Episode 14. Trapped (semi R18)

"You can never be too sure, sir, "his head bodyguard said with a look that showed he was not ready to obey his employer.

Chris sizzled in annoyance but didn't bother convincing the guards, they were trained to protect him whether he consented or not. He ignored them and continued his mission. They can't be blamed for their headstrong behavior, it was has not been a month since of Samenffa's die hard fan club runner cooked up an elaborate plan to have Chris shot.

If not for his head guard who was a vet that took the bullet for him, he would have been shot. Since then his safety became their first priority before obeying his ,it was after all signed in their contract.

Samenffa was presently in a secluded restroom. Only a few persons know of its existence, he got to know because Chris led him there a couple of times to make out crazily and some other activities…

Reaching the door, Chris stretched out his hand to push but before his hand touched it, his head guard held his other hand lightly to get his scrutiny. Chris almost burnt the lofty, athletic man to ashes as carried his blazing eyes to him.

The oriented soldier didn't tremble but he released his boss. "Please remember to press your buzzer if you need anything."

"Do you think I am a fucking child?!" Chris whispered loudly. His fists were twitching, a little more absurdity from this guy and he would show him that he was also a potent fighter, a black belt welder for that matter!

Meanwhile in the restroom…

("Sam! You need to be here, the show is already on fire!") Hugo shouted from Samenffa's phone, he was doing a video call.

He chortled at the designer's excitement, the place he was doing the call from was very noisy but from the looks of the runaway behind him, the people were loving the show and a lot of photographers and news men were already bombarding the models with clicks of their camera.

The show has been stolen. "Just hold on a bit I will soon be there, "Samenffa told Hugo.

( "Soon doesn't win the race sistanas! Get here now, I can't close the show without you!") Hugo nagged.

Samenffa rolled his eyes out of habit, Hugo was too dramatic, with his Porsche he would be there in two minutes, the location of the street fashion show was not too far from here. "Look Hughie, I be there before you say 'fabulous!'"

("Fabulous!") Hugo cried out then looked around pithily before looking back in his phone then frowned. ("I don't see you anywhere!")

"Gosh Hugo, you are so extra!" Samenffa exclaimed then laughed out loud. "See you in a—"

He had to immediately hang up on Hugo because the door of the private rest room opened. His heart almost leaped out of his chest when he saw who it was. He subconsciously retreated back as he slowly slid his phone in his pocket.

His heart was beating so hastily that he speculated that it was hearable. "Chr— Christopher, Whu~what are you doing here?" He strumbled while still backing away.

There was a bone chilling grin on Chris's face and to make matters worst, he fastened the door then began approaching Samenffa like a predator to a trapped prey. "What do you mean, mine? Menffa , I should be the one asking you that, this is a private restroom." He taunted.

The mentioning of the two pet names Chris used to call him when they were dating made Samenffa want to escape even more. He wasn't scared of Chris but what he could do to him, especially in this restroom, a place they had made a lot of unforgeable memories in .

Hoping to reach for the door and make it was a far fetched dream, Samenffa knew this, the next best thing was the private toilets. He bolted to the nearest stall but Chris caught his hand as he turned halfway. He pulled him into his embrace harshly and hoisted his jaws to make him look in his eyes.

"Menffa, where are you running to? Always running away, am I a monster? "Chris asked teasingly.

"I don't want trouble, Christopher, please let me go, "Samenffa pleaded feebly.

Ignoring him, Chris took the initiative of tracing the outlines of Samenffa's face, it was smaller than he remembered and up close, he noticed that the makeup was too much, the Samenffa he knew was so naturally beautiful, he woke up with a blush always tainting his cheeks but this blush on his face was false and Samenffa always had an issue with applying makeup that was why he never did drag queen looks.

But right now, Chris's revenge was more significant than whatever was going on with his former bedmate. He smirked." Why are you pretending ? Remember what we used to do here, you gave me a ton of blowjobs on this very spot, remember you always make me turn my jackets to rugs because you refused to kneel on a flirty restroom floor, should I throw it now so you can give me a quickie."

"Please Chris…"Samenffa implored, he tried effortlessly to break free from the man's hand that was pressing his fleshy buttocks on his(Chris's) now hard member all to no avail. "Please, I will go now, your girlfriend must be waiting for you…"

Chris's face contoured in a angry frown as he slammed Samenffa roughly on the mirror behind the sinks, arcing his waist back. "Shut your bitchy mouth up! "He pressed Samenffa's face on the mirror while grinding his member between Samenffa's ass cheeks.

"You give it to Platt who you don't love but you can't give it to me? Huh?! Is how that you can go?!"

Samenffa began to sob. "I am sorry~"

Chris immediately froze. He didn't expect Samenffa to actually cry, they were used to doing things rough at times, he just wanted to bully him a little and leave him feeling worthless… Now that he thought about It, Samenffa would have cried after he leaves. The ice cold water of guilt was instantly poured on his head.

He removed his hand that was lightly pressing Samenffa's head and turned him around to front him. He wiped away his streaming tears with his palm. "That's enough, no one likes a weeping bitch."