Holding back tears (2)

"What is-"

"Good morning, Sir Anatole."

It was still relatively early in the day to have a visitor. The sun wasn't that hot yet. Anatole had just finished his morning exercise when he was notified of a visitor. He immediately ran into the living room when he found out that the guest was Mariette.

And that's where Mariette is. In his living room, standing to greet him, looking a lot better than when they last met. Her pale skin was still there; this time, Mariette was definitely more colorful.

Anatole motioned for her to sit back down. "Sorry for greeting you with this appearance," he said.

"No problem. In fact, I was wrong because I visited when you were busy and unannounced," said Mariette. "Your butler said Duke Valent isn't here?"

"You have been staying at the Palace for the past two days," Anatole told him. He is looking for a replacement for you, he added silently. "Wait, I'll send someone to pick up Father."

"Too bad, but I also wanted to talk to him…" Mariette said later.

Anatole watched Mariette slowly. "Are you… going to leave today as well?"

"No. Maybe in a month. My replacement hasn't been decided yet, have I? I'm not here to say goodbye."

"I heard that many people are fighting for the position."

"Which makes the search even more difficult. I've troubled Duke Valent and Count Lavaud too much."

"I don't know, Mariette. But for me… I know sooner or later you will leave this place."

Anatole felt it when he saw Mariette with Elroy. There was a strange impulse that made him imagine Mariette living freely. Mariette, who lives a quiet and happy life, far from the hustle and bustle of the Capital City of Masoullac and the complexities of the curse that it has.

"Oh, did I? I thought I would serve the Palace until I die," said Mariette. "I even had time to think about what my job would be like if I didn't have children to continue my family's work."

Anatole was taken aback by this, then chuckled. "Until the end, you are very responsible in your work."

"Yes. I can't understand people easily, so I often make mistakes with them. But work is easy to understand. That's why I like to work," explained Mariette. "But after this, I'll be unemployed for a while. I don't know how that will turn out."

So that's why, thought Anatole. He just found out. "You can do crafts, right? You can do it while you're there. Or, if you're feeling lonely and don't know what you want to do… I can visit you there," said Anatole.

"Sir Anatole… I think our feelings are over. Are those just my feelings?" she asked. "You can't also just leave your job for me. How long will your suspension be?"

"I don't know, Mariette. I don't know either," muttered Anatole. "Whether love or pity, I do have feelings for you. But maybe not as much as Sir Elroy's."

"Whatever it is, stay here and do your job well, Sir Anatole." Mariette looked at him deeply. "Duke Valent is on edge right now. He has no one but you. After all, I did leave on purpose so things would return to normal. And so that… the people who were saddened by my existence would find their happiness."

"Mariette." Anatole furrowed his brows disapprovingly. "No one is sad because of your existence."

It was probably then that Mariette smiled genuinely at Anatole for the first time. Not a smile that was printed for politeness, but a smile that came from her heart.

Anatole was stunned. The smile that came from her heart? he thought, then looked away. It seemed as time went on that Mariette began to show significant changes.

"Thank you, that cheered me up a lot," said Mariette.

Anatole was even more flabbergasted by this.


It wasn't long before Duke Valent arrived. Fortunately, his appearance looks good, with no eye bags or tired face. He is healthy and able to carry out his duties as a duke after the storm that hit.

"I'm glad to see you're doing well, Duke Valent," said Mariette after the brief exchange of pleasantries earlier.

"Thank you for your concern, Viscountess Mariette," replied Duke Valent. "I realized that the royal order could be disrupted if everyone fell into this state. There should be one person immediately rising up to help the others."

"You've worked hard, thank you," Mariette said, trying to show her sincerity. "Since I'm about to resign, you must also be affected."

"No big deal. Emmanuele is doing well. I, as well as Count Lavaud, already have a candidate name in mind."

Duke Valent also began to name the strongest candidates to replace the Tierney family to run the Palace. Mariette listened carefully, occasionally giving him opinions. The names Mariette mentioned knew quite well, so she had faith in them. Just how the selection process later.

And talking about it… felt strange to Mariette. She seemed unwilling to give up her job.

"The county you are currently living in will also be handed over to someone else. That means you will lose your land," said Duke Valent.

"As long as the person who replaces me can manage the county well, it's not a problem for me," said Mariette.

Duke Valent looked doubtful. "How do you feel? I mean, that's the land where you spend a lot of time with your late parents," he said.

"I'm not sure how I feel." Mariette looked down, then touched her chest. "I only got to know my parents for 5 years. The memory of that is already clouded in my mind."

"Oh, I see? Too bad…"

"Rather than my parents, I feel closer to Emmanuele and Linda, the Palace and your family. All of you who have accompanied me all this time. No, even all of you I have troubled all this time." Mariette looked at Duke Valent and smiled. "Thank you."

"I–" Duke Valent was at a loss for words. "Yeah, thanks again, Mariette. I hope you find happiness in your new place."