After the end of class Sona Sitri comes to the teacher's desk.

"Anastasia-sensei, the offer to guide you around the school still stands."

"Shitori-san I would love to receive a tour, after all this is my only class today." Anastasia smiles kindly.

"Anastasia-sensei, you can call me by my first name."

"It's okay Souna-san."

Then the teacher and student start walking around the large new building of Kuoh Academy.

They walk a bit until they reach a room on the same floor. On the door of this room is metal plaque written 'Student Council'.

"Sensei, this is the student council room. The Student council goal is to keep order within the school grounds. The current president is me, Souna Shitori. My vice president is another student in our class, Tsubaki Shinra. As for the other members, there are four girls from the 2nd year."

"If I have witnessed any problems between students, I already know who to inform." Anastasia winks at the student who calmly corrected the glasses on her face and again began to guide the teacher inside the location.

As soon as the two enter the room, Anastasia sees her student with heterochromia along with four other unknown girls, but they all have something in common: they emanate demonic energy from their bodies.

Anastasia looks around and is impressed with the efficiency of the girls and the amount of paperwork. 'Are they by any chance doing the director's work? I won't have to do administrative work, will I? God bless me... Wait, he was the one who sent me more paperwork.'

[It must suck to be you.] Apollyon takes pleasure in seeing her old friend panic. After laughing a little he completes his idea. [I doubt this paperwork is just from the school administration.]

'Sona Sitri is one of the two regents of Kuoh, I'm not surprised if they're looking into the incidents that took place in the city.'

[Look on the downside you are in direct contact with the little sisters of two satans who are known as siscons, staying under the radar will be out of the question when someone more capable comes to visit and feels their presence.]

'Thanks for the heads up, sir obvious. Sometimes I wonder why I didn't nail you to a rock and leave you there. Oh Merlin already tried that one.'

[But reluctantly you can look on the bright side, there will be no paperwork for a supposed human... for now.]

As the teacher was standing in the doorway of the room next to the student council president, the other members noticed the presence of the two visitors.

The five girls rose from their seats to welcome their president and the new teacher who was being guided by the king of their peerage.

Starting the presentations Sona Sitri introduced both sides.

"Anastasia-sensei this is the student council of our school. My friends, this is the new teacher on the faculty of Kuoh Academy, she teaches the third-year history class."

"Hello girls, my name is Anastasia Ambrosius. No need to be formal with the last name, just call me Anastasia or sensei, or both." Anastasia expresses a warm smile.

"Hello Anastasia-sensei. As you already know, my name is Tsubaki Shinra and I am a student in your 3rd year class. My role on the student council is vice president." She acts formally with a serious countenance similar to the chairman of the board.

Then a slim girl with long brown hair that ends in two short braids and matching eyes. The girl also wears a blue headband.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Anastasia-sensei." The girl speaks in a soft-spoken and polite tone. "My name is Reya Kusaka and I am the treasurer of the council, and I am also a 2nd year student."

"Hello Kusaka-san, it's also my pleasure to meet you." Anastasia then he notices the movement of another girl who approaches energetically.

The lady is a beautiful girl with shoulder-length, reddish-brown hair tied into twintails and brown eyes. Her hair features swept bangs and a single strand of hair sticking out from the top.

"Hello, I'm Tomoe Meguri, the secretary of the student council. It's a pleasure to meet you, Anastasia-sensei. You're the new history teacher, right? I'm so excited to learn from you. You look very elegant and smart. I hope you'll enjoy working at our school. I'm always here to help you if you need anything. I'm a very cheerful and hyperactive person, so don't be surprised by my enthusiasm. I love history and I'm looking forward to your classes. Nice to meet you!" The girl speaks extremely fast as if she was on a marathon until another of her colleagues pulls her back just as she finishes speaking.

This new girl is a tall girl with blue, shoulder-length hair and matching eyes. She has the basic appearance of a tomboy and has a bishounen face.

"I'm sorry, Anastasia-sensei, for my friend's energetic attitude. She's always like that, but she means well. Please don't take it the wrong way. My name is Tsubasa Yura, and I'm a second-year student and the public relations officer of the student council. I'm in charge of communicating with other schools and organizing events. I'm also very interested in history and I'm looking forward to learning from you. You have such an impressive background and experience. It's a pleasure to meet you." She just smiles politely and waits for the sensei to reply.

"No problem, it's nice to meet you both. Now it's just Miss..." Anastasia turns to the young, beautiful girl with white hair and blue-green eyes.

She mostly wears a Kuoh Academy girl's school uniform. Her attire is quite ordinary without anything peculiar, but she watches her friends with a kind and caring gaze.

"Hello, Anastasia-sensei. I'm Momo Hanakai, the auditor of the student council. You're welcome, if the president is busy I don't mind helping you even if I'm better with numbers." She gives a pure smile.

