man to speak to Yahweh or by using this necklace when imbuing him with mana." Anastasia gives a necklace with a beautiful raw amethyst in its center.

"I understand Miss Ana. I'll do my best to make you proud."

Ana pat her head. "Alright girl, till next time."

Göndul blushes a little at the sudden affection, after calming down she nods and smiles happily in the direction of her new teacher.

Anastasia uses a teleportation spell similar to the one she used to come to the Æsir's realm. Anastasia finally returns from Asgard. She immediately appears in the seventh heaven where Yahweh's throne is located and goes to him.

"Yahweh, I am back." She says loudly. Her friend answer he with a tired voice. "Good to see you Ana. "What happened to Thor's hammer?"

"Mjolnir was stolen by a frost giant, we went to retrieve the hammer by infiltrating the giant's castle."

"Seems pretty normal to me, you must have been pretty bored by the normality."

"Normal? It was amazing, I saw Thor betrothed to an almost blind ice giant , and Loki and I were his servants, that was hilarious."

"Nordics need to learn how to act more seriously."

"No way, the Æsir are my favorite in the way of acting. I saw a god of trickery having a child with a horse and a god of thunder dressed as a bride. Is there any mythology that can top them?"

"Are you sure that rather than having an otherworldly origin you didn't come from the same origin as the Æsir? Your madness is similar to theirs." Yahweh expressionless question her.

"Come on Yahweh, I'm not that weird. By the way, I took on an apprentice in the field of magic, her name is Göndul and she is one of the valkyries that serve Asgard."

"A little responsibility would suit you well, being a teacher can be a nice change."

Suddenly she is startled by four familiar voices.

"Mama, you are back." Gabriel rush to her.

"Hello mom." Azazel wave your hands.

"Welcome back mother." Michael just smiled.

"You are back old woman. I am impressed that you didn't die yet." Lucifer smugly smile at her.

What surprises her most is that there are new voices in addition to the four she recognizes.

"Hi Mom, I'm... Uriel... Raphael... Metatron ..." Several new angels come to greet her.

"Hello kids, nice to meet you all." She smiles when she see countless angels interacting with each other.

Yahweh approaches her and says: "Ana, did you ask me for a surprise? Here are countless, I created countless angels and as I know you love children I waited to surprise you. I could have made them be born already mature, but it is a good choice to let them be born younger.

"Thank you my friend, now I can play with countless cute little angels."

"You are acting like a pervert. That sentence was wrong in many ways."

"It was just your impression."

"Well, how about we go teach them how to use light magic better? It's their natural magic anyway."

"I can help you with that, magic is my territory." Ana at him with a proud look.

The two gods begin training each of the young angels how to create pure light magic which they shape into weapons such as swords, spears or bow and arrows.

After several trainings, the angels are divided by Yahweh among the 6 levels of heaven. And he names ten of the most powerful angels to assume the title of seraph and among them four assume the title of great seraph.

Anastasia remains in the seventh level of heaven to help Yahweh and then realizes what project he is working on now, she becomes extremely excited as she understands what is about to be created...