After a few months since meeting Rizevim Livan Lucifer Anastasia and Vali's interaction has changed.

They left the underworld after Anastasia searched for Lilith using her magic to try to track her down through some of Rizevim's blood that was spilled during the fight.

Upon arriving at the final destination, she found only the preserved body of the first human who was turned into a devil along with Lucifer. Apparently Rizevim was planning to use his mother's body to spawn super devils like himself and thus have an unrivaled army.

Anastasia collected the body from the site and took it with her to give it a proper burial rather than let it be used as a soldier spawning machine. Vali was happy to thwart his grandfather's plans and paid respect to his ancestor even though he never met her personally.

After concluding their affairs in the underworld they left for the human world, and as Anastasia didn't want to draw too much attention from the multiple factions she decided to go to a place that she trusted Asgard. The kingdom of the norse pantheon led by Odin.

And so it was that the woman and the boy found themselves in front of the halls of Valhalla where the norse gods gather to feast or argue.

"Are you sure it's a good idea to come here? I'm a devil and I don't think they'll be welcoming to someone from another pantheon." Vali asked doubtful.

"Relax boy, they are old friends." She opened the gates of the great hall using magic and entered without thinking twice causing a silence in the hall as they searched for the identity of the invader.

Everyone in the halls raised their weapons in the presence of a woman who exuded divine energy and a boy who was clearly from the devil race.

"Old one-eyed pervert where are you?" Anastasia shouted and then make a forced cough to correct herself. "Odin, may you honor your old friend with your presence."

"Anastasia, are you still alive?" Odin approached, looking in disbelief at the presence of someone who had supposedly died alongside the biblical god.

"Did you think this world could get rid of me so easily? I'm disappointed in your lack of faith." She shakes her head in denial.

"So Yahweh..." He immediately inquires about the status of the other person who has theoretically died.

"He is dead." She cuts him off with a serious look, but sadness in her eyes. "But I didn't come here to dwell on the past by talking about the dead."

"So what brings you here, not so dead witch goddess." He teases raising a goblet of mead.

Anastasia snaps her fingers causing one of the goblets on the vast hall table to come to her hands and toasts to Odin.

"I want to train a little devil boy, and this is the place I would draw the least attention to having a certain fight maniac living in the area that excuses energy variations." She points at the light silver haired boy who approach them to introduce himself.

"My name is Vali Lucifer. I'm a descendant of the original generation's Maou Lucifer who died. However, I'm a child of mixed blood born from a father who was the old Maou's grandson and a human mother."

"I understand, but what makes you so special why did she want to train you." Odin carefully watches the boy.

"I obtained the 『Vanishing Dragon』's Sacred Gear because I'm half-human. It was just by chance. However, I, who am a true blood relative of Lucifer and also the 『Vanishing Dragon』, was born." Vali speaks while activating his sacred gear showing a pair of white wings with blue details.

"A peculiar existence. That boring guy's perfect system seems to have started to fail." Odin comments jokingly and receives a murderous look from Anastasia for the mockery directed at his best friend.

"If there really is such a thing as fate and miracles, I may be that. Just joking." Vali act smugly.

Anastasia simply pulls Vali's ear to start to scold him. "Don't be so arrogant with only potential, without real strength you are nothing."

"What an interesting boy." Odin comments, scratching his beard. "Anastasia, I understand what you saw in him and I don't see any problem with letting you two stay here for a while to train. But I warn you that a certain redhead will..." Before finishing a hammer flies behind him and he simply dodges.

Anastasia summons and brandishes her sword, clashing against the Mjolnir that was flying towards her.

"Hey red, looks like you got stronger." She smiles after parrying the hammer.

"Anastasia, my rival, I demand a match to prove I'm stronger than you!" Thor opens his hand and his hammer returns.

"Thor! What do you think you are doing? I've told you several times that you can't throw your hammer at our guests."

"Is that the god of thunder? Very impulsive." Vali mocks.

"He looks a lot like you, you two will become good friends." Anastasia speaks to Vali and then looks at Thor while answering the challenge. "Okay red, but if you lose you will be the training partner of this new student of mine." She points at Vali.

"I accept the condition. So let's get started." Thor immediately rushed towards her.

Thor swings the hammer and lands a surprise hit on his opponent's stomach, letting his hammer fly upward with her.

He leaps into the air and grabs her head. "I've waited a long time for this rematch."

Anastasia activates runes on both of her arms making them look like glowing tattoos and proceeds to punch Thor in the face causing blood to flow. But the god of thunder doesn't let go of his grasp.

He then puts his weight and that of the hammer to make them both fall on top of one of the tables in the hall, breaking it.

Thor then claps his palms causing a shock wave, which is quickly reflected by an energy wave created by Anastasia's magic.

