After Lilith's departure from the Garden of Eden, Adam felt a great loneliness. He wandered through paradise with no clear purpose, no one to talk to or share his days with. One day, while walking, he knelt down and prayed to Yahweh for a companion to be with him. He was sad and lonely, but his faith in his father was strong.

Yahweh, who heard his son's prayers, decided to grant Adam's wish. He decided to create a mate for him. But it wouldn't be a new creation out of thin air, it would be something more special. Yahweh created Eve from Adam's bone and flesh. When he presented her to the man, he was amazed and amazed by her beauty and presence.

Eve was different from Lilith in many ways, but she was created to be Adam's perfect soulmate. With her, Adam no longer felt lonely and spent his days at her side, enjoying the company and the joy of being with her. Yahweh had granted his son's wish, and now he had a new family to care for in the Garden of Eden.

Adam and Eve were united forever, as she was created from him. They complemented each other and formed an inseparable unit. Yahweh had created the perfect companion for man so that he no longer had to feel alone. And so, Adam and Eve lived happily in the Garden of Eden, with the angels and Yahweh's attendant, Anastasia, looking after them.

What they are waiting for is Lucifer's plot to get revenge on his father and his creation who sentenced him to Hell.

Lucifer approached Samael with a tempting proposition: "What if I told you that I can make you equal to Yahweh? That you can become as powerful as him, or maybe even more?" Samael, intrigued, asked how that would be possible, after all Lucifer has already tried and been defeated. Lucifer explained that if Eve ate the fruit of the tree of wisdom, she would become wiser than Yahweh and therefore could teach Samael everything she knew.

"Your plan is interesting, but you had the help of the first human Lilith, why didn't you execute that plan on your own?"

"I was very arrogant my dear little brother, I am suggesting such a plan to you as a kind brother to make sure you don't fail as I did. I failed because I believed that I alone could defeat our parents who have been in tune for eons."

Samael, being a curious angel and avid for knowledge, was tempted by the idea. But he knew that Yahweh had told Adam and Eve not to eat from that tree. "But, father will allow that female human to eat from the tree?".

Lucifer replied with a smirk, "If father really is as powerful as they say, then why doesn't he want you all to have this knowledge? Maybe he's afraid that you'll become like him, or maybe he's hiding something from you. you."

With that seed of doubt planted in Samael's mind, he agreed to tempt Eve to eat the forbidden fruit. Lucifer said that he would be there to help him, but that Samael would have to do most of the work. And so began the plot for the downfall of humanity.

Samael led Lucifer through winding paths until he reached the Garden of Eden, where he guided him to an isolated area near the Tree of Knowledge. He looked at Lucifer with a smirk and said: "Here it is, my friend, the path to the destruction of humans. Now, you must transform yourself into a serpent to convince Eve to eat the forbidden fruit."

Lucifer smiled back and, in the blink of an eye, transformed into a glittering, seductive serpent. He glided smoothly over to Eva, who was taken aback by his appearance. "Do not be afraid, my dear," whispered the serpent. "I have come to offer you a gift that will grant you knowledge and wisdom. Eat the forbidden fruit of this tree and you will be like God."

Eva was tempted, but still hesitant. "But God told us not to eat the fruit of this tree," she said. "If we eat it, we will surely die."

The serpent smiled again. "You will not die, my dear," he said. "You will become like God, know good and evil, and be more powerful than ever."

With the temptation too strong, Eve finally gave in and took the forbidden fruit from the tree of wisdom. She bit him, and in an instant, knowledge flooded her mind.

Eve, after tasting the forbidden fruit from the Tree of Knowledge, was overjoyed with the new knowledge she had gained. She felt more powerful and wiser, with a new perception of the world and the beings around her.

Excited, she ran towards Adam, wanting to share her discovery with him. Upon arrival, she told him about the forbidden fruit and how it had given her a new understanding of things. Adam, initially resistant, was eventually convinced by Eve to taste the fruit.

Like Eve, Adam was fascinated by his newfound knowledge. The two spent hours discussing and exploring the new concepts revealed to them. They felt closer to each other and more independent, no longer needing to rely solely on Yahweh to guide them in their ways.

But this sense of freedom and power did not last long, as Yahweh soon discovered his children disobedience and took steps to punish them. The knowledge they gained came with a heavy price, and they had to leave paradise to face the consequences of their actions.

Yahweh sat on his heavenly throne with a serious expression as Adam and Eve stood before him, ashamed and apprehensive. They had been found eating the forbidden fruit from the Tree of Wisdom and were now about to face divine judgment.

"Adam and Eve, you were created in my image and likeness, but you disobeyed my orders and now you bear the guilt of original sin", said Yahweh, in a deep and firm voice.

Adam and Eve bowed their heads in shame and sorrow. They knew they had done something wrong and were ready to face the consequences.

"Because of your actions, you will be expelled from the Garden of Eden and condemned to live outside Paradise forever. Hard work, pain and suffering will be your constant companions." declared Yahweh.

Adam and Eve were devastated by the news. They had never experienced pain or suffering before and now they would have to face it for the rest of their lives. They tried to apologize, but Yahweh would not relent.

"Your actions had consequences, and now you must deal with them. But I will never completely abandon you. I will always be with you, even when you think I am far away," said Yahweh.

Adam and Eve accepted their fate with resignation. They knew that they had been loved by Yahweh and that although the punishment was severe, it was just. They bowed before the Lord, asking forgiveness for their sin and accepting the fate they were given.

Yahweh then turned towards the angels who were astonished by the action. "Now for the second part of the judgment, Samael come here."

All the angels were stunned by the words and Samael obeyed, trembling with fear.

"Samael, you were in league with the serpent that tempted humans. For letting the serpent through, I will punish you even more severely for ignoring my orders and aiding Lucifer in his futile revenge. From this day foward, you will no longer be an angel, you will be the dragon who hunts his own species named Samael, your title shall be dragon eater. If you let a serpent pass before, now you will feel an irrational urge to exterminate any creature that acts like a dragon or serpent."

After his words Adam and Eve were guided out of heaven by the great seraph Gabriel, while Samael now in the form of a mindless dragon was banished from the sacred place by the magic of Yahweh.

As Adam and Eve leave with Gabriel, silently both Anastasia and Yahweh bestow some blessings to protect the couple.

After the angels leave and only the pair of gods are left, Anastasia picks up one of the infamous apples from the tree of knowledge and bites into it.

"The taste is horrible because this fruit is to bitter." She spits out the part of the apple she hadn't swallowed. "I see no reason to have banned them because of this apple, the most that the fruit does is grant basic knowledge, nothing advanced."

"The reason was disobedience and you know it. I didn't want to banish them either, but it was necessary to follow the orders I created, plus the fact that they leave paradise will be good for the propagation of their race. So it's for the greater good." Yahweh speaks in a sad tone as he uses his power to look at his two creations leaving the through the gates of heaven.

"I hope the greater good is worth it." Ana sighs.

"Me too, my friend." Yahweh smiles as he goes back to work.

After this event, things were normal in the sky without any major events for quite some time.