
Austin, who had been waiting for Mark to come home, heard the door closing and asked confusedly, "You're back?"

Mark did not speak. He just jumped at him and started kissing him in a hurry.

In the past, Mark would do such a thing when he came home drunk, and Austin was used to it, but soon, he realized something was off.

For example, the man on Austin's body was too heavy and did not have the familiar feeling that Mark usually gave him.

In a panic, Austin turned on the bedside lamp.

Mark's boss, Miller, hugged Austin so tight.

'This man is so heavy!' Austin thought.

Austin had only seen it from a distance before. He was forty-two years old, with a bald head and big ears. Now, the man in front of him, Austin, also found that the man's eyes were ugly and his breath was terrible.

Seeing Austin turn on the light, Miller was stunned for a moment, then he held Austin's hand on the pillow and said excitedly, "I have agreed with Mark, only one night. After tonight, I will pay off his gambling debt!"

Mark had told him this a few days ago, but at that moment, Austin thought he was joking with him.

The two had known each other for many years, and they had come to this country together after confirming their relationship four years ago. Initially, in Austin's heart, Mark was his lover and would be with him for the rest of his life, but now, to pay his gambling debts, he gave himself like a gift to someone else.

"Go." annoyed Austin.

"Mark owes me a lot of debt. If I don't help him this time, do you think he'll last for a few days?"

Miller's tone was threatening, and Austin revealed a sad smile upon hearing this.

Four years ago, Mark did not hesitate to leave his family and run away with him for his sake. For this reason, even if he had realized from the start that Mark was just a playboy with a fake appearance, not very kind to him, Austin was always patient.

It is just that now, he does not know what he is still holding onto

Seeing Miller, who was still lying on top of him, ready to do whatever he wanted, Austin said in a sharp voice, "I'm saying one last time, get out of my body!"

His tone gave off a cold aura, but Miller was more substantial than him. After violently tearing off Austin's thin T-shirt, he bit into Austin's delicate collarbone again and said faintly, "Do you think it can happen that easily? The meat is already in my mouth, How could it be-"

Austin has a handsome appearance and an unusual temperament. Miller only glanced at him from a distance that day, and he was obsessed with him. This time, if Mark was not into gambling debts and he could not pay them off, he was afraid he would never be able to touch this man in his entire life.

It was a pity that before he could finish the word, Austin, suddenly exerting his strength, grabbed the lamp by the bed and smashed it hard on Miller's head.

"You!" shouted Miller.

Austin pushed Miller, who was bleeding from that and walked out the door barefoot.

As he imagined, Mark was sitting on the sofa in the living room outside the door at this time.

Usually, people who experience this sort of thing would feel nervous or embarrassed to some extent, but Mark was not like that. He ate the spaghetti in the lunch box and played with his cell phone. He looked very relaxed and comfortable.

After hearing the sound of the door opening, Mark followed the sound and looked at Austin.

"Where's my boss?"

"Die." replied Austin.

Seeing her say such a word with a cold expression, Mark finally showed a hint of panic. After pushing Austin in front of him and seeing the scene in the room clearly, he shouted angrily and said, "Austin, damn it! Are you not human? You really want me to die?"

"Did I ask you to gamble? Am I the one in debt?"

"How do you think you left New York four years ago? If it wasn't for you, would I have stayed away from my family for so long? And you, how can you live so easily?"

Easy? Austin did not think that way at all. Ever since he came to this country four years ago, the cost of food and clothing for the two of them was borne by himself. Even two months ago, Mark went to a nightclub and used various excuses to continue his hobby of alcohol.

Not to mention that every time there was a dispute, the man would discuss the same thing, using even harsher words than now.

Is this the attitude of a true lover?

Seeing Mark before him, Austin began to suspect that this person had never loved him.

"What would you do?"

"Break up, I'm moving out of here now."

This was the first time Austin asked to break up with her. No matter how bad Mark had been to him in the past, Austin had never said such a thing to him. Thinking that he would lose the man who gave him such a luxurious life, Mark could not help but feel a little nervous.

He wanted to say some seduction, as usual, to restrain Austin. However, when he saw Miller lying unconscious on the bedroom floor and thinking about his gambling debt, Mark was instantly angry and helpless. He quickly removed his tie to hold Austin's neck.

Isn't it better to be obedient and obedient like before?

After all, was it not before that to accompany someone to bed? Had he never done it before, so why pretend he wanted to die for the sake of holiness right now? Also, doesn't Austin keep repeating that he loves him? A debt collector almost killed Mark. Why couldn't even Austin help with a small thing like this?

"Uhuuk—Mark—" he said breathlessly.

Austin's face changed colour from the lack of oxygen. Thinking of his hopeless life, Mark felt unprecedented pleasure and carelessness.

After tightening the tie in his hands, he half kneeled on the floor and said, "Austin, do you really think I took you away from New York because I love you?"

After he finished speaking, he smiled. Mark's lips rested on Austin's ear and said again, "No. I also owed much money to loan sharks like I do now, coincidentally your younger brother found me. He said as long as I took you away from New York, he would give me 300,000 dollars. Although 300,000 is nothing, the Black family can be considered a famous family in New York, but you know, I'm just an illegitimate child. My mother is just a prostitute from Australia, so even if I die, the people in the Black family probably will not have any feeling."

Thinking of his miserable childhood and the grievances he suffered in the Black family, Mark worked even harder at tying Austin's neck. It seemed that only in this way could he let go of the unwillingness and anger in his heart.

Seeing Austin, who was still struggling earlier, having stopped the movement in his hands, with a surprised look on his face, Mark smiled again and said, "You do not know why your younger brother gave me money? Because he loves Lionel to death! He wants to marry a descendant. the Wilsons."

"But then again, Austin, I've never seen anyone more stupid than you! Back then, your mother didn't hesitate to break up with her family to marry your father, and your father made a profit with your mother's private money, but what happened? Didn't your mom go crazy because of your dad, and the bitch, Emma? How about you? Don't you love calling Emma by your mother's name every day? And your little brother who was a white-eyed wolf, you were very good to him, but what did he do to you in the end?"

After thinking it over, Mark said with complicated feelings, "Your family is quite scary! But your father and you, are as stupid as your mother. Don't mention his raising someone else's son, he compares that person to his own child, then thinks of him even better."