On their side (2)

After that incident, King Vallotton decided to take a break from all his activities. Count Lavaud as his aide, gave an official announcement that His Majesty King Vallotton was ill. Louie, who had not been appointed as the crown prince, could not carelessly replace his father's duties. Thus, the kingdom's reign would be somewhat hampered for the foreseeable future.

The atmosphere in the Palace was even quieter than usual. Because there were only a few ministers on duty and servants walking back and forth, the Palace looked deserted.

But for Elroy, what made the Palace quiet was Mariette's absence.

Even after this, maybe I'm the one who will leave this Palace, Elroy thought as he was about to meet Louie and Ferdinand.

As he expected, Louisa was also there. The three of them did not look like they were carrying out learning activities.

"Why not practice?" he asked. He looked alternately at Louie and Ferdinand. "Prince Louie, we weren't invited here so you could laze around, were we?"

Louie took a deep breath, then looked at Elroy. He only realized that the young man's eye bag was black.

"Come on, Your Highness. Your time with Sir Ferdinand is about to end, then time to study with me." Elroy motioned for Ferdinand to take up the practice sword. "Cheer up, Your Highness. Princess Louisa, you're not supposed to be here so early, are you? Come on, I'll take you to your drawing room."

Louisa stood up and walked away without a word. Elroy and Ferdinand exchanged glances before Elroy caught up with Louisa.

Her steps were small and powerless. Elroy caught up with her quickly. It seemed that, just like Louie, Louisa also didn't get much sleep last night.

Well, who could sleep after knowing such a big truth?

"What do you usually do in the morning? I'll get the maid for you," said Elroy when they arrived.

Louisa was silent for a long time before answering quietly, "Usually, I'm in Mariette's room and study with her."

I've asked the wrong thing, Elroy thought. "Shall I tell the head maid or Count Lavaud if you need a tutor like Prince Louie?"

Louisa didn't answer. It's obvious what that means. What she needed wasn't a tutor but Mariette.

"Princess Louisa, I know this sounds mean, but please get used to not relying on Viscountess Mariette," said Elroy. Mariette's name stings in her mouth. "We… can't rely on her anymore now."

"But it's just Mariette that I can rely on. Mariette… She's like our sister," said Louisa. "Mariette has always been there for us for a long time. So… so I don't understand why… this is all…"

Louisa slowly began to sob. Elroy couldn't tell him to stop, so he just sat there, watching the princess cry.

Because if he could, Elroy would also want to cry together.


"How was Louisa earlier?" asked Louie as soon as Elroy entered his study.

Elroy had anticipated the question. "Princess Louisa was crying earlier–I stayed with her until she calmed down. After that, I called the maid. It looks like Princess Louisa is sleeping now," he explained.

"Yesterday we spent the night in my room. Even though she sleeps with her back to me, I know Louisa didn't sleep last night," Louie told him.

"Aren't you the same way? Your eye bags look really bad."

"Sir Elroy, do you need a mirror in your room?"

They both grunted in unison. Even at a time like this, it turns out that Louie can still joke.

But I still worry about them, Elroy thought. Louisa always expressed her feelings clearly, so it would be easy to make up her mind in front of her. On the other hand, Louie was so good at controlling his expressions that it was hard to tell how he really felt.

"Sir Elroy, do you know how Mariette is doing now?"

"I haven't seen Viscountess Mariette after… after that incident. But I was told directly by her lady-in-waiting that she managed to survive. Even though she hasn't regained consciousness yet, her condition is gradually improving," Elroy answered as far as he knew.

"That's all you know?"

"That… Viscountess Mariette will be leaving the Palace," said Elroy. "Soon Emmanuele will fill the void, while Count Lavaud will be looking for a replacement for Viscountess Mariette."

That means Mariette will resign from her job. There will be many possibilities if this is done. For example, if someone objected, it was not impossible that Mariette would be forced to relinquish her royal title and be asked to return all of the family's assets given to her by the Palace.

"I heard that the late Viscount Gardet Tierney had a small cottage near the beach. I think Mariette will go and live there," Louie told him in a meaningful tone.

"Prince Louie?"

"Sir Elroy, Louisa and I have been at Mariette's side longer than you. That means I know more her than you," said Louie seriously. "I know you love Mariette. But I can't let you kill Louisa or me."

"In the name of my family, Prince Louie, I could not possibly dare—"

"I can get information on Mariette for you. No, I'd do anything for you related to Mariette," Louie cut in. "I will also give you special leave so you can see Mariette. But on two conditions."

Elroy was surprised to hear Louie make him an offer.

"First, don't try to hurt Louisa and me. Second, be my knight – together with Sir Ferdinand."

"What?" Elroy stared at Louie in disbelief. "Prince Louie, I don't think the second condition is something that can be brought up so easily."

"Swear allegiance to me, Sir Elroy." Louie's sapphire blue eyes were sparkling. "Louisa and I have no one to trust besides you and Sir Ferdinand. Swear allegiance to me."