Chapter 10: Our Town

Word seemed to get out fast, as it has done in the past, in the town of Springfield. Bart Simpson, the "Boy-terror" who became the "Man-marvel" was suing Jessica Lovejoy, the "Ever-lovely Reverend's daughter", for kidnapping. The even bigger gossip was around the fact that Jessica was suing Bart for sexual harassment. Everyone in town were coming up with their ideas and stories of the two and who would eventually win the trial. Some said Bart was going to win based on the known history of Jessica and how she implicated Bart when she stole the Church's money. While others thought maybe Bart was to blame this time, that his new ego got the better of him and that he was making up this whole story of kidnapping. Talking soon changed to confronting members of the Simpson family.

"Get out of here, you vultures! It's people like you that gave O.J. Simpson a bad name!" Homer said as he slammed the door of the house into the faces of some of the mob.

"But Homer, we just want to know what's really happening. Moe's placing bets on where this trial will go and who'll win it. And, quite frankly, I can't survive on anchovy paste, this time. I need to know who'll win it." Said Lenny from outside.

Homer stepped back outside and placed two firm fists against his hips.

"Oh, really. Well, I'll give that bookie the talking of a life-time!"

Homer closed the door and went back inside and dialed on the telephone.

"Hello, Moe? Put me down fifty on the boy."

Chapter Ten: Our Town.

Alex was walking with Lisa when three women walked up to them with cans of paint in their hands.

"There she is! The sister of the deviant!" One of the girls pointed at Lisa.

The other two girls approached with their paint cans ready.

Alex immediately grabbed Lisa's arm and the two of them ran all the way to Springfield Elementary School and managed to lose the women inside the School.

When the three women gave up and left, Lisa chuckled.

"What?" Alex asked.

Lisa smiled, "It's ironic, but today it's proven true. School is my sanctuary."

Alex smiled too.

The two women decided to spend some time walking around the school and reminisce about their time here and finding the GYM where they had became friends.

"Did you know it took me about of month to get that grease out of my dress?" Alex said laughing.

Lisa laughed too, "It didn't matter with mine. Mom bought the same kind of clothes for Bart and me until we went to Middle School."

"I remember getting kicked out of your house, by your Mom, for trying to alter your dresses to something new." Alex said smiling.

They walked around some more until approaching Lisa's locker.

"I wonder…" Lisa started fiddling with the combination lock and soon it clicked open. Reaching inside, Lisa moved her hand around the top of the inside of her old locker until her hand stopped and she pulled out a handful of old papers tied together with a rubber band.

Alex looked inquiringly to the bundle.

"What are those?" She asked.

Lisa smiled, "These are love letters sent to me by someone who called himself "Some-kind-of-wonderful"."

Alex grinned and elbowed Lisa, "How can you be sure it wasn't a girl?"

Lisa gave a bemused look, "Wow, Alex, never knew you thought of me like that."

Alex again elbowed her, "You wish, Simpson."

Lisa undid the rubber band and thumbed through the letters to the last one.

"No, I know this was a guy, due to the bad spelling and the fact that, in his last one, he was talking about his "area" of expertise."

Alex took the letter and read it, finishing it, she whistling loudly; "No, kidding. This is definitely a guy. Yowzah, does he has an imagination."

Lisa laughed and nodded her head.

Alex looked up from the paper, "So, when was the last time "lover-boy" wrote to you?"

Lisa started rubbing the side of her arm; "Actually…He hasn't stopped."

Alex almost dropped the paper, but quickly retrieved it as she looked at Lisa with wide eyes.


Lisa nodded in confirmation.

"You're telling me, this guy has been writing to you ever since? Do you know who he is, have you two met?"

Lisa shook her head, "No. I haven't. It seemed too weird and risky. I've been enjoying his writing to me but at the same time I've been apprehensive about making any contact and it seems he feels the same way. Never once, in his letters, did he ever offer an invitation to meeting me at some place or time. The way I see it we have a mutual understanding and that we both agree not to leap over what we have."

Alex looked at Lisa with uncertainty, "And…what exactly is it that you two have? I mean, have you written back to him as well?"

Lisa shook her head, "I don't know anything about him, so it didn't really seem necessary."

Alex put a hand on Lisa's shoulder, "But Lisa, what if this guy is a stalker? Shouldn't you us your government ties to find out who it is that's sending you these?"

Lisa shrugged, "I've thought about it, but, I've been really busy and have been focused on more important things. Don't worry, though, Alex, other than the letters, which really haven't described me physically or gave any indication that he's seen me recently, they're virtually harmless, and so is he, by the way I look at it."

Alex wasn't sure she agreed with Lisa on this, but she did agree that Lisa was a careful person and wouldn't jeopardize herself.

