29. It's Hard.

It was early in the morning and the sun had not yet risen.

Gunwoo woke up as usual due to his biological alarm clock.

He wanted to get up but saw that Mikyung was clutching on to him tightly as she slept buried in his chest.

He sighed as he knew he wouldn't be able to get up anytime soon.

His dick was still inside her as she had requested but soon a new discovery made him speechless.

He was still hard!

Gunwoo was really speechless at his mighty little brother.

He had thought that it would calm down after he slept but it seemed he underestimated himself.

It was not a morning wood, he was sure about that as Mikyung was still sleeping peacefully and if he had a boner in the morning she would have at least made slight reactions, which she didn't.

He just shook his head helplessly not wanting to think about his ever hard cock right now.

'Should i go to a gym?'

He had had this idea for a long time as he wouldn't be able to test his limits if he had any with just running around the neighborhood.

Going to the gym could help him make a better estimate of his physique and he didn't have much to do in the morning anyway.

He could spend his time with the girls but then they would be too tired for the rest of the day, so that was not something he would do.

He decided that he would ask Mia about any good gyms nearby.

Speaking of Mia, he had already informed her about his stay with Mikyung and even though she was surprised that she got another so fast, she was cool with it as long as he took her on a date again.

He would spend time with her later today.

From last night, he had also made an interesting observation that his sex skills were increasing at a tremendous rate.

Gunwoo was satisfied with this as he could make women feel even more pleasure under his hands as this was more important for him.

He was sure that after a couple rounds of sex more he could make women cum with just his touch.

He then threw away all his distracting thoughts and focused on cuddling Mikyung's soft body as he gave her a quick peck on her cherry lips.

Mikyung, as if sensing his kiss smiled sweetly and hugged hin even more tightly.

Gunwoo chuckled lightly at the older women's cuteness and went to sleep.







The sun had already risen as the sunrays seeped through the crack of curtains.

Mikyung eyelids fluttered as she slowly woke up and felt two strong arms hugging her.

She felt at peace with him this close to her and was relieved that he didn't leave after she slept.

She looked up from his chest to his well sculpted face, she could never get tired of seeing his handsome face.

"He could really take the title of world's most handsome man.."

She slowly whispered to herself as she caressed his face.

She was sure that no one could match him in terms of appearance and not to mention his great body, which was a treat to look at.

He was perfect in all aspects!

"Well, if only he didn't have his multiple womens..."

She pouted as she pinched his cheeks with her delicate hands.

Gunwoo's eyelids twitched as he heard her rumbling as he had been awake for a while and had wanted to see what she would do.

"Ahem! Mikyung, how could you say that about my love for you all?"

Gunwoo said with a fake sad expression as he pretended he was hurt by her words.

Mikyung wasn't much surprised that he woke up but still kept pinching his cheeks as she was having fun doing that.

She knew he was acting but still felt a bit sorry for him and lessened the blame in her tone for him.


She just snorted and looked away from him with a red face.

Gunwoo smiled at her and knew she wasn't much dissatisfied and was just acting coy.

"By the way, how long are you going to pull my cheeks?"

Gunwoo didn't felt anything from her pinching but it was still a bit annoying.

"Fufu, you tossed me around so much but i can't even pinch your cheeks?"

Mikyung playfully with a teasing smile on her face as she continued pulling on his cheeks.

Gunwoo didn't expect her to have a playful side to her but didn't mind as it was very cute in his opinion.

"Then you wouldn't mind if i also pinch you right?"

Gunwoo smirked as he brought his hands to her behind and squeezed her soft ass.


Mikyung didn't expect him to suddenly start fondling her ass and feeling his huge cock still insided her once again turned her on.

"Hahh...haahh.. Gunwoo, i want to.."

Mikyung presses her chest onto his hard chest and said seductively with lustfull eyes.

"Alright, my lady."

Gunwoo smirked as he grabbed her thigh and wrapped it around his waist and started thrusting inside her as they were still in a cuddling position.

"Aahn~haah~! Yes~!"

Mikyung moaned in delight as she again felt his dick pressing all the sweet spots of her vagina and hitting her cervix.

She had never thought that someone could make her feel such pleasure and love at the same time.

"Hmph, you are so tight!"

Gunwoo growled as she felt a lot tighter due to the position and the way that her pussy clenched on to his dick as he kept stroking her insides vigorously.

"Aahnh~ Gunwoo! I'm cumming!"

"I'm cumming too!"

It wasn't long before Mikyung reached climax from the pleasure her pussy was experiencing as her legs spasmed and her vaginal walls tightened.

Gunwoo also let out all his cum deep inside her as he felt her insides tightening.

Mikyung took deep breaths as she rested her head on his chest.

Gunwoo wasn't tired but decided to end it early as she still had her household work to do.

He gently pinched her chin and raised her up to gaze at her beautiful face.

Mikyung guessed what he was about to do and closed her eyes.

Gunwoo didn't disappoint her and sealed her lips with his own.

It wasn't a sensuous kiss but one filled with tenderness and love they had for ecah other.

"Gunwoo, let's go take a bath."

Mikyung said with a loving smile looking at Gunwoo.

She wasn't worried about them waking up as it wasn't time yet.

Her eldest daughter might have gone for her shift though as she had said she had some important work and would come home late as she had a get together with her colleagues.


Gunwoo agreed as who would reject such an offer.

Probably the virgin readers.