Let her go

"Are you sure you'll be okay?"

"Yes, Mom. I will be fine. I'll feel worse if I don't get out and work soon."

"Okay. Be careful on the road and while you work. Come back here if you have time. Mom will stay here until early summer."

"Yes, Mom. Take care of yourself too. Bye, Elroy loves you, Mom!"

Elroy kept waving at Lady Gauthier even after the carriage had moved on.

Yes, this is Elroy Gauthier. A temporary tutor for a prince going to work in a luxurious carriage. To be honest, he was embarrassed but still did it to please his mother.

Where were the lowly knights riding in horse-drawn carriages to work?

Never mind, the important thing is now Elroy has started working.

During his sickness, Elroy received letters of concern and prayers from his protégé and twin, King Vallotton, and even Sir Anatole. Ferdinand? Well, his good friend paid him a visit while bringing the most complete gossip from the Palace during Elroy's absence.

"You should come back soon, buddy. The palace is now magnificent. Those damn steps that often knocked us over were fixed. Every wind that blows will bring the fragrance of the garden. The main dance hall looks even more luxurious," Ferdinand reported at the time.

"Wait! Wait. That's not the kind of news I was expecting from you," said Elroy. "I mean, the people. What about Prince Louie?"

"His Highness says he's lonely because he's lost someone to have fun discussions with–you know my brain isn't filled with weird knowledge. Then Princess Louisa was a little worried that you wouldn't be her debutante dance partner. Just so you know, I've even been prepared to take your place and start dance practice with Count Lavaud!"

"Th-then… What about Viscountess Tierney?"

"Eh? Viscountess Tierney? Well… I don't see her often. Sometimes I see her with Princess Louisa. Debutantes are just counting the days, right? She is very busy."

And that is it. That's all about Mariette's report. After two weeks of not seeing each other, it turned out that the news about Mariette was only "busy".

Can I meet her today? I miss her, thought Elroy, staring out the window of his carriage.

That day the sky was clear.


"You came here in your family's carriage?" Ferdinand greeted without preamble as soon as Elroy met him in Louie's room.

"How do you know?" asked Elroy in surprise.

"The knights who are jealous of you can't stop making fun of you, you know," replied Ferdinand, amused.

"What a spoiled child. After a long absence, he decided to show off," said Louie. "That's what I've heard."

Elroy let out a long breath. "My Mom forced me, okay? Besides, I just got sick. You should know how much medicine I brought here."

"So what did the healer say?" Louie asked curiously. "Father even sent healers and palace priests to you. Are you that ill, Sir Elroy?"

"Thanks for the concern, Your Highness," said Elroy. "They said I was fine. Just tired."

"But if Father were to send healers and priests…"

"That's because you didn't see how it was then, Your Highness," said Ferdinand. "Absolutely horrible–blood everywhere! I honestly thought he was going to die."

Elroy glared at Ferdinand. "Well, anyway I'm fine. My deep apologies for interrupting our study, Prince Louie. I will try to ensure that something like yesterday doesn't happen again."

"Yes. Get plenty of rest, Sir Elroy. You still have to be Louisa's dance partner," Louie said. "She was already very worried. Moreover, Sir Ferdinand is not very good at dancing."

"My deep apologies if I let you all down," Ferdinand grumbled.

The three of them laughed together.

Elroy's first day back to work after a long absence that day went well. Louie was, to his surprise, more obliging than usual. Obviously, he was holding back from continuing his experiments to make tools so humans could fly them. Maybe Anatole had already lectured him.

When his class with Louie ended, Elroy returned to translating books. The Palace Library that afternoon was quiet as usual. There was hardly anyone there except himself, the librarian, and…


Why is he sitting like he's been waiting for me for so long? thought Elroy frantically.

Anatole remained silent as he watched Elroy take his place and pack up his bags.

I can't work being watched like this! Elroy shouted inside as he started to open his books.

"How are you today?"

Anatole's question had completely exceeded Elroy's expectations. "Pardon me? I mean, I'm fine. Thank you for–errr–asking."

"You went straight back to translating the books I brought for you," said Anatole. His hand took the origin of one of the books. "I hear you are very diligent in translating it. I didn't give you a specific deadline."

"I want to be able to help somehow," says Elroy. "I also enjoy translating these books. I learned that literacy regarding magic and curses in the Lamamont Kingdom is very low."

Maybe Elroy had seen it wrong, but he sensed that Anatole smiled faintly. "As one would expect from the top scorers in the chivalrous examination."

"Thank you for the compliment, Sir Anatole," said Elroy shyly.

If he is being honest, Anatole is actually Elroy's role model. Back then in the academy, everyone praised Anatole's greatness. Once he was an excellent and diligent model student, everyone's pride. Elroy and many other students wanted to be like Anatole.

The tiny dream was achieved: Elroy graduated with a perfect score, even beating Anatole's previous grades. The two of them couldn't be compared, but Elroy was delighted with his personal accomplishments. And now his role model compliments her. Of course Elroy was pleased.

"With your abilities like this, why did you choose to become a border guard knight?" he asked. "I understand that the border is close to your family residence. It is just…"

"Well…" Elroy scratched the back of his neck. "I also understand that many people can't understand my reasoning."

"So your reason is really that?"

"Yes. My family is–let's say–a little protective of me for personal reasons. I also don't feel good if I leave Mother alone."

"Family is everything to you?"

"You can say that. They've done a lot for me."

"Then which one will you choose? Your family or Mariette?"

Elroy was silent for a moment, trying to digest the question just now. Was what just now a declaration of war? Was Anatole trying to threaten him for Mariette's sake?

"Sir Anatole… I don't know where this is going," said Elroy honestly.

"Leave Mariette, Sir Elroy. Let her go," Anatole said coldly.

Elroy clenched his fists. "Why should I do it?" he asked. "Because you like Mariette too?"

"If I said I would propose to her, would you let her go?"

"No, as long as the person concerned has not said yes." Elroy looked at Anatole with determination. "Even if he says yes and marries you, I will still love her. I will not snatch her from you or make her love me. I will only love her–and for me, that is enough."

"Sir Elroy, you have no idea what sacrifices you are making right now," whispered Anatole. He stood up from his seat. "Continue translating the books, Sir Elroy. We'll see if you can still say like just now or not."

With that, Anatole left Elroy with lots of questions.