"It's nice to meet you too." Anastasia's attention starts to wander to scan the room until...

"You can go and look around the room, I still need to look at some information before continuing the tour. There are no problems with that right?" Sona respectfully informs in a formal tone.

"Thanks." Following her student's instructions, the teacher begins to walk around the room.

Anastasia Ambrosius, the new teacher at Kuoh Academy, walks around the student council room while Sona Sitri finishes up some paperwork. As she walks around, she notices two peculiar items on a table. The first item is a yaoi doujinshi called 'Prince×Beast' featuring a beautiful blond-haired boy and another boy with brown hair on the cover. The second item is an open envelope with some photographs that are all of girls training in physical education, tennis, or fencing. From the angle of the photos, it is clear that they were taken secretly.

As Anastasia Ambrosius walks around the room, she can't help but feel curious about the items on the table. She picks up the doujinshi and flips through it, her eyes widening in surprise at the explicit content. She quickly puts it down, feeling embarrassed and flustered.

'Young people these days are pretty perverted. I need to show this to Yahweh when I revive him, he will be amazed at the progress of mankind.' Anastasia keeps a mental note.

She then turns her attention to the envelope and examines the photos closely. She can't help but feel a sense of unease as she realizes that these photos were taken without the girls' knowledge or consent.

Anastasia's analytical mind kicks in as she begins to scrutinize the accuracy and talent of the photographer's work. She notices that the photos are all taken from a distance and at an angle that suggests they were taken secretly. She also notes that the girls in the photos are all in various positions especially in stretching or exercises that flatter the curves of their bodies, which makes her feel even more uncomfortable.

As she continues to analyze the photos, Anastasia can't help but feel angry at the photographer's lack of respect for these girls' privacy. She mentally criticizes the content and character of the photographer, wondering how someone could be so pervert and insensitive.

Anastasia debates whether or not to confront Sona about these items, but ultimately decides against it. It's better to wait for the girl to bring up the subject and to her surprise the wait was short.

"What's on the table?" Sona approached her new sensei to continue the tour, but stopped when she saw two peculiar things on the table in the center of the room.

"We confiscated a doujinshi made by the Manga Research Club featuring Yuuto Kiba and Issei Hyoudou in a yaoi novel called 'Prince×Beast'."

'Issei Hyoudou I remember that name. He's the...'

[White's rival.] Apollyon reply.

'Interesting, nobody expected someone influenced by Odin to go after boobs would instead fall in love with men.'

[I don't think these doujinshi are based on truth. You should ask the girls about the pictures.]

"What about these photos?" Anastasia asked the young women showing images of girls stretching taken from an angle that make the image more sensual by accentuating the curves.

Sona's expression changes, and she frowns.

"I assume it's those three again?" Sona asks the other council girls.

"Yes, actually it was Matsuda. He took these pictures claiming they are material research for photo club."

"Who are the three you're talking about Shitori-san?" Anastasia asks curious that the girls are already aware of who the pervert involved in the photographs is.

"They are known as the Perverted Trio. This group of troublesome individuals is composed of three 2nd year students, they are: Issei Hyoudou, Matsuda and Motohama."

"I see. Why didn't you punish them until now?" This question from Anastasia makes all the girls sigh and the vice president responds. "We already punished them in many ways, from warnings to suspensions. But they don't correct themselves, and we can't just kick them out."

"Why not?" Anastasia insists. "You know that sexual harassment is a crime, right? If one of the victims comes forward they will be in serious trouble."

"Well..." Tsubaki Shinra is at a loss for words, it's impossible to explain the reason without involving their secrecy.

"Personal reasons? Well, I'm the newbie here and you guys are probably doing a pretty good job around here if there haven't been any scandals going around town. Even so, I think it's good to check what they are doing."

"I agree, and it's a good way to continue our little excursion. I will guide you to where the three of them are right now." Sona corrects the position of her glasses and starts walking as a signal to be followed.

"And where would that be?" Anastasia asks as she follows her.

"High chances of being in the vicinity of the Girls' Kendo Club." Sona concluded from previous experience.

As they descended to the base of the building, the student informed the new teacher about the location of the room for the photo club and manga research club.

The two leave the building and continue walking towards an annexe near the new building.

Sona points to a block. "There is the court used for physical education classes and for training at the tennis club." Then he continues heading towards the annex. "This annex is where the Girls' Kendo Club dojo is located."

As they approached, it was easy to notice three boys squeezing themselves against the outer wall of the dojo.

"And those three are Kuoh's Academy Perverted Trio." Sona speaks with irritation and weariness. Certainly because of this being a recurring event.



— From now on I'll be able to start where DxD really starts. That's the day Yuuma(Raynare) asks Issei out on a date with her.

— I'll try to write the next chapter this weekend if I have time or maybe next weekend. I'm don't have much free time recently.