The two, realizing what time it was, decided to leave and walked down the hallway and out the doors.

It's two o'clock in the morning and Bart wearily looks at his computer screen. He's been making rewrites and making adjustments with his presentation at the deposition hearing that would be the day after tomorrow. Bart had really hoped he would be able just to arrange this so Jessica would agree to move out of Springfield and let him get on with his life just as it was before she decided to move back. Alas, Jessica's lawyer, the ever nasally sounded Patrick Gweeble, had told him no over the phone, so Bart was now, working late.

Bart respected Gweeble as one lawyer to another, but personally he despised the man. Patrick Gweeble always represented the greediest of Springfield, those that Bart would love to see turn out penniless. Gweeble represented Mr. Burns when Bart was ten and was hit by Mr. Burns' car. Unfortunately, Homer and Mr. Hutz had lost the case when Marge had taken the stand and decided to end the trial by telling the truth, leaving the family with nothing and having to pay Mr. Hutz's outrageous attorney fees. Gweeble was a dangerously brilliant attorney and now was the one Bart had to meet on the battleground.

Sometimes Bart hated his work.

While he had been working, his two sisters, Alex, Marge and Homer, and finally Milhouse had visited him. Milhouse wanted, desperately, for Bart to work on this later and go bowling with him and Lewis. Bart declined and was now starting to wish he had taken up on that offer.

It was just turning three when the door leading to his office had opened and Bart recognized an all too familiar smell. He could also hear whispering voices and then a loud one.

"Run!" Said a voice to another. The steps of these two went loud and out the door.

Bart removed himself from his desk and went outside of his room to see what he had expected: A flaming bag of dog crap.

Bart went to the secretary's desk and removed the paper from the wastebasket. He then put the wastebasket over the bag, which extinguished it.

Then, grabbing the bag, he walked back into his office and opened the window. Knowing how long it would take to get to the bottom floor, Bart saw the kids calmly walking directly below him.

Bart dropped the contents of the bag directly on top of them.

"Nice try, amateurs." Bart said.

Bart smiled; hearing the pitiful cries of dismay from the two unlucky teenagers brought back some memories.

I wonder if I've worn this suit too long. Maybe I should be bad ever once and awhile.

Looking out of his office window he could see the smoke coming from his home. No doubt Homer was trying to do his "Alien Calling" technique he devised whenever he got too much into watching "The X-Files". Thinking of that place he was immediately drawn to Alex there. She liked him for who he has now become and changing that may jeopardize their relationship.

Nah, I'm too old for it. Bart Simpson is going to live the quiet simple life. He said smiling to himself.

Then closing his window, Bart began getting ready to get out of his office.

The following Morning, Maggie got up and walked out of Aunt Selma's apartment, went downstairs and started up her motorcycle. Another thing that drove her mother nuts was Maggie owning this thing, not that she bought it with that in mind. She had it custom painted into a purple-ish color with two red cherries along the exhaust pipes. She bought it from an a junk yard dealer and then spent over 1,500 dollars just getting back to life and then decorated. In no way would she tell her mother the amount she had spent. It'd probably give her mother a coronary.

She had decided the previous evening to get out this early to work in order to avoid the insane people who were either bombarding her with questions about Bart's trial or calling her derogative names because of her relationship with Bart.

Mostly, Maggie needed to take this drive to clear her head. So much has passed on and a lot of it not to her liking. She had put so much hope on the idea of her brother and Gina being reunited and the idea of them reconciling their past and hopefully getting back to the place Maggie had felt she was most happy because of. Learning not only of Gina's betrayal but the mere fact she put her brother into harm's way made Maggie irritable. Was that it? Maggie had been wondering, recently, if that was the real reason she's felt so disconnected to everything that used to be a quote-un-quote-regular period in her day. Maggie had been mad before when she learned that Bart had slept with Jessica but even that didn't have her feeling what she's feeling now.


The more Maggie thought about it, the clearer it became. She wasn't mad at Gina specifically to what she did to Bart. She was mad at her for what she did to her. Gina had always felt like an older sister to Maggie, someone that she'd always wanted in her life, and now she was gone. To where, God only knows.

Maggie drew a cigarette from a pack and lighted it, inhaling deeply, the toxic fumes bearing deep inside her and then exhaling them causing silver and gray silhouettes in the night's cold air.

As the temporary euphoric calm came over her, by the nicotine's influence, Maggie's eyes snapped open.

Her heart started beating rapidly as she fumbled with the throttle on her bike and then sped off into the darkness.

Homer was sitting on the couch watching a rerun of "The X-Files" when a brick came hurtling through the window.

Homer, absent-mindedly, said, "Marge, get the door. I think it's your sisters."

