33. Gunwoo's first time

In the afternoon.

Inside the peace cafe Gunwoo sat behind the counter reading a magazine.

He had a book section in the cafe from where people could read any book available there if they want, free of cost.

Mostly it was for himself, since it was quite boring to just sit and do nothing and he had always liked reading books.

The cafe was also doing pretty good it was neither too crowded or too empty considering it has only been one day since the opening.

Most of the customers were still females who came to look at the handsome man who runs the shop.

But no one had ever complained about his coffee or the food provided as his cooking has always been very good and was still improving.

The ladies could not be anymore happy as they get to eat good food served by a handsome hunk, but most importantly it was very cheap.

Gunwoo was not complaining about his customers being only female as he would much rather have it that way.

Who would want to look at some men, when you could look at a beautiful girl.

And with his face, the girls would also feel appreciated being looked at by him.


As Gunwoo was thinking about random nonsense in his mind his phone rang.

"Hmm? Mia?"

He picked up the phone with a smile on his face.


"Hey Gunwoo!"

A cheerful and sweet voice came from his phone which was undoubtedly Mia's.

"What are you doing?"- Mia

"Nothing, just sitting in my shop."

"Then you have time to talk right?"

Mia said happily as she didn't want to get in the way of his work since she just called hin cause she missed him.

"Don't worry, you are more important than my work."

Gunwoo smiled as he could feel her concerns and his girls were more important than his work which was more of a pastime.

"Hehe, really?"

Mia was delighted when she heard Gunwoo and hugged the pillow which was in her hands and she let out out a soft chuckle.

Gunwoo and Mia talked and flirted from time to time as they were on the phone for a long time.

They both didn't had much to do.

"Ahh! I suddenly remembered i wanted to ask you something?"

Mia slapped her forehead in realization when she suddenly remembered the thing she wanted to ask him about.

She was having so much fun just talking to him that she completely forgot.

"Hmm? What is it?"

Gunwoo was also curious about what she wanted to ask him about.

"Well, my friend asked me to go to the club with her."

"But i don't feel comfortable going there with just her, cause of all the guys there."

"That's why i wanted you to come with me."

"So.. Can you?"

Mia was really nervous when she asked him that as she didn't want him to think she was one of those girls who liked to go to clubs.

Yes, she liked shopping and other things but club was something she only went whenever she was stressed and wanted to dance to let some steam out.

She would've still gone if she hadn't met Gunwoo, but now that she was his girlfriend she didn't feel comfortable with all the guys who would want to hit on her.

That's why she didn't want to go if he was not with her.

She had also told her friend that she would only come if her boyfriend came with her.

Her friend was at first surprised when Mia suddenly got a boyfriend out of nowhere but then got curious about the guy and wanted to meet him who could get Mia.

"Hmm, a club, huh?"

Gunwoo had an interested expression on his face as in his previous life he had not gone to club since he was too busy making money or gaining knowledge.

He had not done many things which many youngsters do and since he had gotten a second chance, he must experience it right?

Mia waited patiently for Gunwoo's answer and didn't mind even if he rejected.

Since that way she could spend some more precious time with Gunwoo alone, without a third bulb called her friend.

"Alright, I'll come."

Gunwoo agreed after thinking for a few seconds.

"Great! Pick me up at night!"

Mia was happy as this could also be considered a date with Gunwoo.

They talked for some time and then hung up.

Mia decided she had to dress up nicely as she totally considered this a date with him.

And after coming back, they could once again drown in their carnal desires.

"Hehehe. I can't wait!"

Mia was getting excited just thinking about it and then went to search for a good dress.

Gunwoo on the other hand didn't worry much about what to dress, as no matter whether it was rags or a suit, he would still be the most handsome man alive.

He just waited for the night to come and went back to serving the ladies as he saw some more coming.





It was night and Gunwoo was already in his house getting ready for the night.

Since it was a club, he had decided to dress casually.

He was wearing a white shirt with three buttons open showcasing his muscular chest and rolled up sleeves with black pants and black boots.

He didn't care what he wore and was more excited to see Mia.

Mia had already texted him that she was ready and waiting for him in front of her house.

He locked and left his house and went towards the Cha household.

Arriving there he was greeted by the sight Mia in a pink long sleeved crop top and white shorts.

Maikng her look both cute and sexy at the same time.

"Hey Mia, you ready to go?"

Gunwoo greeted Mia who had her back turned to him.


Mia hearing Gunwoo's voice turned around and immediately jumped into his arms excitedly.

Gunwoo wasn't going to reject a hug and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"I have to say Mia, i can already imagine all the guys trying to hit on you."

"You look really pretty today."

Gunwoo praised her sincerely as he smiled looking into her eyes.

Mia was very happy when Gunwoo praised her and her mouth curled up.

"Hehe, i only dressed nicely for you."

"As for the guys..., With you there why should i be worried."

Mia gave him a teasing grin as she tapped his lips with her slender finger.

"Of course, i will surely protect you from any dreaming bastards."

Gunwoo said with a smile as he had serious glint in his eyes.

He was sure that many man would want to hit on Mia, considering her tight dress which emphasized her hot figure.

But just because of that, he wasn't going to force her to change.

She could wear whatever she was comfortable with and it was his duty as her man to protect her from scums.

"Hehe, let's go!"

Mia felt her heart skip a beat when she saw him say that and her face morphed into a beautiful smile as she clung to his arms, pushing her breasts against his hard arms.

She loved to do this.

"By the way, let me remind you, my friend is also a beauty."

"So don't start drooling when you see her."

Mia said in a sour tone as she remembered her friend would also be there and with such a handsome man like Gunwoo, her friend was sure to flirt with him!

She felt annoyed at that thought and pinched Gunwoo's waist.

She also liked to do this.

Gunwoo was helpless against her pinching and let her do it as he once again pulled her into his embrace.

"When I'm with you, how could i look at other girls, no matter how pretty the girl is."

"So you don't have to get jealous that i would ignore you, okay?"

Gunwoo looked at Mia who was in his arms and said with a soft smile on his face as he consoled her.

Even though he has multiple womens, he wasn't going to just look at anyone when he was with his girls.

That would be truly scummy.

He was going to give all his focus on the girl who was with him.

And that was Mia.

Mia's entire face flushed when Gunwoo seemed to know her thoughts but felt satisfied when he said he wouldn't look at someone else when he was with her.

She felt warm in her heart as she melted into his embrace.

She knew she couldn't have him alone but whenever they were together she wanted to be the only one for him.

So hearing him say that brought her great joy and she wanted to just go back with him and make love.

But sadly, she had already promised her friend.

"Gunwoo, i love you."

Mia said in a sweet voice as she looked up to him from his embrace, her eyes filled with love for him.

"I love you too."

Gunwoo smiled as he leaned down and took her lips.

It wasn't a sensual kiss but a one filled with love for each other.