Anastasia starts a series of punches against the god making him stagger backwards, but suddenly he grabs her shoulder with his left arm and punches her with all his strength using his right arm.

"Don't hold back! It's an insult!" Thor screams as he advances and grabs the god with his right arm, shocking her to the ground and then throwing her backwards.

"No problem." She then steps forward with even more runes surrounding her body.

She punches a right and a left to Thor's face followed by a punch in the stomach and pushes him against the wall using brute force.

Thor regains his normal self after being slammed into the wall and throws the goddess away from him. This results in a delay for Anastasia to summon her sword in her hand.

"The fight has just begun hahaha!" Thor laughs at the scene.

Anastasia begins a slashing sequence by swinging Apollyon's sword and slicing through Thor's unprotected chest. The cuts cause wounds that bleed and only make the god act more insane. Anastasia then tries to do a piercing move instead of a slashing one with her sword only to be repeled.

Thor slams his fists against the ground causing a shock wave that knocks Anastasia away.

Anastasia then rush trying to slash Thor's face and is prevented by his hammer flying protectively.

Thor then takes Mjolnir in his fist and hits his opponent as if he were wielding a baseball bat, which results in Anastasia being hurtled across the vast hall and crashing into the opposite wall.

Anastasia takes a deep breath as her back collides with the wall, but has to quickly dodge a lightning-wrapped hammer that just landed right where her head was causing the wall to crack.

Thor quickly appears grabbing the hammer with one hand and punching his opponent with the other, he spins around his own body to give more momentum for a blow with his hammer completely destroying the cracked wall.

Anastasia ducks, avoiding the blow, she immediately attacks Thor, cutting him horizontally with the sword and with the sword stuck in his stomach, she uses the momentum to throw him away.

However, Thor grabs the sword causing the two to fly in the air punching each other and in the end he grabs her head and pins it against the ground sinking like a small crater.

When Anastasia picks her up, Thor punches her in the face and kicks her away.

"I wasn't defeated by someone so weak, show me your true strength!" Thor yelled.

"I will make your wish come true." Anastasia spits blood as she stands up.

[Time to release some seals from your body?] Apollyon mentally asks and receive only a word as answer. "YES."

Around Anastasia a black and blue energy begins to emanate and from her sword a black flame appears. She advances towards Thor who does the same, only his hammer now emits lightning and his body is also energized.

Both collide their weapons causing the appearance of a pillar of lightning and flames in the middle of the hall of Valhalla.

The shock causes both of them to be thrown back, Thor takes advantage of the distance to throw Mjolnir.

This time Anastasia surrounds the hammer with black and blue energy causing a wave of that energy to form into a bubble that surrounds the hammer and somehow severs the connection with Thor.

She then teleports close to the god of thunder, piercing Thor's stomach with her sword and using spells to attack the enemy with multiple energy weapons.

Thor grunted in pain and tried to attack her, but Anastasia caught the punch and returned it with the other hand, knocking the redhead out after using an immeasurable amount of strength-enhancing runes.

"That was red fun." She flashes a maniacal grin with her bloodstained face.

Around her the hall of Valhalla is littered with destruction with many of the tables broken and several walls cracked from the scuffle, even part of the floor is broken. Even in the deplorable situation the other Norse gods are celebrating and drinking as if the fight was just a bit of entertainment.

"So this is the place where I'm going to train?" Vali approaches Odin after he see that everything is safe.

"Apparently so." Odin comments. "But who is going to fix all this? Anastasia, Loki, Göndul or little Rossweisse?" He starts thinking about how to solve the problem.

"I'll fix it tomorrow, for today I want to sleep I believe the rooms are still in the same place." Anastasia comments seeing the apprehensive look of the Norse god of gods when observing the state of the hall.

"Yes they are. What about the boy?" Odin puts his hand on Vali shoulder while speaking causing Vali to try to take the old man's hand away.

"He grew up with a douchebag grandfather, let him have some fun and teach him how to party before taking him to a room. No peversions, he's a minor old man." Anastasia speaks as she makes her way to where the bedrooms are situated, but not before grabbing one of the mead bottles and taking it with her.

After that it was a long night for those in the hall partying, from a drinking competition to a fighting tournament with several stories being told in between including the one about how much Thor wore a wedding dress.



1. In chapter 25 it will be her first visit to Kuoh and from 26 it will be in the original chronology of DxD. I will try to write chap 25 tomorrow if I have time and motivation.

2. I considered doing romance in this story, but forgot about that point, who do you guys suggest to pair Anastasia with?

3. I was considering trying some other fanfic if I don't have any other idea on this one. Maybe one from Naruto(In Kakashi age as a Uchiha older sibling of Itachi or in Naruto age as a Senju) or one from Fate(living during the era of round table and then as a servant in some Holy Grail War and in Grand Order)