Chapter 13- Return To The Plains Of Tranquility (Part 2)

Chapter 13- Return To The Plains Of Tranquility (Part 2)

Reo didn't even bat an eye when he refused. He knew that what he was doing was kinda idiotic. He was asking her for crucial information so it's only right that he at least considers her offer and see if he could do it. Instead, he simply refused immediately, which makes him sound like a scumbag or something like that.

However, on the other hand, he had no desire to team up with anyone for no good reason. Magic? Even if he had to wait until after the tutorial, it was fine.

As he walked away, the girl's voice echoed again.

"I know where the boss monster is." She said with her flat tone.

Reo halted his steps and looked back at her with squinted eyes. He wanted to discern whether she was telling the truth or not.

After a moment, he asked a question.

"Why do you want to team up with me this much? Did we meet before?"

The girl was definitely trying to persuade him with everything she had and that made him question whether he knew the girl before or not. But she simply shook her head and then muttered with the same cold look.

"You seem like a suitable partner for a team. Besides, it's only until the tutorial ends. Everyone will go on his way after that."


Reo could only ponder over her offer for a good 10 seconds before he sighed and responded.

"Show me the boss monster location and I will accept."

The girl nodded before she bent her head slightly.

"Thank you."

Her voice was still devoid of any emotion, but Reo could swear he felt a small tinge of sadness coming from her words. He blinked twice before he threw the matter away and focused on the boss monster.

'It's none of my business.' He thought.

The girl then started walking in a precise direction silently. Reo didn't know what to do with this awkward silence, so he tried to start a conversation.

"Mmm, what's your name? Mine is Raven." He didn't say his real name since it was a game and he had a nickname to use inside it. Exposing someone's identity was very dangerous.

"Cassia," she replied with one single word before she fell silent again.

"I see…" He coughed slightly and continued walking without uttering a single word. All he wanted was for this team-up to not be unbearably awkward, but it seemed even that was too much to ask.

The journey was long. It was so long that it almost took them 45 minutes of continuous walking. This gave Reo an idea of how big these plains are and it made him even more sure that if he didn't complete the quests by tomorrow, he might as well leave the game without waiting for the results since he won't have enough time to find the exit from these plains.

"We are here." Cassia's voice woke him up from his thoughts and made him look around him. The place was still as normal as it was a few minutes prior.

There were no signs of a boss monster or anything unusual for that matter. He almost thought that she tricked him or something along those lines, but he didn't want to jump to conclusions quickly.

"Mm, where is it?"

Cassia immediately pointed at a particular area a few meters away from them. Then, to prove her words, she picked up a piece of rock and threw it in that area.

The moment the rock touched the ground again, a message appeared in front of the duo.



[Boss monster domain can't be affected. The player level is too low.]


"I see." He muttered as he read the message.

"I am going to assume that we need more than level 2 or even 3 to face the boss, right?"

Cassia nodded her head and added.

"We need to complete the other quests before we attempt that quest."

"It's going to take time to actually be able to find that many monsters and kill them. Either we get very lucky or it's going to be troublesome to pull off."

"It's not that big of a problem…"

As Cassia was about to speak, a loud scream made them look around clearly alerted. It was so sudden and out of nowhere that it even made Reo alert.

Following those screams, shouts, groans, and all kinds of loud sounds attacked their ears one after the other like raging waves.

The sounds seemed to get closer and closer to them as they were standing there.

"What is this?" He muttered and looked at the place where the sounds were coming from. As much as he felt repulsed and also slightly unwilling to take a look, he shook his head and eyed Cassia who also had the same idea.

The two approached the place of this raging fight sneakily and took shelter behind a huge rock before peeking from behind it.

There, they saw it. A scene straight out of a nightmare. 25 or so players were fighting hordes and hordes of Uruvs that rushed toward them relentlessly.

Calling this fight was an overstatement, as it was nothing short of a gruesome massacre. Dead bodies littered the place. Body parts floated inside giant pools of dark blood.

Shattered organs filled the area and covered the whole area with a nauseous smell that could make any person throw up on the spot.

Reo took a deep breath and then looked at the players that were still fighting or to be more precise trying to escape.

"No!! Leave me alone!! I don't want to play anymore! Log out! Log out!!!" A man in his 40s shouted at top of his lungs as he got surrounded by Uruvs and chopped up on the spot.

Another was still alive but had most of his limbs cut off and was trying to crawl away with whatever strength he still had in him. The pain he felt was tremendous even if we put in mind the 70 percent reduction in pain sensors. Getting your limbs chopped off was no simple matter.

"Mommy! Mommy!!" He screamed, but his voice was soon drowned by the screeches of the Uruvs as they jumped on top of him and dug their claws into his soft flesh.

Reo felt his breath get stuck in his throat for a moment. His eyes widened to their extreme and his mouth tried to utter a single word but couldn't. One of the Uruvs seemed to sense their presence and screamed to alert the other Uruvs around it.

"It already started, huh," Cassia muttered beside him with a sigh before she stood up. Reo didn't hear her words, but he still asked.

"What is happening? Is this even still a game?"

Cassia shook her head and replied in a mysterious tone.

"This is not a game… This is Paradise Online."

Then she walked out of their hiding and readied herself for the fight. When the Uruvs sensed her presence they stopped whatever they were doing and ran toward her with their crazy-looking eyes and bloodied faces from the previous massacre.

Reo shook his head and eyed the rushing monsters before he sighed and stood up. He had no idea what was going on at all. So, he did what he did best… Focus on what is at hand.

A horde of monsters was running toward him? Fine, it meant it was time to have some fun.


"Entertain me." He muttered, as his eyes started glowing very faintly.

Cassia looked at the boy beside her with a complicated gaze before she focused on the monsters without saying a word. She didn't have the luxury of thinking about other things now.


Author here. Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Don't forget to support the book in any form. I will be very happy and also keep pumping chapters out. Have a good day :).