Needs Money

Because he wanted to please a few people in the Joneses, he spent all his money on them. He bought even the European car owned by Alta with his own savings. The goal was to celebrate the man's college graduation.

Austin has used up savings that are used for non-essential circumstances. In desperation, he had to call Prof Martinez, his lecturer at the college.

Austin attended one of the most renowned universities in New York, and his professor, Prof Martinez, is even more famous.

Initially, the man is a lecturer for doctoral students, he then meets Austin, because he is a substitute for his sick friend.

Austin was in his sophomore year when he met him, and Prof. Martinez taught the aesthetics of William Shakespeare's poetry because Austin had a soft spot and a passionate feeling for poetry. In addition, Austin has a different opinion about Shakespeare's poetry, which makes Prof. Martinez gradually like Austin's intelligence.

Prof Martinez is a true writer, and his deep sense of nationalism means he spares no effort in promoting American culture.

The man felt that this kind of thing had to start with children. Hence, he released several books of easy-to-understand poetry analysis every year with the New York government and professors from other top universities.

He will also recruit young people who, according to him, have specific talents and potential in this field.

Back then, when Austin insisted on teaching at the elementary school where he now works, Prof Martinez refused to answer his calls for half a year out of anger.

He hoped Austin would continue his graduate studies and become an expert in literature like himself. Unfortunately, Austin at that time, even if his family was not short of money, he was consciously obliged to reduce his family's burden.

However, his kindness may be just bullshit in the eyes of people who do not care about him.

After thinking like that, the smile on Austin's face became even more sinister.

"Austin?" said the man.

Before Austin could respond, Prof Martinez lowered his voice and said, "I'm in a meeting, I'll call you later."

He held endless meetings every day. Occasionally he has to fly abroad to work in the academic field with other professors.

Austin understood this, and the next day, he received another call from Prof. Martinez.

Hearing Austin's words, Prof. Martinez looked very happy, but he could only groan a few words when he thought about the years that the man had wasted.

"Professor, can I ask for a salary first?"

"You are very short of money?"


Prof Martinez was helpless and gave him his assistant's number and asked him to call himself.

Austin chatted with Profe Martinez's assistant named Jack, and immediately, the man transferred part of Austin's salary to his account.

Austin immediately transferred the money to the detective agency's account, and his part-time job also started this weekend.


Prof Martinez's research office is located at the University where Austin has studied. The building is an antique, which is hidden under the green trees. This is one of the unique buildings in New York, which is full of architectural styles from the Victorian era.

This collection of poetry analysis is divided into three parts, from which Austin was chosen to focus on the poetry analysis section of a mixture of American and European cultures, which afterward entered the literary elements of Asia.

The eight people who worked with Prof Martinez, except Austin, were working at the University as full-time lecturers or researchers or had recently completed Ph.D. Luckily, they were the same age and loved poetry and literature, so the atmosphere around them was relaxed and fun.

When analyzing poetry, it is also necessary to pay attention to essential things: the author's introduction, explanation of rare words and sentences, general summary, and description of the contents. What Austin and the others need to complete is the third part. If not added the first two, the heavy workload may not be completed within a year.

After they finish their respective works, Prof. Martinez and other literary experts will review and revise them. Finally, they will be compiled into a book and submitted to a publisher for publication.

Just getting out of school that day, Austin received a call from Lionel.

Because of their tight schedule, the two of them could only contact each other by phone or exchange messages this week.

After talking about his position, Austin saw a middle-aged man walking toward him.

"Mr. Austin?"

Austin nodded, and the middle-aged man led him to an expensive black European sedan parked at the school gate.

Lionel was sitting there, wearing a light blue shirt with buttoned-up buttons. He had an exquisite appearance and cold temperament, exuding a domineering aura all over his body.

Moreover, his behavior was very elegant. Even after Austin pushed Lionel's wheelchair to enter the Italian restaurant, he still looked calm.

Austin was not particularly interested in Italian food, but he was so hungry that he devoured a large amount of food before saying, "This is not as good as the chef at your house makes."

The act of wrinkling his nose made Austin look a little childish. Lionel lifted the corners of his mouth slightly and said, "We'll be eating at home after this."

Hearing his words, Austin just laughed.

After dinner, Lionel took Austin to see a theater play.

This is one of the few hobbies that Austin has. While pushing Lionel into the venue, he only felt that Lionel should have read the information about him beforehand.

The stories set in this theater are well-known and have survived for more than ten years. The director is from Las Vegas, and the actors in it are famous stars with talent from New York, Las Vegas, and Florida.

Austin was looking forward to this show, but he was too tired. It took less than half an hour, and he fell asleep when he heard the actors and actresses acting beautifully on stage.

Just as he was about to lean back on the chair and fall asleep, he felt that Lionel, who was beside him, carefully placed his head on his shoulder, as if to make him more comfortable, and he also adjusted his sitting position throughout the event.

This attitude touched Austin slightly, but unfortunately, he had already died once, and the only lesson he was taught in his death was that he could only rely on himself in everything.

When Lionel woke him up, Austin had not come to his senses yet. He stared at Lionel for a while with confused eyes before he said, "Sorry, I accidentally fell asleep just now."


"No problem, they will stay here for a whole month." After thinking about it, Lionel added, "If you get tired in the future, just give me a call. We don't have to meet."

"I just adjusted my work at school and some extra work, so I shouldn't be too busy going forward." Austin replied, trying to convince Lionel.

Lionel nodded and handed him a beautifully packed box.


Upon opening the box, Austin found twenty neatly folded men's handkerchiefs, soft to the touch, with Austin's name sewn in black beside the brand.

'Lionel gave me an expensive handkerchief. He does not have to do this.' Austin's inner heart was touched because his ex-boyfriend rarely gave him this kind of attention.

"Why are you giving me this?"