Marge came into the living room from the kitchen just as an engine started from outside and the vehicle peeled off.

Marge walked to the window and noticed the hole followed by the glass shards on her carpet with the brick lying near her feet. Picking up the brick she noticed that a note was tied to it.

"Homer, didn't you hear the window getting smashed? Homer?"

Homer starred dazily at the screen, "Stupid Cigarette Man, don't you know Mulder's going to catch you?"

Marge walked up and put the brick underneath her husband's nose; "Homer! This is serious. People are throwing bricks through our window!"

Homer pushed the brick away, "Oh, please, Marge. Don't worry. Our insurance covers bricks."

Marge put her hands against her hips, "That's not what I'm worried about."

Homer didn't hear her as he started mumbling, "Oooooh…Dana Scully…."

Marge sighed deeply and went into the kitchen. Sitting down at the table she untied the brick and read the paper, which was applied to it.

After reading it, she knelt her head down and shook her head, vigorously.

This town…

Bart appeared fully dressed for his lunch with Alex, which made Alex feel embarrassed. She had, unfortunately, thought the two of them would be dressed casual and had come in a white tank top with the "Red Hot Chili Peppers" band's logo on the front and blue faded jeans. It almost looked as though Bart was someone who would be either questioning her or giving her advice, not a lunch date with his girlfriend.

Her anxieties were put to rest when he leaned over and kissed her.

She returned to affection by placing her hand around his neck. They held that moment for a couple of seconds before releasing and returning to their food.

After finishing their subs, Bart and Alex briefly discussed what movies they both had wanted to see, when a person walked by the table and made a mock coughing gesture.

Bart, who had been irritated by hearing what has been happening with people tormenting his family, gave the stranger a sharp, "What?"

The man, who was taken back by the tone, took a letter out of his pocket and gave it to Alex.

"I'm told to give this to you and instruct you to give it to a Miss Lisa Simpson."

Alex cautiously accepted the letter and was about to inquire about its origins when the man slipped out of the restaurant.

Looking back at the letter, she opened it and took out the paper. Reading it, Alex laughed.

"What is it?" Bart asked.

Alex smiled, "Well, it's definitely for your sister, but it's not malicious, so I think you can relax."

Bart looked inquiringly at Alex, "Whose it from? And why'd they have you give it to her?"

Alex decided she'd tell Bart later and told him likewise, the rest of the lunch went back to the movie plan.

Abe Simpson, who by most of accounts had aged like an half-eaten apple left out in the sun for over a decade, was sitting at his desk writing a new complaint about a program he had watched.

"Dear Mr. Matt Groening, I'm appalled by your show "Futurama". Depicting old people as senile mad scientists is only HALF-true! Please, correct your mistake. My other complaint is the fact your walking radio talks, drinks beer, and beats up people! Walking radios do not talk! Sincerely Abraham Simpson."

Abe found it better when narrating what he'd been typing, just so the whole damn world would hear of it. Wiping the sweat off his brow, Abe took the letter and put it into an envelope and headed to the nurses' station to be delivered.

On his way he ran into his good friend Jasper Barnsworth.

"Hey Jasper, what's the good news?" Abe asked cheerfully.

"Nothin' good happenin' today, Abe. Hear your grandson, the lawyer kid, is causin a whole lot of trouble on the hill."

Abe smiled, devilishly, "That's a good thing, maybe this time those old goose-whackers will finally let us have our "Matlock Express Way.""

Meanwhile, over at Moe's Tavern, Moe, who had the ping-pong table converted into a billboard with both Bart's and Jessica's pictures on it, with odds below them, was taking bets all around.

"Alright, you bums, that's fifty-fifty on Bart and same for the preacher chick, what do ya mugs bid?"

A hobo opened his palm to reveal a solid gold tooth.


Moe snatched it and sighed, disgustingly, "Ok, listen up, that's it for the tooth bet, the tooth bet is closed! Now, what do I hear for bus tokens?"

A certain number of people held up their tokens, while this happened, Barney and Nelson conversed with eachother, quietly.

"You want me to do what?" Barney asked.

Nelson shushed him to a lower level.

"You heard me. I can't get out of here and if that family sees me I can say hello to prison, and I don't want to do that." Nelson said firmly.

Barney belched and then reached down and pulled out his small, two-barreled, gun from his sock.

"Don't worry about anything kid, things will go smoothly."

Back at the Simpson's house, Alex and Bart walked in holding hands and talking quietly when Marge ran up to


"Bart, I've been trying to call your sister, but she's not at your Aunt's nor is she at her job, do you know where she's at?"

Bart shook his head, "No I don't. Maggie and I haven't spoken since that morning. Is everything ok?"

