No useless feelings

"There's nothing wrong with his vital organs."

"So… is it true that this is due to the effects of Mariette's curse?"

Everyone in the room fell silent. King Vallotton glanced at the door, Count Lavaud looked down, Duke Vallent looked away in embarrassment, and Anatole…

Anatole didn't know what to do.

He was in the middle of pressing security matters with debutante Louisa when Count Lavaud looked for him. The man's expression was pale and only then did Anatole know that something serious was going on. Something related to Mariette.

He said Elroy passed out, bleeding profusely. The timing was too fitting with Mariette's absence that day.

"The priest in charge of Mariette finally opened up after I threatened him," said Anatole slowly. "Apparently, just before arriving at Masoullac Capital Viscountess Tierney's heart skipped a beat. And this morning too."

"Judging from the timing ... it seems true because of Sir Elroy," said Count Lavaud.

"There's no use worrying about that now," sighed King Vallotton. "How are the two of them now?"

"Both of them are unconscious. Viscountess Tiernye's heart was beating slowly, and so was Sir Elroy's," Count Lavaud reported.

"Sooner or later Marquess Gauthier will hear this news," sighed King Vallotton. "Duke Vallent?"

"Duke Vallent is on his way to Masoullac, Your Majesty," Anatole told him.

"Once he arrives, tell him I want to talk to him alone." King Vallotton was silent for a moment. "Even so, Odette is her sister. There must be something he remembers to settle this."

"Yes, Your Majesty. I will convey it to Duke Valent once he arrives."

Before Anatole left the room, King Vallotton said.

"It's not your fault either. So I hope there are no useless feelings in your hearts. Especially you, Sir Anatole."

Anatole took a deep breath, then closed his eyes for a moment. Elroy's pale face sleeping in the infirmary shadowed him.

"Yes I understand. Thank you… for your concern, Your Majesty."

Anatole closed the door behind him.


The dream felt so real.

Elroy saw the late Queen Odette's wrath. Her expression was extremely vicious, implying both anger and hatred. Her eyes were bloodshot and puffy, for some reason.

"I will not forgive you! I will definitely carry this grudge to death!"

Queen Odette pointed at Elroy and he awake.

What an unpleasant way to wake up.

But this… where is it? thought Elroy confused. He felt he recognized the ceiling of the room he was lying in at this moment.

"El, my dear? Are you awake?"

"Mom?" Elroy tried to say something, but his throat felt dry.

"Oh, my son!" His mother suddenly burst into tears and called someone.

After successfully digesting everything, Elroy realized he was in his room at the Gauthier family residence in Masoullac Capital. The questions are (1) how did Elroy get here and (2) why did his mother get here.

It wasn't long before a healer and a priest examined him. They confirmed that there was nothing wrong with Elroy except his joints were a little stiff. On the other hand, his mother and father watched him seriously.

"Do you remember what happened to you before this?" asked Marquess Gauthier.

While trying to comfort Lady Gauthier in his arms, Elroy replied, "I had nosebleeds and coughed up blood in the Palace?"

Marquess Gauthier breathed a sigh of relief. "At least you remember what happen."

"I'm fine," said Elroy. "Rather than that, why am I here? Why is Mother here?"

The journey from their family's territory to the capital Masoullac took a week. Had her mother secretly left the house and come here before this?

"My dear." Lady Gauhtier rubbed one side of Elroy's face. "You've been unconscious for almost 2 weeks. Of course Mom and Dad are here."

Elroy's eyes widened. "Tw-two weeks?" he asked in disbelief.

"Mom is very worried. Everyone is worried," said Lady Gauthier. She squeezed Elroy's hand. "How if… how if you leave Mom too?"

"I'm not leaving you, Mom," said Elroy. "I'm here and I'm fine."

It took some time to calm down Lady Gauthier who was worried about Elroy. After calming down, then he agreed to leave Elroy to rest.

Rather than him, his mother looked sicker. He means Elroy's fine. Really! His body was only slightly stiff from lying down for too long.

Then what was that burning sensation at that time?

"As soon as you fell, the Palace immediately sent a letter to me," told Marquess Gauthier. "Fortunately, I was near the Capital. After two days of being unconscious, I decided to tell your mother."

"Sorry for causing a stir," Elroy said.

"Yes, you have no idea how much panic you caused," said Marquess Gauthier sharply, causing Elroy to pause for a moment. "It's just that I can't believe King Vallotton was so kind as to send his best healers and priests to examine you."

"That was the people from the Palace?"

Marquess Gauthier nodded. "You didn't do anything weird, did you?"

"N-no!" said Elroy quickly. That is if his little experiment with Louie doesn't count. "I work well and according to the procedure."

"Then what can explain the concern of His Majesty the King and Duke Valent?" muttered Marquess Gauthier.

How would he explain to his father that Elroy was in love with a woman cursed by the late queen? Then it just so happened that the duke's son had already arranged the woman. Not to mention Elroy's extra work translating foreign magic books.

Is it all dangerous? Was that all that worried King Vallotton and Duke Valent?

"Don't think you can hide everything from me," said Marquess Gauthier sharply. "If you don't want to tell me, I will ask His Majesty directly. If His Majesty doesn't answer, I will ask your brother to find out."

"I'm sorry," Elroy said stiffly. His father was in serious mode. "But I'm fine. Yesterday was just a tiring day." I guess, he added to himself.

"As you wish," hissed Marquess Gauthier. "You must remember that all of us–even your elder brother–are worried about you. Elroy, we can't lose anyone anymore."

"Yes, Father. I know."

"Get some rest. I'll call the maid to bring your food."

Elroy didn't answer. He looked down deeply, feeling guilty for making his family this worried.