Close to this man

"It looks like God is blessing this year. Even though it's still in the middle of the first month, but the snow has melted a lot. Looks like spring is coming early!"

Mariette also looked up at the clear sky. It's been about a week now that it's only been snowing lightly, even though the Lamamont Kingdom and the surrounding kingdoms are famous for their winter.

But winter ending quickly like this means Princess Louisa's debutante preparations must also be prepared quickly.

"What about our departure preparations the day after tomorrow?" she asked.

"Everything is ready, My Lady," said Linda happily. "I have also sent a letter to the tailor so they will be ready to measure your body as soon as you arrive at the Capital estate."

"Good, thank you," said Mariette. "It's better like that than I have to bother the palace tailor."

"They will be busy preparing a dress for Her Highness Princess Louisa, huh?"

"Not only Princess Louisa, but also Prince Louie and His Majesty King Vallotton. Since it's Princess Royal's debutante, everyone will be very busy preparing for it."

"Even so, you'll have a chance to dance, won't you?"

Mariette stopped in her tracks and looked at Linda. There was an unmistakable twinkle of hope in the gaze of her lady-in-waiting.

Mariette let out a long breath. "We'll see how it goes, Linda," she said, then continued her little walk in the forest behind her estate.

"But My Lady, there have been so many parties you've attended and invitations you've gotten," Linda said hastily. She tried to catch up with Mariette. "Never once you dance with the men at the party. I am starting to get confused by invitation sent to your table."

"I told you to ignore it," Mariette replied.

"This is going to be one of the biggest parties the Palace is throwing, right? Even though this is a debutante party, there's nothing wrong if you dance with someone," Linda said, still insisting. "Do you want to dance with His Majesty the King again?"

Not. Come on, Mariette thought.

His Majesty the King Vallotton loves Viscountess Tierney dearly: everyone knows that fact. An easy change of peerage, assistance in strengthening the position when Mariette was too young, work that was never burdened, as well as the provision of lucrative benefits were just a few of her affections.

Most famously, King Vallotton became Mariette's first dance partner in her debutante at the age of 18. At that time, the late Viscount Tierney fell ill after preparing for the debutante party at the Palace, so he could not accompany Mariette. Mariette had thought she might not even dance until finally King Vallotton held out his hand.

Mariette still vividly remembered what King Vallotton had said at that time.

"If you please, do you want to accept this old man's hand?"

At first, it was normal. But then several times Mariette danced with King Vallotton on several occasions. They finally stopped when there was an impudent mouth saying that King Vallotton loved Mariette romantically.

The man's skull is now in stock at the kingdom's border.

"No. There is a high probability that Princess Louisa's first dance partner will be His Majesty the King," said Mariette. "I won't dance, Linda. This isn't my debutante party."

"But this is a party where men all over the kingdom will attend. It is time for you to look for the one, My Lady!" said Linda excitedly.

"There seems to be a difference of opinion between you and Emmanuele, huh? Emmanuele doesn't seem like he wants me to meet a man right away…"

"What? Master Emmanuele said that?!" shrieked Linda in disbelief. She suddenly looked annoyed. "I'll talk to him after this."

Ah, if it's like this Mariette will be confused about whom to obey. According to Emmanuele, who is like her own father or to Linda, who is like her own sister?

Because the two of them were the only ones Mariette could think of as family right now.


"Leave it to me, My Lady. I'll talk to Master Emmanuele so you can dance at the Princess's debutante party later!"

After saying that, Linda immediately went somewhere. She looked very excited as if she was going to dance at the grand party.

"Who wants to dance with me?" muttered Mariette in disbelief. She then stepped out of the forest.

Mariette also tried to remember the men who are close to her.

There is King Vallotton, who has been very good to her. Then there is Emmanuele, who is like his own father. Count Lavaud, the King's Secretary, is also close and kind to her because they often meet on business matters.

Well, but they are all old men who are married and have children. It's not wise to dance with them.

There was actually another man that came to Mariette's mind. It is just…

Mariette doesn't want to dance with a man 5 years younger than her. That means Prince Louie won't be her dance partner.

Then there is Sir Anatole, one of King Vallotton's distant nephews. The man who has been traveling since 2 years ago rarely gives his family news.

"If I'm not mistaken, he'll be right back," Mariette muttered to the rising wind.

The wind blowing softly fluttered her hair, blocking Mariette's view a bit. She saw someone waving at her from a horse when she regained sight.

Oh, right. Lately I can also be said to be close to this man, thought Mariette.

He dismounted from his horse. "Good afternoon, Viscountess Tierney. Would you like to return to your estate?" he asked in the most cheerful tone Mariette had ever heard.

His joy could surely melt even the coldest winter snow.

"Good afternoon, Sir Elroy. Yes, I am on my way back to my estate," Mariette replied.

"We've seen each other a lot lately, huh? Even though I have served at the border castle for a long time."

"Yes, it is true. I'm also surprised…"

Elroy grinned broadly at her. "Would you like me to take you back to your estate? It's still dangerous enough to be walking around alone in the woods, you know."

It's only a few meters away, Mariette thought as she looked toward the clear view of her residence.

But for the sake of politeness and emulating Emmanuele's "handbook of good and polite speech", Mariette replied, "Thank you for the offer, Sir Elroy."

Mariette was put on Elroy's dashing steed―and she could have ridden herself. Elroy had told Mariette to be careful and hold on to the reins―and she already knew. Elroy was also holding and guarding her too tightly―though Mariette was okay.

Why is this man so good to me? thought Mariette.