Failed expedition

"Are you really going to be all right, My Lady?"

Mariette let out a long breath. "Emmanuele, you've been asking about it since the day before yesterday. I'm fine," she said tiredly.

Just like last time, Mariette's heart froze again after 3 days of beating. At that time, Mariette was still on her way to Masoullac Capital. Upon arrival in Masoullac, Mariette had completely recovered. Even so, she still received treatment from the Palace's trusted priest.

It has now been 5 days since Mariette arrived in Masoullac. The day after tomorrow, she will be back to work. That means Emmanuele should be back soon to their estate.

"This is not the first incident, Emmanuele. There is no need to overthink it," added Mariette.

"How can I not worry if I know the suspected person?" said Emmanuele. "Moreover, Sir Elroy is now working as His Highness' tutor. Most likely, he will―"

"My heartbeat stopped again. That means Sir Elroy's feelings aren't certain, right? It could be that the man who makes my heart beat is not Sir Elroy."

"Forgive me, My Lady. But I can't even imagine that Sir Anatole did it."

That's even more impossible, Mariette thought. "Anyway, I'm fine. Just go back. There is a lot of work waiting for you at the residence."

"All right," Emmanuele sighed. "Promise to send me a letter if something happens. Linda, take good care of Her Ladyship."

"Yes, Sir. I will!"

"Take care on the road, Emmanuele. Please write to me if something happens in the estate and village."

So with that, Emmanuele left.

Hopefully, I'll be okay, though Mariette, then went back inside.

The only people who know about her curse are her late parents, Emmanuel, King Vallotton, and Count Lavaud. They were witnesses when the Queen uttered her curse. So it was only natural that in the absence of Emmanuele, Mariette could only rely on herself. There was no way she was asking for help from King Vallotton, who must be busy with royal affairs.

"Your request for an audience with His Majesty the King has been approved, My Lady," informed Linda. "Is there anything in particular I need to prepare?"

"I want to have breakfast early tomorrow. Prepare foods that can make me full longer. I'm sure we'll talk about a lot of things tomorrow," said Mariette.

"Well. I'll tell the chef."

Finally Mariette returned to the Palace. She subconsciously wondered if Elroy had gotten there or not.


And it turns out that Elroy has indeed arrived.

Mariette accidentally saw him from a distance. The distance between them made it impossible for her to greet Elroy. The man himself seemed oblivious to her presence either. So on another occasion Mariette greeted him.

He looks fine, Mariette thought as she entered the audience room.

"Viscountess Mariette Tierney has come before you to request a brief audience," said Count Lavaud. He cleared his throat a little. "Although I doubt if the hearings this time will go fast."

Mariette bowed to King Vallotton. The man immediately ordered her to get up and said, "How are you, my daughter?"

Mariette lied automatically, "I'm fine as usual, Your Majesty. Thank you for asking."

"It will be a busy spring for the Palace. So I hope all matters related to the territory that the Tierney family manages will be prepared in advance. But if there is something urgent, you can say it."

"Yes, Your Majesty. Thank you for your understanding."

"Now then, let's hear how you plan on the debutante party this time." King Vallotton smiled at Mariette and Count Lavaud in turn. "If you have any trouble, just tell Count Lavaud."

So Mariette began to present Princess Louisa's debutante party plans.

As Mariette had predicted yesterday, the audience had gone on for quite some time. The main topic of discussion is, of course, related to the debutante party. Like any normal father, King Vallotton wants the best for his daughter. He wanted to make sure that his daughter became queen at the party.

The rest discussed everyday household matters. King Vallotton said they had two new guests who would live in the corner of the Palace, namely Prince Louie's tutor. Mariette already knew about it and immediately said she would prepare a new budget for the two people.

"They are knights on duty at the border castle near your territory, right? What do you think about them, Viscountess Tierney?" asked Count Lavaud.

"I haven't seen Sir Ferdinand often, so I can't judge him. As for Sir Elroy… He is a good man who is cheerful and considerate," answered Mariette.

"That's an answer I didn't expect to hear from you, Viscountess Tierney," commented King Vallotton.

"Recently, I've had a lot of help from Sir Elroy. So it can say that we were close," said Mariette.

"If you put it that way, it looks like Sir Elroy would make a good tutor to Prince Louie," said King Vallotton. "Oh, right. I just want you to know that Sir Anatole is already returning to Lamamont. He sent me a letter."

Mariette's hand automatically stopped writing. He listened to King Vallotton's words.

"There is also a letter for you, My Lady," said Count Lavaud, handing over a letter.

Mariette took the letter. "Thank you."

"Don't thank me," sighed King Vallotton. "The expedition… failed. I'm deeply sorry, Mariette."

Mariette looked at the letter from Anatole. The writing on the envelope was slanted and thin, typical of Anatole. A print of his thumb was in one corner, again typical of Anatole.

"Not a problem, Your Majesty. Sir Anatole must have worked hard this year. We can only hope that he returns safely," said Mariette.

Mariette put the letter aside. As she glanced at King Vallotton and Count Lavaud, they both looked disappointed.

Mariette didn't understand why they were making such expressions, because the failure of Anatole's expedition would only impact Mariette alone.