Marge sighed, "Well, I was just getting used to the fact that we all were having dinner together like we used to, but I know she'll call and tell us where she's at, I'm sure of it."

Before dinner started, Alex went to Lisa's room and delivered her the letter.

"Lisa, you-know-who's been writing to you again. It seems he knows that I know you, he gave this to me when I was having lunch with Bart."

Lisa looked up at Alex in alarm, "You didn't tell Bart, did you?"

Alex shook her head.

Lisa heaved a sigh, "He'd act very badly to this."

Alex sat down in a chair next to Lisa, "Lise, I still think you two, maybe should try to meet. I mean, this guy is very sweet, and also a little perverted, but still sweet. Aren't you the least bit curious?"

Lisa sighed, "A little…"

"Well?" Alex said.

Lisa sighed again, "Ok, I'll do it. But only if it'll shut you up."

Alex laughed, "Never."

Eating with the Simpson's, Alex, again, felt like she was at home.

After dinner the family, again, had some wine and talked amongst themselves in the living room.

"So, Bart, are you ready for your case against Jessica, tomorrow?" Marge asked.

"You better not queer this one, boy. I'm ridding pretty hard on this one." Homer said brandishing his fist, threateningly, at Bart.

"Homer, what's that supposed to mean?" Marge asked, suspiciously.

Homer nervously chuckled, "Uh, nothing, sweet-pea, just uh whishin' the boy good luck."

Bart rolled his eyes; "Thanks, Homer. This one is going to be tough. Jessica hired the same lawyer who represented Mr. Burns, a lot of the time."

"Oh, my. Bart, do think you'll win this case?" Lisa asked, concernedly.

"Well, yeah, of course, after all, all of know Jessica did kidnap not only me, but Alex as well. I've got Moe and Barney to help contest to the fact that they'd found both me and Alex tied up."

Alex sighed, "Jessica's going to put a spin on the whole thing, I'm sure of it."

Bart placed a hand on Alex's, "Hey, don't worry about this, ok? I'm ready for anything she'll throw at me."

The next day, at the Springfield Municipal Court, Bart was waiting outside of the courtroom when Jessica and her lawyer arrived.

Jessica, who was dressed really seductively, gave Bart a small wink and mouthed "I own you."

As she proceeded in, Mr. Gweeble stopped and shook hands with Bart.

"Hello, Simpson, nice day isn't it?"

"It is." Bart replied.

"Well then, after you." Mr. Gweeble held open the door and Bart stepped through.

Walking through the rows of chairs that were reserved for press or for people related to either party, Bart found his table and sat down. Opening his brief case he took out his yellow legal note pad and began writing some quick notes down on it.

"All rise for the honorable Judge Douglas Snyder." A bailiff said aloud.

Everyone stood as the judge walked from he open doors of his chambers.

"You may be seated." Said the Judge.

As everyone settled, Bart couldn't help but to think he was being watched from somewhere. He then looked to the right of him and out the window, where hundreds of Springfield onlookers were watching the trial through hearing-guns and telescopes.

"So, why are we all here today?" Asked the judge. Bart immediately snapped his attention back to what was at hand.

The bailiff came back to the judge and handed him the paper, "Docket number #6980, Bart Simpson Vs. Jessica Lovejoy charge by the plaintiff is kidnapping in the first degree, co-plaintiff, Lovejoy, is counter suing for sexual harassment."

The judge looked over the file and then nodded.

"Alright then. Miss Lovejoy do you have counsel to represent here today?"

Mr. Gweeble stood up, "Yes she does, your honor. By the way how's your wife, Susan?"

The Judge smiled, "She's fine, her sickness is getting better, thank you for the flowers Mr. Gweeble, she appreciated them."

Mr. Gweeble gave Bart a devious smile, "No trouble at all, your Honor."

"Mr. Simpson, do you have counsel?" The Judge asked, his attention on Bart, now.

Bart stood up, "Yes, your Honor. I'll be representing myself in this case."

Mr. Gweeble stood up, "Objection, your Honor."

Bart turned to Mr. Gweeble, "What!"

The Judge looked as though he was expecting this, "What is it, Mr. Gweeble?"

"Mr. Simpson cannot represent himself in this case due to the fact that he'll act hostile with my client and badger her to death."

Bart looked horrified, he now knew what Jessica's plan was today, hopefully he could beat it. "Your Honor, I would never compromise my practice by acting so irrationally towards a witness or plaintiff."

The Judge thought it over and then said aloud, "Plaintiff's objection is denied. You just watch your step Mr. Simpson."

Bart nodded, "Thank you, your Honor."

The more Bart thought about it though, it made him sick. Jessica and Gweeble would have all kinds of things waiting for him and tomorrow they'd be doing jury selection. Would he be able to survive their torment of him and his character?