Episode 10. Manipulative Nadia

Nadia immediately recoiled. The look in Chris's eyes was filled with so much disgust that one could see him mentally vomiting. "Go and sit down in the provided chairs like a normal person!" He said through his teeth. " You don't have to stick to me like a freaking koala bear! Understood?!" He yelled at her.

After Nadia sat with her head low, tears streamed down her foundation face, she took out a handkerchief from her channel bag and gently dabbed her face. 'This is happening because of that man snatching whore! '

Samenffa had always been a hindrance in her relationship with Chris, she hated him to the bones. Since the news of his return, Chris has been having mood swings and ignoring her calls.

She lifted her gaze to the man to show him her glossy eyes but he wasn't even looking her way. Her brows fell as she gave up on guilt tripping him . She bit her lower lip then pouted . She was used to being ignored but Chris was rarely upset with her . She adjusted the sleeveless mini gown that was showing her surgically pumped breast to make it more revealing but Chris still didn't look.

She murmured in her heart as she crossed her arms.

Twenty minutes went by and the cold president almost forgot his 'girlfriend' was in the room. He spared her a glance before taking his eyes back to his MacBook.

"As you can see Nadia, I am extremely busy, go now, I will let you know when I am free," he said.

"You are always busy, "Nadia complained aggrievedly.

Stopping his fingers from clicking on the keyboard, Chris gave Nadia a icy glare. "What did you just say?" He asked like he didn't hear her the first time. He did but was giving her the second chance to rephrase.

It worked. Nadia almost peed herself under his harsh gaze. "I said I can't wait to see that bitch in the movie premiere!" She laughed nervously, showing all her fake teeth.

Chris scoffed and continued chatting with his business partner who was visiting from India. Without looking at the sexy actress who was an eyesore to him, he ask, "will your brother be in attendance?"

"I don't know, "Nadia replied but immediately completed her statement when Chris glared at her. "But I will find out before the end of the day."

Chris eyed her from head to her purse that was on his table. "What is stopping you from doing it now?"

Nadia immediately brought out her iPhone 14 pro max from her purse and dialed her brother's number. He answered after the third ring.

("What is it , Nadia?") Platt asked , he didn't try to hide his displeasure.

"I heard your sugar bunny is going to be at my movie premiere, I just wanted to tell you to put him on a leash because I will scratch off his ugly face if I see him anywhere near my fiancée, "Nadia tactfully said.

She was the lead actress in the movie that was to be premiered in two days. Chris's lips quaked but he held back the smile for later, Nadia was a very manipulative woman, he liked her for her ability to deceive others.

The line went silent for a short while before Platt's smoky voice came again but lower than the last time he spoke. ("I will be coming with him so you can be rest assured that he won't be chasing after that cheating boyfriend of yours rather I would like you to keep him away from mine.")

Chris frowned not because he was called a cheat but because he was called a cheat by the man who his ex cheated on him with. ' You bloody bastard! You dare to snatch my whore and pretend to be self-righteous? ' He wished he could say it to Platt.

If he did they would probably fight like always, most of the times they met face to face, Platt always triggers him or visa vise. Samenffa would then be forced to take a side and that side was always Platt's corner. It made Chris hate him more.

Nadia seductively looked in Chris's eyes since they were on her and slowly swiped her upper lip with her tongue. "Oh don't worry about my boyfriend, he will be leashed all night. "She winked at Chris.

His eyes became cold, if looks could kill, Nadia would have freeze to death, he looked so dangerous and angry that she immediately rephrased to avoid getting punished. "Or it cou—could be the other way around, you know, me being leashed."

Although she was quick to cover up her stutter, Platt was smart enough to figure that something was off, his twin sister never stutters unless she was with the man that made her heart beat foolishly. ("You are with him right?")("You know what, I don't even care just don't bother me if you have nothing important to say.") He didn't wait for a reply as he hung up.

"Samenffa didn't invite him, "Nadia said before Chris could berate her. She knew he was already boiling, he is the one who makes the rules in their relationship, she was the leashed dog not the other way around.

"How do you know?" Chris asked making Nadia internally let out a sigh of relief.

She smirked. "I know my brother, he never hesitates to answer anything ."

Chris stroked his chin, thinking. "Is that so…" He grinned. "If you are correct it means they would probably fight right?"

"Right…"Nadia forced a smile. She felt the urge to roll her eyes but that could get her kicked out of Chris's office so she held the thought. She didn't like talking about her brother's relationship because it had to do with her love rival, Samenffa. Chris was always interested in everything that concern Samenffa.

It was among the major reasons why they started dating again. She was smart enough to manipulate Chris when he was in his weakest into dating her . He agreed only because he wanted to hurt Samenffa whom he believed still loves him.