147 Opening Up (2)

Gale covered his ankle before he got more repulsion from his disciple. However, as he was doing that, Xiaolin stopped him, clutching his arm.

She hadn't covered her upper body, yet moved to stop him with her best effort. In the end, Gale let her as he covered the robes for her. Xiaolin had no sense of that, however, her centre of attention was the ankle with bulging black veins.

Exchanging no words, she drew her fingers over the bulging black veins, touching cautiously, unsure what could be the cause of this. She still wrinkled her nose as she scrutinised over the injury.

The metal anklet with runic writing on them did draw her attention, but she had more notion of the black veins.

"Is this painful?" she asked at last.

Gale clicked his tongue. "It had been," he said with a sigh, "now it's mostly numb."