31. Mind of a retard

There was silence in the whole dining area.

No one had expected Junwoo to suddenly shout the moment he saw Gunwoo.

Gunwoo was equally dumbfounded and baffled at being cursed like this out of nowhere by this person whome he had met just once, he didn't remember doing anything to him though.

But his eyes lit up in understanding as he noticed the way he looked at Mikyung.

He was just a retard who had tender feelings for Mikyung!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel amused and look forward to what he was going to do.

Mikyung too was greatly taken aback seeing Junwoo looking at Gunwoo with such hostility.

She was surprised for a moment but then her eyes chilled as she glared at Junwoo icily with a frown on her pretty face.

Junwoo had always been like a son to her, and she had always thought of him as someone awkward and shy with people but still a nice guy.

She didn't expect him to suddenly shout on her man like this!

This angered her and she was very displeased with his actions and no longere looked at him with a gentle gaze anymore.

"Junwoo! Why are you shouting at our guests like that!?"

"Apologize to him right now!"

Mikyung folded her arms as she glared at Junwoo and scolded in a cold tone.

"I'm sorry, Gunwoo, he is usually not like that."

Her tone turned gentle and loving again as she turned towards Gunwoo and apologized sincerely.

She was worried that Gunwoo would be angry and it would ruin their first breakfast together.

She really wanted to curse Junwoo who has been acting very weirdly this past few days.

'Should i ask him to move out?'

This thought came to her mind but she immediately dispelled it as that would be too cruel.

She was still a very kind person.

"It's fine, Mikyung, I'm not angry or anything."

Gunwoo had noticed her worries and he was really not angry and just intrigued.

Such small people were not worthy of his anger.

"Thank god."

Mikyung heaved a sigh of relief seeing he was not angry and the breakfast was not ruined.

She glared at Junwoo who stood rooted on the spot with a shocked expression on his face.

"Ah! I-I'm sorry! I don't know why i said that!"

Junwoo Was really regretting what he said earlier, it was all because he had been thinking about his bad days that his emotions were out of control.

He really wanted to just turn back time and kick himself in the nuts when he noticed how Mikyung looked at him icily and no longer as gently as she always used to.

All he could do was bow down his head and apologize sincerely hoping the guy wouldn't take offense and would come to beat him up.

He was really intimidated by him!

Just look at those arms, he would die after getting a punch!

"It's fine, I'm sure you are just having a bad day."

Gunwoo just casually waved it off and said with a smile not really wanting to pay attention to him.

He was looking forward to Mikyung's breakfast more.

"Whew! Thanks!"

Junwoo was relieved that he wouldn't be getting beaten up and felt he was not that bad that he made him out to be.

But he still felt a bit hurt, when Mikyung was looking at him with displeasure.

'Hmm? Wait a minute!'

Now that he had gotten himself together, he noticed somethings he didn't before.

Like how affectionately she called Gunwoo, clearly not how you would address an acquaintance and how he addressed her by her name.

Without any honorifics!

He suddenly felt a bit dizzy thinking about this and his throat tightened and his heart raced.

'They couldn't, right?'

'They are just normal friends.'

'Y-yes, nothing is going on.'

He kept deluding himself not wanting to believe anything.

"Good morning mom!"

At that moment, a cheerful voice rang out of the hallway and two people arrived at the table.

One was a decent looking guy with neat slicked back hair, he immediately put his hands over Junwoo's shoulders as he arrived.

"Hey buddy! What's up with that sulky face?"

The guy asked with a teasing smile as he nudged him.

"Ahaha, nothing really."

Junwoo just nervously laughed trying to avoid eye contact, not wanting to disclose his humiliating behavior.

Gunwoo didn't bother paying attention to them and looked at the girl who had arrived with him.

She was a very pretty and cute girl with shoulder length blonde hair and green eyes.

The girl had a cheerful smile on her face as she was the one who just greeted Mikyung.

She was wearing a white t-shirt and pink sports shorts which showed her slender thighs.

She was not as voluptuous as her mother but still had a very nice figure.

'They must be her kids..'

Gunwoo thought as he turned to look at Mikyung who now had gotten over her bad mood seeing her kids and had a sweet smile.

Mikyung really loved her kids and had always worked hard for them.

Gunwoo really admired for this.

"Kids, you are finally here!"

"Let me introduce you to someone."

Mikyung smiled when she saw her kids and then turned towards Gunwoo who was on the table.

"Hello everyone, I'm Dan Gunwoo."

Gunwoo gave them a friendly smile as he got up from the table as it was rude to greet someone while sitting.

"He is the owner of a new cafe that opened in front of the salon."

"I encountered him in the morning so i invited him for breakfast."

Mikyung clapped her hands together as she happily introduced him.

She wanted to introduce him as her man but held herself as her kids would surely be surprised and it might ruin their mood in the morning.

She didn't want to take any chances and would reveal their relationship when the time waa right.

Gunwoo knew this and was alright with their secret relationship.

"A-Ah, hello, I'm Jang Youngbin."

"I didn't expect someone near ny age would run a Cafe."

Youngbin said a bit awkwardly as he looked at Gunwoo.

He had always thought of himself as someone with good looks but now looking at Gunwoo..

He felt he was uglier than a pig!

This was a major blow to his pride and he felt inferior but still conrrolled himslef and greeted him normally.

Gunwoo was their guest after all.

The girl with blonde hair, who was the youngest daughter, stood there with a entranced expression on her face as she looked at Gunwoo.

There was only one thought in her head.