Taboo conversation (2)

"I came straight here as soon as I heard from Linda, My Lady."

"Oh. Welcome, Emmanuele. I never thought you'd come so early in the morning."

After only a few months of not seeing her, Emmanuele looked even older. Maybe because of his messy appearance. This old man must have come a long way.

Mariette took Emmanuele into one of the living rooms. Linda had tea ready for them both, as if she had been looking forward to Emmanuele's arrival.

"What brings you to Masoullac, Emmanuele?" she asked.

"Of course, because of you, My Lady. I didn't expect you to greet me at all. Tell me the truth, you didn't sleep, did you?" Emmanuele demanded.

"You lectured me early in the morning," sighed Mariette, then took a sip of her tea.

Emmanuele shook his head. He glanced at Linda briefly. "I have read all the reports from Linda, My Lady. You've fallen twice already–the last time was even due to attacks from people. This is not good for you. How about you take some time off and return to the county?"

"You came all the way here just to say that? Emmanuele, you know how loyal I am to this work."

"I can replace you taking care of the Palace. I've done it before. I'm sure His Majesty the King will allow it."

"No, Emmanuel. I'm fine."

"You lost your sense of taste, right? Linda said your appetite has decreased."

Mariette looked at Linda. She immediately looked away, scared.

"I know I sound very meddling and bossing you around. But please understand how worried I am, My Lady," Emmanuele said earnestly. "Don't you think that your condition is getting worse? Let's get away from all this bad luck for a moment and start everything again from scratch."

Get away for a while and come back to a comfortable county. Sounds good to Mariette.

Mariette didn't have to worry about the Palace household. After all there was Count Lavaud. She could also give Anatole time and space to cool off. Then Elroy...

Returning to the county meant that Mariette would leave Elroy. Mariette will have time to forget him and vice versa. By the time she returned, Elroy's feelings would have faded too. Then, everything will return to the way it was.

"You are right. Lately… there have been so many things going on," Mariette muttered. "I'll think about it, Emmanuele."


Mariette took Emmanuele's suggestion seriously. Her current situation is not good and the work environment is not conducive. Maybe everything will get better by taking a little time off and organizing her heart and mind.

That was what Mariette had said to Count Lavaud during their breaks. Her leave was still uncertain, but it wouldn't hurt Mariette to seek advice from Count Lavaud. However, Count Lavaud's job would take a toll if Mariette took time off.

"Surely you don't mean just a day or two days off," said Count Lavaud.

"Yes. Maybe… I won't be back until next spring," said Mariette.

"Before with you, I have worked with Mr. Emmanuele. Even though he is old, he works very well. So I'm sure I'll be fine even if you leave. But what about Princess Louisa?"

Mariette let out a long breath. So far, she has doubled as a lady-in-waiting for Louisa. But now, the young lady has made her debutante. Louisa had to quickly find her own maid. Even if there weren't any, Mariette was sure that the maids at the Palace would serve and assist Louisa well.

"If I have received permission, I will immediately move to find Her Highness' maid," said Mariette.

Count Lavaud smiled faintly at that. "You already have everything in mind."

"Yes. I realized I couldn't go on like this. Somehow… I feel tired."

"That means you will completely reject Sir Elroy's feelings?"

"Yes." Mariette tried to convince herself as she said this. "Sooner or later, Sir Elroy will find out the truth. He was deeply loved by those around him. If he died because of me… In my lifetime, I will definitely bear other feelings that I can't feel and earn the hatred of many people."

"Viscountess Mariette, I wish you all the best," said Count Lavaud. "I know you can't feel anything, but please don't bear it all alone."

"Thank you for the prayers, Count Lavaud. The most important thing right now is to make Sir Elroy not love me anymore. Or whoever it is…"

"You plan to marry Sir Anatole?" guessed Count Lavaud.

"Well, maybe. Sir Anatole is already showing signs of not letting go of me. I don't know what he was really thinking." Mariette was silent for a long time. "But it's better to be with Sir Anatole so Sir Elroy doesn't die, right? I don't want anyone to die just for loving me."

"If you have decided like that ... I can not say any more," said Count Lavaud. "Whatever it is, may the path you choose be the best."

The best choice, Mariette repeated to herself.

The choice to choose Anatole has been behaving strangely lately. The choice to let go of the opportunity to be loved by someone...

The choice to let Elroy live.

Maybe this is how destiny has been outlined for Mariette. She would see this as a form of her love for Elroy.

Without Mariette knowing that Elroy actually thought otherwise.

Mariette and Count Lavaud were utterly unaware of Elro's existence, who initially overheard their conversation. At first, Elroy wanted to leave immediately, but as soon as he heard his name, he decided to stay.

And the truth that Elroy has been questioning all this time. The reason why Mariette so persistently avoided him.

[I don't want anyone to die just for loving me.]

"Yo, buddy. Are you back? Didn't you say you wanted to see Count Lavaud?" greeted Ferdinand as soon as Elroy returned.

"Later," said Elroy casually.

He searched for the abridged notes on books of magic and curses he had read. He studied it from scratch, trying to find something.

[Out of all the humans living on this earth, one person is destined for only one other person. Then how lucky if we can find it. He may be near us, could also be in the other hemisphere. Armed with such a great destiny, the curse was created.

[You will seek your destiny, even at great pains. But once you find your destiny, you will be regretted. This is one of the most painful curses.]

"Elroy? Elroy! What happened to you?! Hey, buddy!"

Elroy fell to his knees. He looked down and saw his tears dripping onto the carpet.

Magic… Curse… Who originally created it all? Aren't those who make others suffer so cruel?

Isn't it enough for just one person to sacrifice his life?