I will wait


The question that came out of Mariette's mouth sounded flat. Obviously, the woman sitting in front of him didn't mind the missed opportunity to release her curse.

How could she ask like that? Elroy thought.

He didn't expect Mariette to be like this. He means it's about her life and its future. Does Mariette not want to feel something in her life?

"Sorry if I sound too intrusive," said Elroy quietly.

'You look burdened with my curse, Sir Elroy. Aren't you tired? I don't understand," said Mariette. "You, Emmanuele, Linda, even His Majesty the King—all of them said they were worried about me. We have nothing to do with anything other than co-workers. We're not family either. So why did they worry about me like that? Emmanuele and Linda even left their families and His Majesty the King even sent special forces for me.

"Then you…" Mariette stepped forward. The movement of her hand brushing Elroy's hair startled him. "You stayed up all night in the library. I'm fine, even though I can't love."

"My mother said the same thing about you," said Elroy. "People say that loving is the greatest human feeling, but being loved is a gift from God. Trust me, the worries Emmanuele, Linda, and His Majesty the King give are a form of their love for you."

"I cannot love, and therefore no one can love me," said Mariette. "I believe in those words. What they feel for me is not love, but pity."

Elroy froze at that.

That just sounded really mean. But Elroy realized, Mariette said it because she can't define feelings.

"You can't decide for yourself, can you? What if it turns out I love you?"

Mariette was silent for a moment. She seemed surprised by Elroy's statement just now. Well, Elroy was actually also surprised too.

Where did he get the courage to confess her feelings so suddenly like this?!

"I am ... surprised by your statement just now, Sir Elroy," said Mariette.

Elroy could feel his face heating up with embarrassment. "Me too. You must have been shocked to hear that just now."

"That means, what was just now was just spontaneous? You don't really love me, do you?"

"Not! I mean, that's not it!" said Elroy quickly. He turned his face away, then covered it with his palm. "My apologies, Viscountess Tierney. This… This is the first time I've said anything like this to a woman."

"Oh, you are shy?"

"Please don't make it clear," complained Elroy. "But… but I'm sure of my feelings for you. I don't know whether it's love or not. What's clear is that right now, I'm paying attention and I'm attracted to you."

"Oh, I see? Okay."

Elroy asked for Mariette's hand. Although she looked like she didn't know what that gesture meant, Mariette offered her hand to Elroy.

Elroy took her hand gently but filled with conviction. As Mariette looked into his face, Elroy gave her a look of burning determination.

"When my liking turns to love, I will tell you again. Until then, are you willing to wait for me?" Elroy asked seriously. Right now, he was risking his feelings and pride.

"Yes… Well, if that's what you want…" Mariette said, sounding doubtful. "I will wait for you, Sir Elroy."

A smile appeared on Elroy's lips in an instant.

Here he is. A new chapter in his life has just begun.

From now on, he will give everything to fight for his first love.


At least, that's what Elroy thought last night when he confessed his feelings to Mariette.

He just realized and remembered that he has a love rival who is a son from the family of a noble duke.

"The welcome is very simple for an expedition that takes up to a year," commented Ferdinand as he and Louie were resting from training.

"Believe me Sir Ferdinand, the welcoming party Count Lavaud said has gone through a long debate," Louie replied. "They plan to arrive in three days. I hope we get time off then. Ha ha ha!"

"Wow, if I get a day off, I will be pleased, Your Highness!"

Anatole Valent is the man whose return is most eagerly awaited at Lamamont. Its success in establishing cooperation with the kingdom across the country to facilitate trade routes via sea is now widespread. Anatole is not a war hero, he is an economic hero.

After this, he'll be knighted himself even before his father dies, thought Elroy.

While Elroy Gauthier… Will still be Elroy Gauthier without a peerage.

Would Mariette, who was a viscountess, want to marry an ordinary knight?

"What do you think, Elroy?"

Elroy snapped out of his reverie and looked at Ferdinand. "Ah, sorry. I can't hear you," he said.

Ferdinand chuckled. "I asked if you wanted to go to that bar you mentioned earlier. It looks like there will be a small party at the Palace."

"Yes. So, most likely we will have a big holiday," continued Louie. "I must certainly be present at Sir Anatole's banquet.'

"Is that okay? We won't be asked to do something suddenly, right? Watch, for example?"

Louie smiled crookedly. "Our Sir Elroy is very confident, isn't he? Can't you see how the knights glare at you whenever they see us gathered like this?"

"Eh?" Elroy automatically looked around him.

"Forgive this boy, Your Highness. Our Elroy is indeed insensitive," said Ferdinand. "Listen, buddy. Imagine how angry the Palace knights would be if they found out that we were also on guard. They will definitely kill us right away."

"Their self-esteem is too high. Just yesterday a noble had an audience with me and promoted his son as my tutor. Ha!" squeaked Louie. "Never mind, just stay away from here while there's a party. I'll ensure you don't want to be at the Imperial Knights Gathering later."

Elroy exhaled. "Hmmm. After all, who am I? I am just an ordinary knight."

Louie chuckled. "Just a moment longer, Sir Elroy. You–and Sir Ferdinand too–will no longer be ordinary knights. Maybe you can become as a great knight as Sir Anatole!"

Great knight, thought Elroy as he looked up at the sky.

If being a great warrior like Anatole would make Mariette choose him, maybe Elroy would.

Because with his current strength, Elroy obviously wouldn't be able to cross the continent of origins to find a way to break Mariette's curse.