Holding back tears (4)

The class Elroy gave Louie that day ended with a slight shock.

"Mariette is waiting for you in the garden," Louie told him with a grin on his face.

So immediately Elroy went to Louie's garden and forgot to tidy up his class. Well, that can wait until later. Mariette is more important.

Sure enough, Mariette was right there. She seemed to be talking to Count Lavaud until Elroy thought maybe Louie was playing a prank on him.

"Ah, so that's how it is, huh? All right, I understand."

"I will send the rest directly to your residence. Thank you for your help so far, Count Lavaud."

"No, no. I actually feel bad for troubling you while you're busy taking care of the trial."

"I have to ensure that my next successor is able to perform properly."

Elroy waited for Count Lavaud to leave. Then he appeared when Mariette was alone.

Mariette didn't seem surprised by his sudden appearance. Her expression was flat, and it had always been like that. Elroy didn't protest at all: this was what the woman without the heart he loved was like.

"Your class with Prince Louie is over?" she asked.

Elroy smiled, then sat down beside Mariette. "Yes." It's been a while, he added to himself. "Prince Louie said you would wait for me here."

"Actually, I wanted to ask you out–since I'm here because of the trial. Do you mind going out with me?"

Eh, wait… Mariette asked me out?! thought Elroy frantically.

"If you don't want, we can talk here. But I can't stay here long because–"

"I-I want! Where are we going?"

Summer festivals in the Capital Masoullac are always held at the beginning, middle, and end of summer. Two days a month, the streets of shopping centers are filled with seasonal vendors. At that time, people in Masoullac did not come to shop at the shops but at the street vendors.

That's where Mariette took Elroy to go.

Food, light snacks, knick-knacks, everything is sold there. Elroy was so excited to see him.

"It seems like the right choice to ask you here," said Mariette. Elroy's interest in the festival must have been obvious.

"S-sorry. I have visited Masoullac several times, but this is the first time I have visited the summer festival," Elroy said, embarrassed. "W-where are you going first? Or maybe there's a food you want to try–oops!"

You stupid! Elroy cursed to himself. Mariette's sense of taste has disappeared. How could he even offer her food!

"Don't be like that, Sir Elroy," said Mariette. "Since I'm the one who invited you here, let's just buy the food you want to try. Linda says there's fried buns sprinkled with powdered sugar in here. I don't know what it's called, but she really likes it."

Elroy smiled. "Okay. Let's find someone who sells it," he said, holding out his hand.

At first, Mariette just stared at Elroy's hand, but then she accepted it. So the two of them walked down the summer festival hand in hand.

Amidst the heat of the festival because of the crowds of people, Mariette's hands felt soothing. Elroy feels comfortable holding it for long. Moreover, Mariette's hand felt very fit in his grip. Someday, though, Elroy hopes that Mariette's hands will warm up.

Elroy and Mariette toured the festival until sundown. The sky was already turning orange when Elroy realized he had gone to the festival without permission from Louie or saying goodbye to Ferdinand.

"Don't worry, Prince Louie is not the type to punish someone for having a good time," said Mariette.

"No, no. It's not like that, My Lady," said Elroy miserably. "It's about being responsible for my job. My class schedule with Prince Louie is already over. But… but isn't it very polite if I go out not on my day off!"

"Then bring some gifts for Prince Louie. He will surely be pleased."

"More importantly, I hope Prince Louie doesn't report anything to my father." Elroy was suddenly horrified to himself. "Just a few weeks ago, my father visited the Prince's Palace. I don't know what they were talking about. What was clear afterward was that my father warned me not to mess around."

"Ah, yes. I see. For example, dating me, right?" Mariette guessed.

Absolutely correct! Elroy thought, but he didn't dare say it. "No need to think about it, My Lady. I have received my blessing even though it is not 100% yet," he said soothingly. "He said I could have a relationship with you as long as–um–I wasn't hurt anymore."

"I'm not going to let it go anymore," Mariette said. "I have come to the point of resigning and relinquishing my peerage. I would even go far. If you and the others are unhappy, what is all this for?"

"Mariette." Elroy looked Mariette straight in the eye. "Pain is already a package with love. It doesn't matter if I get hurt once in a while." He smiled gently then. "Especially when I know you've sacrificed a lot like this."

"Oh, I see? I just learned that humans are willing to be hurt for love, "said Mariette. "You must have a very broad heart…"

Right at that moment, fireworks exploded in the sky. It loud voice attracted the attention of many people. The visitors to the festival were busy watching the fireworks in the sky, which had not yet wholly darkened. Mariette, probably getting carried away, also watches the fireworks.

The reflection of the fireworks looked beautiful in Mariette's eyes. It was the first time Elroy saw Mariette's eyes light up with something.

"What is it?" asked Mariette, who felt Elroy was watching her closely.

"N-nothing. I just thought… if maybe this really is the time for me to come back," Elroy said nervously.

"Okay. Let's go back then. You didn't buy any souvenirs for Prince Louie and Sir Ferdinand first? Sir Elroy? Sir Elroy?"

What had Elroy just thought?

He almost kissed Mariette!


"Okay, I accept your offering with pleasure. I forgive you."

Elroy breathed a sigh of relief at that. "I am completely unaware, Your Highness. I will make sure something like this doesn't happen again," he said earnestly.

Louie waved his hand as he chewed on the brown sugar fritters he brought with him. "Next time you do it, bring more souvenirs."

There won't be another time, Elroy thought. Of course he just smiled at Louie in response.

After finishing handing out the souvenirs, Elroy went to the library. Now he has 24 hour access there. If you quote from Ferdinand, the library is like a second room now. It was not uncommon for Elroy to fall asleep there and Ferdinand had to search for him all the way to the library.

What else can we do? Elroy was nearly mad.

There are only two books left for Elroy to translate. But even though he had translated that far, Elroy still couldn't find the answer to break the curse of Le Malheur de Solutide.

"Lord, what else should I do?"