Hello again folks, it is I, the illogical author of this illogical writing of mine.

As you can see, Eye Am Not Ded.

So those of you, who were saying.

"FaMoUs LaSt WoRdS."


Anyway, but still seems like you guys missed me, so i wrote a special chapter for you.

You know it.

It's a chapter of your carnal fantasies, with deep throating, spit gurgling, anal fissuring, sweaty, steamy, brutal laying down of desires in it's wildest form.

it's a 5000 words smut chapter between.....

Your boy Daeho and his bestie Gobong!!!

(The main story is first, the smut later)

Enjoy this manifestation of your sins!












In the Cha household, Eun-ae's bedroom.

Eun-ae could be seen lying on the bed, covered by the white sheets, which failed disastrously in hiding the enticing curves of her mature body.

Her eyelids slightly fluttered, as she opened her beautiful violet eyes and looked around a bit in a daze while slowly getting up and rubbing her eyes.

"Hmmm! That was some good sleep."

Eun-ae stretched her arms up causing the sheets to fall and reveal her graceful figure as she said with satisfaction.

Her entire mind felt refreshed and she felt a lot younger now like all her bodies tension had disappeared.

Her gaze then fell on the bed where she and Gunwoo wrestled, with the battle ending with her total submission and couldn't help but gasp.

Wrinkled sheets with slight tears here and there due to her clawing and dried up stains of Gunwoo's and her's juices painting the white sheets.

Well at least that was what she expected.

The snow white sheets didn't have a single stain or tear and the only wrinkled place was where she slept.

They looked to be new!

She couldn't help but think that maybe last night was a dream but her slight sore nethers said otherwise.

'Did Gunwoo do it while i was sleeping? But how?'

She wondered how deep she was sleeping to not even notice the sheets being changed.

But soon her lips transformed to a beautiful smile as these small things done by Gunwoo really made her happy, and the fact that he did it while not disturbing her.

She just shook her head and decided to freshen up first then doing the chores and making lunch as her husband might be back anytime soon.

Thinking of her husband, Eun-ae didn't feel much guilty for cheating on him as their marriage was arranged and she didn't have any feelings of "love"for him.

Just a duty of housewife.

She got up from the bed naked and was about to leave for the bathroom when her eyes fell on a note by the bedside.

'I have prepared breakfast for you, reheat it when you wake up and don't push yourself too much.- Gunwoo'

Reading the note, Eun-ae's heart was filled with warmth and she could feel the concern from this little note of his, this made her reassured that she wasn't just a one-night stand for him, but he actually cared for her.

Her face blossomed as she could imagine Gunwoo writing this while gently smiling at her.

Eun-ae's life could be compiled in a simple word, "Plain".

All her life, Eun-ae had lived for others, trying to please them, whether it was her parents expectations, or her duty as a housewife.

She had fulfilled them all perfectly with little to no time for herself, she had never enjoyed her school life or college life.

Or basically her life.

Her monotonous life, with the same cycle repeating every day like a pre-programmed robot.

But it was different when ever Gunwoo was near her.

His presence alone made her feel special, made her feel understood.

Made her feel like a women.

It was like she was experiencing a highschool romance with Gunwoo, something entirely new to her.

Helping her breakthrough this repeating cycle of her life.

And all this because of Gunwoo.

"Hehe, is this what they call love?"

She giggled as she neatly folded the note, giving it a slight kiss and carefully putting it in her drawer, making her way to the bathroom.


Her mood was on the peak right now as she sang while bathing thinking of Gunwoo.

She didn't care he was her daughter's boyfriend as she had experienced his brutality in bed and knew she couldn't handle the beast alone.

'I wish my husband was away more so i could spend more time with Gunwoo..'

After finishing getting ready, she went to the fridge to look for the breakfast Gunwoo made for her.

Taking it out, she could still smell the delicious aroma it was emitting even though it was cold.

"Wow, he must be very good at cooking."

She heated it in microwave before finally sitting down to it.


Just after taking the first bite, she couldn't help but moan in satisfaction as she experienced the divine taste of his food.

She could confidentially say that it was the second best food she had ever ate.

Why not first?

Of course, since the first spot was held by the sweet addictive taste of Gunwoo's meat rod and his cum!

There was absolutely no chance of dethroning it from that spot.

"Aah, i wish i could've eaten it fresh."

She sighed regretfully as she was sure it would be even more tasty fresh.

She continued eating with relish and didn't notice that Mia had also come down from her room.

Mia when she looked at her mom was a bit stunned as she looked more radiant and cheerful than before.

'Did something good happen to her?'

'Wait a minute...'

She then remembered that Gunwoo had said that he had already planned how to get her mom.

Even though she had expected this but she still felt that he was really fast!

'As expected of my man!'

She was astonished for a moment but then felt proud that her boyfriend was really charming.

She walked up to her mom who had finished eating her breakfast with a smile.

"Good morning, mom!"

"Ah, Mia, Good morning."

Eun-ae greeted her back as she put the dishes in the sink and sat down back on the table, opposite to her daughter.


There was silence on the table as both the mother and daughter didn't know how to start their conversation.

For Eun-ae, it was weird as her daughter was her lover's girlfriend and for Mia her mother was her boyfriend's women.

It was awkward for both of them.

Both of them just sat on the table silently not knowing what to say.

They had already thought about this happening but still the atmosphere was very awkward.



They said at the same time making it even more awkward for them.

Mia not being able to handle the atmosphere decided to come out clean and show her majesty as the first girlfriend.

"Ahem! Well, mom, did something happen between you and Gunwoo?"

"Huh?! W-well, you could say that... "

Eun-ae stuttered with a red face as she remembered her rolling on the bed with Gunwoo and suddenly being asked so bluntly, she felt a bit weird admitting that she did something with her daughter's boyfriend.

Mia had expected the answer but she still felt a bit stunned thinking how fast that guy works.

The both of them stared at each other for a few seconds uneasily before finally coming to a consensus.

"It's all Gunwoo's fault."

"Indeed, it is."

They then decided to put the old trick in the book, blame the boyfriend.

"Pfft! Hahaha."


Both Mia and Eun-ae chuckled as they realised how silly they were acting recently as they looked at each other.

"So, how did it happen between you and Gunwoo?"

Mia after laughing for some time finally couldn't hold in her curiosity and asked the question as she wondered how he seduced her mother.

"Well, it happened like this.. "

Eun-ae went on to explain in great detail how Gunwoo under the guise of massage brought her pleasure not belonging to this world and couldn't help but get excited as she remembered it again.

Mia listening to her mother was also very interested in the story and listened with great interest and had decided to get him to erotically massage her too.


Just thinking about him touching her body was enough for her to get excited but she restrained herself as she had many chances in the future.

Both Eun-ae and Mia then continued talking for a long time, something which they couldn't do in normal times and felt much closer than before.

But most of their topics revolved around Gunwoo.

They both after listening to each other's stories knew that he wouldn't be stopping with having just the both of them.

Eun-ae was even more shocked finding out that her man was extremely rich but thinking about it again didn't find it weird.

Whether it was his temperament or looks gave the impression that he was not simple and had depths like the abyss.

So him being rich was normal.

They both continued to talk for a long time not as mother and daughter, but more like sisters sharing the same man.



Gunwoo suddenly sneezed as he was sitting in the cafe which was weird as it was impossible for him to get sick.

'Hmm, Which fair maiden is thinking about me?'


Smut from here:-




















Did you really believe i would torture myself by imagining and writing such grotesque things?

What's wrong with you?

And for those, who actually scrolled up to here and didn't skip...

What is wrong with you?